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<br />designated as successor attorney-in-fact or' joint or co-attoii�ie�'ii�r-�al�t, gifts' ��.y'tie" `made
<br />by a person designated for the purpose of making such gifts by a court of law. No gifts may be
<br />made to the creditors of an attorney-in-fact, or to the estate of an attorney-in-fact, or to the
<br />ereditors of the estaxe of an attomey-in-fact. This power does not give an attorney-in-fact a
<br />general power of appoinhnent within the meaning of Section 2514 of the Internal Revenue Code,
<br />and this power shall be construed accordingly.
<br />In addition, I specifically authorize my attorney-in-fact to make any transfer of
<br />resources not prohibited under applicable federal and state law, when the transfer is for the
<br />purpose of qualifying me for state or federal medical care assistance or a limited casualty
<br />program for the medically needy, or for the purpose of preserving for my wife or other relatives
<br />the maximum amount of properiy allowed under applicable law if an application has been made
<br />for governmental medical assistance, or in anticipation of such application and for the purpose of
<br />avoiding a 1Vledicaid recovery lien. I specifically authorize my attorney-in-fact to amend or
<br />revoke any agreements relating to the title or status of property, any community property agree-
<br />ment, or other document of similar import executed by me andlor my wife if, in the sole
<br />discretion of my attorney-in-fact, such action would be in my best interest, following advice of
<br />counsel regarding eligibility for such benefits. If any such transfer of resources is to be made to
<br />my attorney-in-fact, I name as special attomey-in-fact to
<br />approve such transfer. _ . � � � - i' , . : , , � ; -. . -- - ,.
<br />I authorize my attomey-in-fact to deal �th.�x ��it�i,Qr�ties; to. execute, ,s�gn and
<br />file on my behalf any and all federal, state, local and foreign, x�co�p,�, ,g�,ft, payroll aud, other tax
<br />retums, including estimated returns and interest, dividends, - g�ns� anc�, t�ans�er retuxns, _ for a11
<br />periods; to pay any taxes, penalties and interest due thereon; to allocate generation skipping
<br />firansfer tax exemptions (within the meaning of Section 2642(a) of the Internal Revenue Code)
<br />and to make tax elections; to represent me or to sign an In��znal_R,eve,�,ue_Servic�_Eorm.2848
<br />(Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representa.tive) _ or, .�oim , 88� 1(Ta�c Information
<br />,��
<br />Authorization), or comparable authorization, appointing a, q�if �c�, � l�wyer, certified public
<br />accountant or enrolled agent (including my attorney-in-fact , i�.. so .qt�alified) to ,_X��resent me
<br />before any office of the Internal Revenue Service or any state�,, lcica�, o�preign tax,in� authority
<br />with respect to the types of taxes and yeazs referred to above,, ; an��l� to• $ps i#y on sa�.d a�thorization
<br />said types of taxes and yeazs; to receive from or inspect co ,nf'i.de � ri�ation �n a,�y o�ce of
<br />�` � ,: �Q�. .. � , �
<br />the Internal Revenue Service or sta.te, local or foreign t� autho�nty,; t,o r�e�e�.ve..and i��posit, in any
<br />one of my bank accounts, or those of any xevocable -trust o�'' inine�,., �h�.cks i.n payment _of any
<br />refund of federal, state, local or foreign taxes, penalties ; and in��e�r�s�� �� by �he�k drawn on
<br />any bank account of mine or of any revocable trust of_mir�� ,�id �hay,e,,�ccounts tQ ,p�rmit my
<br />attorney-in-fact to draw checks for payment of said items; to exe�ute,, waiver� (and offers of
<br />waivers) of restrictions on assessment or collection of deficiencies in taXes a.nd waivers of notice
<br />of disallowance of a claim for credit or refund; to execute any requests for extension of time and
<br />consents extending the sta.tutory period for assessment or co�ll ��q� o£,sucl� tax�s� to_execute
<br />petitions contesting taxes; to establish new residency a�id 2 �oma.cile;:, to _execute ; q�ers in
<br />compromise and closing Agreements under Section 7121 ��� i .�p�p,arable„ provisions of the ;
<br />Internal Revenue Code or any federal, sta.te, local or forei ta�� stat,iates �,, or_ re�ulat�ons; to
<br />delegate authority or to substitute another representativ� for a�y�or�e �reviqusly apgomt�d by me
<br />or my attorney-in-fact; and to receive copies of all notice� ,�d L o��x �riiten .communications
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