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� <br />' !'�...Lf,..l.�t .iJ.. i ,_: . . ... . <br />�CO�DE�. �� ; a y.nli � _; _ � <br />= R�-R � , r .:;��. ,� _: <br />. .. 20�.207��� ♦���-1L����'7�..0 _ �.- <br />� � .,����i ;_�L.�� �a,���.�; .�. �.�t.��� ��� ,.,_ <br />involving my federal, state, local or foreign taxes at such address as my attorney-in-fact may <br />designate. <br />This power of attorney sha11 take effect upon my becoming physically disabled, <br />mentally incompetent or otherwise incapacitated. Any third party may rely upon the written <br />declazation of my attorney-in-fact that such contingency has occurred. <br />It may be necessary for my attorney-in-fact to have access to my medical records <br />to esta.blish that this power of attorney is in effect. I grant to my attorney-in-fact the authority <br />and power to serve as my personal representative for a11 purposes of the Health Insurance <br />Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, the regulations in 45 C.F.R Sec. 160 et seq., and any <br />other applicable federal, sta.te or local laws or regulations (collectively "HIPAA"), including the <br />authority to request, receive, obtain and review, and be granted full and unlimited access to, and <br />consent to the disclosure of complete unredacted copies of any and all health, medical and <br />fmancial information and any information or records referred to in 45 C.F.R Sec. 164.501 and <br />regulated by the 5tandazds for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information found in <br />65 Fed. Reg. 82462 as protected private records or otherwise covered under HIPAA. I <br />understand that health and medical records can include information relating to subjects such as <br />sexually transmitted diseases, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), AIDS-related <br />complex (ARC) and human immunodeficiency vuus_�HIV�, bel�aviqral o�m�, <br />and treatment for alcohol or drug abuse or addiction. I understand� t�ia.t I� may have access to or <br />receive an accounting of the information to be used or disclosed as provided in 45 C.F.R. Sec. <br />164.524 et seq. I further understand that authorizing the. d�scl�,Sure, of .tbi.srhe,�lth ,in�ormarion� is <br />voluntary and that I can refuse to sign this authorization. I�ex u4ndersta;n,d.that aziy discloaure <br />of this information carries with it the potential for an una��'o�,zed� fiirtfier disclosure of this <br />information by third parties and that such further disclosure may not be protected under HII'AA. <br />In order to induce the disclosing party ,to disclose�. the.,.a�fQx�e�a _pri�ate _anc�l�r .protected <br />confidential information, I forever release and hold harmle�s ��ud,�,.diis�lQSing party who �elies <br />upoa this instrument from any liability under confidentialitX rul�s `arising. under �IIPAA as a <br />consequence of said disclosure. I authorize my attomey-in-fact;to �execute. �ny,and �,ll releases or <br />other documents that may be necessary in order to obtain disclQ�ure , of ,my patient records and <br />other medical information subject to and �rotected by HIPA.t� �;�T�,� �,uipose of �e, foregoing <br />authorization is to ena.ble my attomey-in-fact to esta.blish that, �}s .�ow�r of attorney is in effec� <br />: � <br />. ,. <br />It is my desire and request that na guardi �a� ,o�r� cQnseivator-. of �X ; per�on or <br />property be appointed in the event of my , disability or. inca���,��!. r � .�iowever, . a�uardian or <br />conservator of my person or property is to, be appointed for, �„��'�b� ,nominate .and appoint <br />my attomey-in-fact hereunder to serve as guardian and conservat,p.�;v�thQut bond. "' N � -.,. . <br />;;- I� ,-;��; ,.,..... ... .. <br />To induce any third party to act hereunder ��e��by �ee that.anyi third party <br />receiving a duly executed copy or facsimile of this power of altom�y, �x_act hereunder, and that <br />revocation or termination hereof sha11 be ineffective as to such t�ir`c� �p�arty� ��ss aticl: unt�l .actual - <br />notice or knowledge of such revocation oz termination sha1�, �ayg l b�e��iieceived by. sueh`third <br />party. I, for myself and my heirs, executors, legal representat�ves r a,nd B assigns ; .la�,r,��y,agree to <br />indemnify and hold harmless any such third party from and a��i�st.aac},y �,11 that may <br />;, � �_��. . <br />ll:l4�r'"i"�.,...I� I":�__�i" "�'� <br />' ,_ .._., ..'.:1�:� �:._. ..C'': ,- - <br />i.�� '�.i:5 '.'1�_'11; . �� ,�', <br />7 ., D ��� fl� '. � 1 � _ <br />T,;'.l l' n� '. . � i : <br />. , i ; .I d � _-[- �. � r .ii <br />.. .,. , .. � . �. .. � _'�: <br />. � ..,.;1..y <br />