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201207370 <br /> sentences shall not xpply Co Cl�e pre.5ence, i�se, or sCorage on the ProperLy of small qunutiflcs pf Hazardcaus <br /> Substancea that aae g�nerAlly recognized to be eppropriate to normnl residential uaee nnd to mvntenuice of <br /> fl�e Propc;rty(incluclinb, but nnt liinited to, hazardotis subs[ancea in�constimier prodtitcks). <br /> Rorrower sha11 proinptly give I,ender written notice of(a)any iuvestigation, claim, demand, lawauit or oUiar <br /> actio�7 by ai�y g�vcrmncntal. or regulatory agency or privato}�arty involving tl�e Proporty and anq Hazardous <br /> Subst�nne or LinvironmenC�tl Law of whiel�i B�rrower has �ofual Icnowledge, (b) axry LnvironrnenCzl <br /> Condition, including but not limited Co, eny spilling, lenldng, dischazge, relense or threat af relense of any <br /> Hazardotiis Subst�tnee, and(c) viy condition eatiisad by tha preseuce, use or releasa o1'a Hazzrdous Sul�stance <br /> whioh aciversely affects the value of the Prope��ty. ]f 73orrower learns, or is notificd by any governmental or <br /> regulatory authority, or uiy privale pn�rLy, Gu�l any removal or othea�ren�ediatiori of eny Haz�rdo�is Snbstanoe <br /> affectiixg the Pcoperty is necessary, I3orrower shall promptly tal<e all neeessary remedie�l actions i❑ <br /> accord�nco wid�L+nviromi�ontal Law. Nofliing herein shall erente�ny obliga[ion on Lender for nn <br /> P�nvironmental Cleanup. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. �3orrower niid Lender coven�uit 2nd ngree ns follows: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Relnedies. Lender shall give rmtice to Borrower prior ta acceleratimi f'ollowing <br /> 13orrower's breach of any coveuflnt m� agreemenC iu tl�is SecnriEy InstrnmenE (bnt not prior to <br /> acceleralaon ander Section 18 nnless Applicable Lnw providos ofherwiso). The notice sh;ill specify: (x) <br /> Cho dofatilC; (b}thc nction rcquired to care tlie tlefairlt; (o) a date, nut le,gs than 30 days from the daCe <br /> the nohoe is given to Boi•rower, by whlcl� the defanle ir�ust be cnred; ancL(d) thnt failnre to em�e Clie <br /> clefanit on ar before the dflte specif9ed in tlie notice may restdt in accolorntion of the snms sccared by <br /> this 9ccurity InsYrtmicnt and eale of'thc Property. Tlie notice shall further inforn� 13m�irower nf the <br /> �tiglit to reinstxte ;�fter necele�ation and tl�e riglrC Co bring a conrt action to assert the non-uxietenco of a <br /> defaidC or �ny otlier defenae of Borrowor to asceloraYim� and salc. If tho defa�dt ie not em�ad ou or <br /> before tlic date epecificd in the noticc, Lendcr nt its opkian maiy require imntedinte p��yment in full of <br /> all smns secured by this 0ecm•ity Lixtrm�teut wit6uut furH�er deinand and may involce fhe pnwer of snle <br /> and �ury other ren�edies permiCCod hy Applicable Law. Lender sLall bo eutitled to collect all e�enses <br /> inc�u�red iu pnrsning tlie remedies pirovided in tl�is Section 22, inclnding, baC not limitod Co, rcasminble <br /> aYtorueys' feee nnd eosCs of tltle cvidence. <br /> If the power uf sale is,involced, 'Prustee shall rea�r�3 a notice of defaidC in eacL com�fy in�vhicL anq <br /> pnrL of llie Yroperly is located and sliall mail coa�ics of snch uolicc in tlic man��cr pa�cecribcd b�� <br /> Applicabiq Lnw to Borrowcr nnd to the other per5onS pre5ori6ed by Ap�licable L.���. After khe time <br /> required by .4pplie;ible Law, 'PrusCee 5liall give pnblic no[�ice otenle to tl�e persm�s mtd ui the inflmter <br /> �rescriUed by Applicahle Lnw. Trnetee, without demand on Borrower;shall scll tl�e ProporCy aC pnblic <br /> anction Yo the hi�hcet biddor nY t6o timo and placc and mider Cl�ie Eerms designxted in Y�lie notice uf s�de <br /> in ona or more ps�rccls tmd in :ury urcler Tra5tee determines. `I'rnstee may post�pne sale of all o�'eny <br /> parcel of the Properly by public annom�cemenC aC the iime aud place of any previously scltednled S:de. <br /> Londer r�r iCa designee may parcLase fhe Property af a�ry snle. <br /> IIpmi receipt of payrnenC of tiie price Uid, TrnsCee shall deliver to tLe pnrchaser Trustee's deed <br /> couvcying thc Property. TLe recitnls in tl�c TrusCec's decd shnll bc primn fncic cvidencc of thc trnth of <br /> the st8temetttS m:�de thereiii. Tr� sltall apply the proceeds of tLe 9ale in the tbllowitig urdei: (u) fu <br /> all cosCe nud expeuses oP exercising L7ie power of sale, and tLe snle, incinding the payment of fhe <br /> Trnstee's fees nctnnlly inc�u�red and reasonablc attorncys' fecs fls permitted Uy Applicnble Law; (b) to <br /> all s�une secnred by kliis Secm•ity Instrnn�ent; .ind (c) any excesa to the person or persm�s legally <br /> entitled to 9t <br /> — — --- ------�---zq o o zo�a <br /> NEBRta61<A-SlnAle Famlly-Fsnnle Maa�Fretldle A�ac UNIFOftM IN9IRUMENI" Form 3029 1101 <br /> VM I'B VM PB�NE1(1105 Y <br /> WoHers Kluwe�Finenciel Servlces Pa 44 of 17 <br />