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<br /> ' �'� "Proceeds')In connectlon with condemnatlon or other taking af the Property or paR thereof,or for conveyance In Ileu at cor�demnatlon. _
<br /> Londorshall be entitlud ot Ita option to commence,appear In end prosecu4e In ita own name any actlon or proceedings,and shall etso
<br /> `1� be entilbd to make any compromlae or settlement in connectlon with such taking or damege.In the event eny poRion ot the Proporty Is �
<br /> 1 so teken or damaged, Lendor shall have the optlon in i►s sole and absolute dlscretlon,to apply ell auch proceeds, aftor deducting
<br /> thereTran all wsts and expenses Incurred by It in connectlon with auch Proceeds,upon eny Indebtedness secured hereby and In euch
<br /> � order as Lender may detarmine,or to apply ail such Proceeds,after such deductlons,to the restoratlon oi the Proporty upon such con- _ _
<br /> �� ditlons es l.ender may determine.Any appticadon of Proceeds to Indebtedness shell not extend or postpone lhe dua date al any pey- --=
<br /> ments under the Note,or cu�e any default thereunder or hereunder.Any unepplied funds ahall be peld to Trustor.
<br /> <�� 8.Pe�tormancs by Lendor.Upon!he occurronce of an Evont oi L�eteult hereunder, or If any act is teken or legal proceading �-
<br />_ commenced which materlally at(ects Lender's interest in the Property.Lender mey In its own discretion,but without obllgaUon to do so, -
<br /> �� and witlwut notice to or demand upon Trustor and without releasing Trustor from any obiigatlon,do any ect which Trustor has egreed �
<br />- �.:r.rr� but fc�ued to do and may afso do any othar act it deems necessary to protect the socurlty hereof. Trustor shall,immedlately upon
<br /> - - demand therefor by Lender, pay to Lender all costs and expenses incurred and sums expended by Lender in connectlon with the exer-
<br /> � cise by Lender of the ioregoing rights,together with interest thereon at the deteult rate provided in the Note,which shail be added to
<br /> �� the indebtedness secu r e d here by.Len der s h a l l n o t i n c u r an y Ilabili t y because of enything it may do or omit to do hereundor.
<br /> � 8. N�sa�dous Nl�t�rials. Trustor shall keep the Properiy in wmpliance with all applicable lews, ordinances and regulatbns
<br /> � relating to Industdal hygtene or environmentel protection(collecUvely referred to herein as`Environmentel Laws').Trustor shall keep
<br /> �'!��,���� the properly fr�e from all Bubstances deemed to be hazardous or toxic under any Environmental Laws(collectivelY reterred to herein
<br /> �;�; as'Haterdous Matedats').Trustor hereby warrants and represents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Mar�ri�ts on or under the
<br /> :�,�ty,,� Properry. Trustor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Lender,its directors,officers,employees end agents,and eny succes-
<br /> .'-•y,, sors tolenders Interest,from and against any and all claims,damages, losses and IlablllUes arising in connection with the presence,
<br /> •��;,�, use, dispvsal or Uansport of eny Hazerdous Materials on,under,from or about the Property.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND
<br />-�-••FTf�� :�,�i 10.Assipnm�nt of R�nb.Truator hereby assigns to Lender,end prants Lender a aecudty interest in,all present,future and
<br /> ,+.��� after edsing ronts,issues and profits of the Property;provided that Truator ahafl,until the occunence oi an Event of Default,hereunde�,
<br /> ,:�; have Ne right to coUect and retein such rents,lssues end proflts as they became due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event oi
<br /> qefauk,Lender may,eithor in person or by agent,with or without bringing any action or proceeding,or by a receiver appotnted by a
<br /> court end without regard to the adequacy oi its securiry,enter upon and take p ossesslon of the Properly,or any part thereof,in its own
<br />'"�°-�u� name a in the neme of titie Trustee,and do any aets which It deems neoessery or destrable to preserve the vaiue,marketabiNty or
<br />__.�n� rontabiity of the Property,or any paR thereot or Mter�est therefn,or to increase the income therefrom or protact the aecurity hereof end,
<br />-����--�� with awithout teking possessbn ot the Properly,sue for or otherwise collect the rents,issues end profits thereof,incNrdtng those past
<br /> - — dua and unpaid,by notifying tenants to make paymenb to Lender.Lende�may epply rents,issues end profits,less oosts and expens-
<br /> r� es of operatbn and collecNon(ndud�ng Attomey's tees,to eny indebtedness socured hereby,ail in such order as Lender may deter-
<br /> -_-_-_= m�np The entedn4 upon and taking posseasion of the Property,the collectfon oi such rents, issues and profits,and the appUc:etlon
<br /> __-- thereof as eforesaid shatl�ot cure ot watve any defauit or noUce ot tletauit hereundar or i�ivetl�nta any act darta 1n s�psn.°.�ia ssch
<br /> _- defau�or pursuant to such noUce of default and, notwithstanding the continuence ln possession of the property or the cotlecUon,
<br /> - recaipt and epplkk;aUon of rents,issues or profita,7rustee end Lender shall be entitled to exeroise every right provided for in any ot the
<br /> Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of eny Event of Default,tncluding without IlmitaUon the�ight to exercise the power of sale.
<br /> Furttier,7.enders rights end remedies under this peregreph shell be cumuletive with,and in no way a IimiteUon on,Lenders�ights and
<br /> remedes under any assignment of leases and rents recorded ageinst the Property.Lender,Trustee end the receiver shall be Ilable to
<br /> eccount only for those rents actuslly roceived.
<br /> _ = t'1.tw�s oi L�iauii.'i'ix�fafi��ir�$sh:.lS cartaitttstc att E.�ent of�efet!ft�!nder th►a ffnnd ot Tnist
<br /> (a)Faflure to pay eny insteilment oi principal or interest or any other aum secured hereby when due:
<br /> (b)A breach of or detauft under any provision contetned In lt►s Note,thts Deed ot Trust,any of the Laari Instruments.or any
<br /> other lien or encumbrence upon the Properly:
<br /> (c)A writ ot execuUon or attachment or eny similar procass shell be entered agalnst Trustar which shall becorne a�ien on
<br /> the Properly or eny portton thereot or intarest thereln;
<br /> � (d)There shall be filed by or egainst Trustor or Bomower an acUon under any preaent or tuture tederal.steta or other atatute,
<br /> law or nputatlon rotat(np W bankruptcy,insoivency or other relbf for debtors;or thero shali be eppok►ted any trustee,rocsiver or
<br /> liquidator ot Trustor or Borrowe+'or of ell or any paR ot the Property,or lhe ren�,Issues or profits ther�eot.or 7n�atv►or Borrower
<br /> shall make any general assignmen!for the benefit of creditore;
<br /> (e)The�ale,transfer,lease,assignment,oonveyanoe or fu�ther encumbrence oi ali or eny part ot or eny intennt in the
<br /> Property,elther volunta�fiy or Involuntarfiy,without the express wtitten oonsent of Lender,provided that Trustor shell be permit-
<br /> ted to execute a lease oi the PropeRy that does not contein an optlon to Purchase end the term of which doea not exceed one
<br /> year,
<br /> (�Abandanment of the PropeAy;or
<br /> (g)if Trustor Is not an Individual,the isst�ance,saie,transter,essignment,conveyance or encumbranoe d more than(H e
<br /> caporaUon)a total of percent of its issued end outstanding stock,or pf e partnership)e tdel ot per-
<br /> cent ot partne�ship interests,or(if e Ilmlted Uabiliry oompany)a total of�__Percent ot the Itmited liabiiky compe�
<br /> ny Interests or votlng rights during ths period this Deed oi Tn�at remains a Ilen on the propeRy
<br /> 12.R�m�di�s;Acc�kntion Upon Mhuk.In the event of any Event ot Defeult Lender may,without nodoe except as required
<br /> _ by law, dedere all indebtedness secured hereby to be due end payable and the same shall thereupon beoome due and payable with-
<br /> out any presenhnent,demend,protest or noUce of any kind.Thereafter Lender mey:
<br /> (a)Demand that Trustee exardse the POWER OF SALE gr.�Med heroln,and Trustee shall thereaiter cauae Trusror's{nter-
<br /> est in the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be dlsUtbuted,all in the manner provided fn the Nebraske Trust Deeds/►c�
<br /> � (b)Exerciae any end all dghts provtded tor in eny of the Loan Instrumenb or by law upon occurrence o!eny Event ot
<br /> = �'�°'�"� Qetaui�end
<br /> �:.zs,�----—
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<br /> - ___ (c)Commenoe an action to foreciose this Deed af Tn�st as a moRpage,eppoint a rece(ver,or spedflcally enfo�ce any o the
<br /> �==":�� oovenants hereof.
<br /> _-=- `��'� No�reedy heretn conferred upon or reserve�d to Trustee or Lendar is intended to be exclusive of any othar remedy herein,in the Loan
<br /> InsWments or by law provided or pertnitted,but each shall be cumulative,shall be in eddition to every other remedy givcn hereunder,
<br />-_=�;,��;� In the Loan InsUuments or now or hereaRer existing at law or In equfry or by statute,end may be exerclsed concurrenUy,hxlepen�iently
<br /> - ---�_�.
<br /> _ — tii 5iwv.oa�oq.
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