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201207370 <br /> 12. Qorrower Not F�eleased; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. L+xtenaion oP rhe Pime for pny�ne�iC or <br /> modi&catiou of�mortization of the sums secured by tlus Security Iilstruilient grnnted Uy Lender to Borrower <br /> or any Successor ii1 Interest of F3orro��er shail not opetote to relcase tlie li�bility of Rorrower or any <br /> Succoseors in Tntere;sti oP Borrower. Lu��der sl��all not be reqiured Io cominence proceedings again.cC twy <br /> 5ucoessor in Inisrest of IIorrower or to refiiae to extend time far paymenC or otherwiae modify amordization <br /> o£tk�e sums secured by Ehis Secwity LvsY�mnent by reason of any demaud made by the origival Borrower or <br /> eny Snoeessors in InYeresti of Borrower. [�ry forbear�nce Uy l.,ender in exercising any right or remedy <br /> including, without llmitation, T.ender's ateccptan��of payinents fi�om third porsone, cntities or Snooessors in <br /> hrterest of Banrow�r or in amoimks less hh�n Cl�ie�mouti[then due, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> ex�rcise of any right or remedy. <br /> 13. JoinY and 5everal iiabflity; Co-signers, 5uecessors and Assigns Bound. F3orrowcr covcvanfs aud <br /> ag�eee that Borrower's ob]igations and liabiliCy ehall be jointi�nd several. I3owever, nny Borrower who <br /> w-eigns Lhis Security Ii�ishument but does not execute the Note(a"co-signer"): (a) is co-signing thie <br /> Seourity Insh'ument only tio inortgage, grant aud convey the co-si�,*�ier's interest in the Property midcr tha <br /> terms of Ylus Security Instrmnent; (b) is r�oY persottally ol�ligaCeci!o pay Il�e sun�is securecl l�y this Security <br /> liieErwiient; azid(c) agrcGS Ul�at Lender aud any ofher Borrower onn agree to extend, modify, forUear or make <br /> aay accommociations wi(h regard to the terms o£this Security Instrumeirt or the Nota williotixt tl�e co-signer's <br /> a�nsent. <br /> SLiUjcct to U�e provisiotis of Sectiari 18, auy Successor in Iutierest otBorrower wl�o assLuves ]iorrower's <br /> dalig¢tiona ande� tlils Seourity Listrument in wriEu��;, aiid ie a�proved by l,cndcr, shall obtain all oP <br /> 13orrower's rights c�ncl Uenofits undcr this Securi6y Insl�lunent. Borrower shall not be reletjaed from <br /> I4orrower's ohliga�ions ancl liability under this Security Instrtnnent unless Lendae agrees to such relaase in <br /> writing. The covenants uid agreements of tl�is Security histrm��ent stia11 Uind(exccpf as provided in Section <br /> 20) end benefit the suocessors and aasigns of Lcndcr. <br /> 14. Loan ChaYges. Lender inay cha�ge Borrower fees for sorviccs��orformcci ii�connec�ion wifh Borrower's <br /> default, for the ptiu'poae of protccting Lender's inCerest in the Property and rights nnder thie Security <br /> Hiekrumu��t, including, but noC limited Co, attorneys' fees, �roperty inspaction and valuaY�ion fees. In refiard to <br /> any ofhec fees, the aUsence oF express authority in tl�is Secmity Instrument to charge�spccific fec to <br /> Borrower ahall not l�c coustruod as a pr�hiUition oiz Che cheugixig oP auch 1'ee. Lender inay not eharge fcc.s <br /> 11�ah are expressly prohibited Uy tl3is Security Iustrtunent or Uy ApplicaUle I,aw, <br /> If Ll�ie Lonn is s�ibject to a law wl�ich sets maximtun laan charges, and thlt 1aw is ftnally irrtcrpreled so that <br /> the intieresti or other lnan charge,s collc:cteci or Lo l�e colleuleci in conneoCioi�z wiCh Elie Loan exceed tlie <br /> permittcd liwits, the�i: (a) eny suoh loan eharge shall be redLioed by Yhe a�nount neceesaiy to reduce tlie <br /> charge to the pexmitted limit; and(b) airy siuns�already collecfied frotn T3orrowe��wl�ich excccded permittui <br /> limits will be refuuded to I�orrower. 7,e�ider u�ny chooec to mako lhis rcfimci 6y reclncing the principnl owed <br /> under the Note or Uy�naldng a direct payment Co Borrower. If n refimd a�eduoes principal, the raducCion will <br /> be trc�tcci as a parHnl prepayment witliout fuiy prepayment chaige(whe�lier or noti a prepa�yment charge is <br /> provicled foi�nnder the Nota). Rorrowcr's aoceptance of aixy such reP�uid made by direct payn�cnt to <br /> ➢orrower will constihite�a waive�'of any rigl�t of acdon Borrower migh£have arising ouf of snch overchntge. <br /> � 7 5. NotiCes. All notiiees given by Rorrower or Lcndcr iu coivxecuion with H�is Securi�y InstrutilenC must�e in <br /> writing. Any nofice to Borrower in aonnection with this Security Itish ament ehall be deemed to h�ve been <br /> ,givcu fo 13oi�irower when mtuled by fu�st olass inail or when achta.11y delivered to ]3orrower's nntice;address if <br /> sent by oGher meFws. Notice to any onc Borrowcr shall constilute notic€�to all I3on�owers anlass Applicnble <br /> Law expressly raquirea otherw'vse. The nolice address shall be lhe Property Addresa unleas Borrowe.��htia <br /> — —�—�------- � --- -- znoozo�a <br /> NE@ftA31CASingle Famlly�Fannie M aefFiedUlg Mac UNIFOkM INSTRUM ENT Forro 30E0 7701 <br /> VM P�n VMPB(NEI(1'1051 <br /> Wollers Kluwer Rnanolal Servlaea PaOA f1 nf 17 <br />