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201207370 <br /> designated a sul�stitute notice address iry n�tice to Lende��. Borcower shall pranptly notify Lender of <br /> I3orrower's clr�tuge of adrhess. If L,ender sp€oifies n proceduro for rcporting 13orrower's change of addrass, <br /> 6hen Borrower slial] �nly rcport a chauge oE address throug�h Y]iet epeoifieci pracednre. <br /> There may Uc on1y one desigiated notice adcL'esa mider tilus Security Instrument aC u1y ane timo. Any nntice <br /> to Lender sl�all be given by delivering it or Uy mailing 3t Up firsl'class mail to Lender's address sCnted hexein <br /> ui�less Lender hes designated nnother adcU-ess by notice Co Borrower. Any notica in¢oimectioi,i with thia <br /> Secw ity Inatrmnent shall not be deemed ro h�ve been given Co Lender until aotually received by Lender. If <br /> ��my notice xequn�ed by Uiis Securit'y Instiumeut is also required nnder A�plicahle Law, tlic App1icable 1_,aw <br /> req�iiremcnt wil1 satisfy tl�e corresyonding rec�uiremenC tmdar this Security Instrnmenti. <br /> 7 6. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of ConstrucYion. TUis Security Ivstrament sliall be governed by <br /> tederal law and the ldw of the juiisdiction in�vhich �3ie Proper�y is locatcd. All righfs �a�d obligations <br /> ec7ntained in tl�is Security i��etrumenC are subject to aaiy requirements and IimitaCiotvs of Appllcablc Law. <br /> Applioable Law mighE explicitly or iri�plicitly allow the partie5 to a�gree by conh'act or it might be siletzt, but <br /> stzch silence shall not be consirued �s a pirohibiCion againsl agrcc:mcnt by cont��act. ln flie event that aaiy <br /> provisiou or olause of this Seeurity Histr�asneut or the Note conflicts with Ap�licablo Law, such couflict sha11 <br /> not affect other provisions of this Seotuity Iusty�amenE or the Note which cfln be given effect wiChoul i1�c <br /> conflicfing provision. � <br /> As nsed in this Sacuritiy Instirwnent: (a)words of the mascaline gender shell mean vxl include oorresponding <br /> ncufer��ords or wordn of tl�o faminine gendei; (b)words in the singular shall me�n and iuclude fhe plural <br /> nnd vice veraa; and(e)�the worci "may" gives sole discreLion withouti u�ry ob1igation to talce any actiou, <br /> 17. 6orrowep's Copy. Borinwer shall be given one wpy of Che Notc and nf fliis Security Instrument. <br /> 7 8. 1'ransfer of the Property or a F.Sc;neficial Interest in Borrower. As uscd in this Scction 18, "I„terest iu <br /> the 1'roperP�y" me�ns any legal or beneflcial iuteiest in tha Pioperty, inclucling, but not limitecl w, thoae <br /> beneficial it�ferests transferrod in a Uond for deed, eontrfzct for deed, instalhnenti sales contract or escrow <br /> �greeinent, Cl�e inCont oC whioh is Lhe Craiiefer of Citle by Borrowcr at a fi.tture date to a pucel�aser. <br /> Lf all or any pmrt of thc Yroperty or any Tnterest in the Yroperty is eold or transferreci(or if Borrower is not a <br /> naCucal parson and a bsnefiaial inEere:sC iii Borrower iF sold or tranePerred) with�ut Lcrnler'�prror�nitten <br /> consent, Lender in��y require i�mnediate pa�yment iu fiill of all smns secured Uy tliis Security InsfswnanY. <br /> Howevcr, khiF oplian ehall not lSc cxerciscd liy Lcnder if such pscrciee is prohil�itcd by Appliuible Lttw. <br /> If Lcndcr oxcrcis�.v Y]iis option, Lciidcr�liall givo Borrowu��noficc of acoolcrafion. "1'h�notico shall provi$e a <br /> pei•iod of not lesa than 30 days froin the date the notrce is given in accordnuce wltli Section 15 within whicli <br /> Borro�ver muaC pay all sums secnred Uy this Secw�ity Instrnmant. I9'Borrowar lails tio pay these stuns prior to <br /> tl�c expiration of tl�is period, Londor may invoko¢my remediev permittcci by this Seourity Instrun�cnt witliout <br /> fi�rtlier notice or deinand on I3oxrower. <br /> 19. Borrower's Ric�ht tp I�einstate kfter ,Acceleration, IPBorrowcr mcc,ts cerlain condilinns, Borrowor <br /> shaR have the right to have enforoen�enE of this Seeurity Inshnruent disoontinued at uiy Gme priox to the <br /> earliest of: (e) five days befora sale of the ProperCy pursua�it to uiy powor of sale containad in this 3eouridy <br /> l�sLi�ument; (b) snch other period as Ayplicable Law rnight specify for Yhe terminat�ion of Rorrower's ri�ht to <br /> reinstaSe; or(e) enCry aP ajudgmenC�nPorcing this Secnxity Ins6rnmenf. Those conclifions �re Chaf Ba�rrower: <br /> (a)p�ys Lender all swns which tlien would ba due wider tlris Securidy Inst�ument and tlie NoYe as 1P no <br /> acoeleration l�ad occm��ed; (b) cures any defaLilt of any oHier covcuantv or agrc:ementa; (o)ptrys all expenses <br /> incnrred in enPorcing tlus Seemity Instrnment, inalnding, bnt not liinated ta, re�aonable attorneys' Pees, <br /> properry insl�ectiou a�id valuation feas, and other Pees incurred f'or the purpose of protecYiug Lender's interest <br /> -- -- — zaaazo�a <br /> NEBRASKA-SingleFainlly-GannleMselFretltlloMacUNIRORM INSTRIIMENT PoYm3020�1f01 <br /> VIt4 P 0 Vh1 P6(NF.)(11-0G) <br /> Wollera Kluwer F'Inenclal Servlaea Pnpe 12 of 19 <br />