<br /> satisf2.ction, provi�led tliat suc11 ins}�ection bhall bo timdcn-talccn promptly. Le�ide�-may pay for the re;pairs
<br /> atid restor�tion in a single dis6ursetnent or in n series of progress paymenCa as the work ie ooinpleted.
<br /> Unlese An agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires inCerast to Ue paid on such
<br /> Miscellaneot�s Proceeds, I,etider s1�a11 uot bareqnired ko pay Rorrowcr any iitterest or earnings on stiicl�
<br /> Miscellaneous Yroceeds. If thc rcetioration or repair ie noh econc�nvcally feaaible or Lender's aectuiCy would
<br /> be loseencci, flie Miscellaneous Prooeede shnll be npplied to the sunie secured by this Secnrity Ittshtiiment,
<br /> wheCher or not then due, with the excesa, if any, peid to Borrower. Such I�![iscellaaieous Prooeede shall be
<br /> applied in the order provided for in Section 2.
<br /> In the event of� totEtl talcing, desYruetion, or loss in value of tlie Property, fhe Miscellaneous Proceeds sfiall
<br /> be lpplied to fhe stxme aecured by this Security Instrmnent, whcthcr or not thcn duq wifh thc exccss, it nny,
<br /> p�id Co Borrower.
<br /> U�the evei�iC of a pnrtinl taldn�, destrucdion, or loss in value of the Property in which tlie fair ma�ket value of
<br /> the Property imrnediately before Uie p�a't�ial talcing, desh�nction, or loss in vu1ue is eq�ia] to or greatcr H�at�thc
<br /> amot�nt of tlie sai2s aeoured by Yhis Scourity Ins4runienC inv��ediately before Ihe partial iel�ig, desh�uction, or
<br /> lose in value, iu�less Borrower and Le�ider otl�ierwiae agree in writing, the sums aecuced by this Security
<br /> Instrumeut� shall be redi�ced by the amount of the Miscellaneotts Proceeds inulCiplied by the followiug
<br /> fraotion: (a) the total einount of the smns secm�ed innnediately beforc the partial talcing, destruction, or loae
<br /> in valtae divided by(lx) the fan�marlcet va1ua of Ghc Property immedialely bePore the partinl t�lting,
<br /> destruction, or aoss in v�l[ie, Any balnuce shnll be paid to Borrower.
<br /> Hi the eve�it of a partial taking, de.sCrucCioil, or loss in vnhie of the Pro,perty in wliiclz flie fair ina��ket valua of
<br /> thc Pm�erCy invnedizkely before the parYial taking, desU�uction, or lose in velne is less than fhe amount of t}ic
<br /> snms aectued immediately belore the pu�tia] taking, deshuetio,i�, or loes in v21ue, imle,gs Borrower �nd
<br /> Lender otlierwise agree in writing, the Miscellnneous Proceeds �hell be applicd to the sums secured by this
<br /> �'ecnrity [nst�urncnf whellier or not fhe sums are then dne.
<br /> If the Property is aUaudoncd by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower Ph1t the Opposing Pai'ty
<br /> (tts dei5tied in �'he next aentenca) offere to malte an awazd to settle a claim for daivages, I3orrowor fails to
<br /> res�ond to Lender witliin 30 days af'ter the date the noticc is givcn, Lender is aufhorized Co collect and appiy
<br /> the Miscellaneous Proceedn eithcr to restorzCion or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by tUis
<br /> Seouriry Instrumexit, whether or not then dtie. "Opposing Party" mcazis tl�o tl�ird party that owes Borrowes
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds or tho party�gatnst whom Borrower hae n right of nolion in regnrd to Miseellaneous
<br /> Procccd�.
<br /> Rorrowar shall be in ciel��ult i£fuiy nction or proceacling, wl�ePher civil or orintinal, is Uegun thaC, in l.ender's
<br /> judgi�ent, oould result in forfeitiw'a of Uia ProperCy or oUier matei7al i�npairme�it of Lrnlder's intereati in the
<br /> ProperYy or rights under this Secuiity [netr�ument. Borrowcr can cure such a default aud, if acceLeretion haa
<br /> occL�ered, reinstate as pxnvidcd in Section 19, Uy causuig the action or proceeding tio be diemiesed wifh a
<br /> ruling U�at, in Lender's jndgment, precludes forfeihu'e o�F 1'ha Property or otlier material impeiruient of
<br /> Lender's intereaY in the Propertiy or rigfits under tlus Security b�strur7�ent. 'Chc propccds of au�y award or
<br /> claiui�Por d�ages ftiat are ath ibutable to Ghe iu��airment of Lende��'s inkerest in the Property ni•e harahy
<br /> assigncd an$shall be�aid 4o Lender.
<br /> All M'rscollancpus Proceeds tha[are uot epplieA Eo restoration or repaie of the Property sha11 be app1ied in Gl�e
<br /> order provided for in Sectioii 2.
<br /> ------ 2aoazota
<br /> NEBRASRA-9inglo Famlly-Fnrtnla Maelf-ratldle Mac UMFORM1A INS'I'RUM F'9J"f Form 3028 7l01
<br /> VM P� VM P6{NEl(1'I Osl
<br /> lNolters ICluwer finandzl Servlces PaBe 1�nf fY
<br />