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<br />deem necessary or appropriate; to satisfy, discharge, release ti� �e�end`tFr�` term fl� �� mo�'tgage
<br />or deed of trust; to apply for zoning, rezoning or other govemmental permits; to pay,
<br />compromise or contest real estate taxes, assessments, water charges� and sewer rents; to negotiate,
<br />execute, acknowledge and deliver all contracts, sales agreements, brokerage . agreements,
<br />amendments, deeds, leases, mortgages, notes, security agreements, checks, drafts, guarautees,
<br />bills of sale, assignments, e�ensions, satisfactions, releases, waivers, consents, affidavits,
<br />transfer tax returns, closing documents, and any other agreements, writings and instruments of
<br />any nature affecting the property, as my attorney-in-fact may deem necessary or appropriate; to
<br />prosecute, defend, intervene in, arbitrate, appeal, compromise, settle and otherwise deal with any
<br />claun, action or proceeding in connection with the property or the sale thereof; to do, execute,
<br />perform and finish for me and in my name all things which my attorney-in-fact shall deem
<br />necessary or appropriate in connection with the sale of the property.
<br />I authorize my attorney-in-fact to sell, grant options upon, assign, transfer,
<br />exchange, lease, convey, encumber or otherwise dispose of any business which I own or in
<br />wluch I have an interest, in such manner, for such prices, and upon such ternis and conditions as
<br />my attorney-in-fact may deern necessary or appropriate; to possess, recover, manage eontrol or
<br />othervvise deal with the property; to negotiate, execute, acknowledge and deliver a11 contracts,
<br />sales agreements, brokerage agreements, amendments, bills of sale, assignments, deeds, leases,
<br />mortgages notes security agreements checks draf�s . ���' te� e e�s �nks hs�a,ctions
<br />! � D � ! _: 1 I �.I ...lT ? 1� � �._ � ��t °
<br />releases, waivers, consents, affidavits, closing documents, and an� c���h,e� a,gre�nai�nts, writings
<br />and instruments of any nature affecting the ,property, as n�y .��to.;ney„ �n,-fact may deem necessary
<br />or appropriate; to prosecute, defend, intervene in, arbitrate, �p�e�l, comp�omise, settle� and
<br />otherwise deal with any claim, action or proceeding.in connect�qn.vv�t�i,the property.or the sale
<br />thereof; to do, execute, perform and finish for me and in my,name,.a],l,�tfiings �vhich my attorney-
<br />in-fact shall deem necessary or appropriate in connection with th�,sale Q,f t�ie_propertX.
<br />. .._.._.,, .,._ �, _. �::�� .. .
<br />I authorize my attorney-in-fact to make gifts, oi� g�t� � iri tirust, of�iny property
<br />, �.,.. 4 ._,, , , �
<br />to or for the benefit of such persons, charities or other entities� �as� �n �t�e. opuuon of n�y aitorney-
<br />in-fact, would be the donees I might choose, having in m��d .t�i �res�ources, both public and
<br />� � .i.� I ., �_, �. � .
<br />private, available for my care after the making of such gift�, and_�aving in mind the objective of
<br />preserving the largest amount of my property for my family as a whole. The gifts to each donee
<br />shall not exceed in aggregate, in any calendar year, the amount e�.�1�d�.ble,.frQm gift�,for_.gift tax
<br />purposes by virtue of Section 2�03(b) of th�_ Intemal Re�enue ��ade,.o�.�.ny_ sue�essor .thereto, in
<br />effect in the year in question (currently .$10,000 under . sai , , heretofore_ �adjusted to
<br />$12,000 and subject to further adjustment for inflation, or, g�s,�}n GQ�formxty_ a �t� the_ �ode's
<br />r � i,,� �,, :,_
<br />annual exclusion rules for gifts to Section �529 accounts). C�if�s ����ess � f sasd 1�it_rnay.be
<br />made to pay tuition costs and medical expe�ses so long as t,he pay���� o1f �uch gifts�,�s ma�e in a
<br />manner so as not to be subject to gift or generation skipping_transfer tax'gs pursuant�t�_ �ections
<br />2503(e) and 2611(b)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code ox an ,su �, sSor. t�iexeto. No�wi,thsta�ding
<br />� Y ,�� �1.�� �� ,
<br />the foregoing, no gifts may be made to an attorney-in-faci_ purs t,,�a e. for�going power unless
<br />the gift is for the health, education, maintenance or welfare of'tl�`ttp �ex,-in-�act ari�. is made by
<br />a person who is designated in this power of attorney as a succ�s��r,� �rne��in-fact-or a.joint or
<br />co-attorney-in-fact, rather than the attorney-in-fact who is_ to �e t�ie. done� of the. gifts.. The
<br />.l :;
<br />person designated as successor attomey-in-fact or joint or co:atto�'ne,�-in-fact may_ make such
<br />gifts even though the donee is still serving as attorney-in-fact hereun�er. If there is no, person
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