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<br /> `��r � ��� princlpal emount of the Indebtedneas eecured by thl3 Deed of Truat,not Includlny euma advanced to protect lhe security of lhis Deed ot
<br /> � Trust,excead Ihe aiglnal princlpal emount stated hereln,or S�0.,.�n n_y�n_____�,whlchever Is greater.
<br /> .,. 18.�Al�calim�ou�Provlslons. —
<br /> � (a)Borrowa Not Rd�as�d.E�clenelon of the tlma tor payment or modlAcatbn ol emoNlzatlon oi the sums securod by lhis
<br /> :��', [�ed of 7rust grented by Lender to any successor In Interest of Borrower shal!not ope�ate to retease,in eny manner,the Ilabill•
<br /> t; ty ot ths orlpinal Borrower and BorrowePa euccessora In Interest. Lender ahall not be requlred to commence proceed�nga
<br /> ` epainel such succesaqr or refuse to extend tlme for payment or othervvise modiry amoRizatlon of lhe sums secured by thls
<br />:'�° � .�.4t Deed ol Tru�t by reason of eny demands made by the orlpinel Borrowsr and Baaower's succeasoro In intereat.
<br /> (b)L�ndn s Pow�n.Without aflecting the Ilabflity ot any other peroon Itable for the payment of eny obligatbn herein men-
<br /> tloned,and wilhoul eftecUny the Ilen or chcrpo at thls Deed ol Tn��t upon eny poNon of tha Praperty not then or theretofore �.
<br /> ' relas�ed a�security for the full emount oi all unpaid obltpatlons,Lender may,from tlme to tlme end wichout notke(i)retease
<br />`�' - any person ao Ilable,(Iq extend the metudty or alter eny ot tho tem►s of any such obligatlorta,(Iiq prent other Indulgences,(iv)
<br /> rela,�ae or raconvoy, or ceuae to he releasetl or r�conveyed et eny tlme et len�ers option any parcel,p�ortlon or ell of the
<br /> �� Property, (v)take or release any other or addltlonel securlty for eny oblipetbn hereln mentlonnd,or(vl)make compositions or
<br /> ` � r�' � olhesr errenpements wlth debtora In relation thereto.
<br /> �7� (c)Foirb�annc�by L�nd�r Not�MM�Iv�r.Any torbearnnce by Lender In exercising eny right or remedy hereunder,or oth-
<br /> enerise aTforded by eppllcabte lew, shell not be e weiver of or preGude the exercise oi any such right or remedy.The procure-
<br /> ment of inaurence or the payment oi taxee or other�lens�r chargas by Lender shail noY be a wa(ver or Lenders rtght to eccelar-
<br />:��.,•,�, ate the rtnaturity ot the Indebtedness eecured by thls Deed of Trust
<br /> ;.;:�.. : (d)Succossors and Asslpns Bound;Jolnt�nd 3�v�ra1 Uabilfty;Captlons.The covenents and egreements hereln con-
<br /> talned ehall bind,end the riphte hereunder ahall Inure to,the roepecNve successors and easigns of Lender e�d T►ustor.All
<br />�;���� cove r s n t e a n d a proemente of Truata ahali be)olnt and aeven�l.lrie captlona end headings ot the paregrephs ot thla Deed oi
<br /> °`� Tiust are for convenience oniy and are not to be used to Interpret or deflne the proNsfons hereof. oi any notice
<br /> -���� (e)R�qwst for Notic�.The padles hereby request that a copy of any noUce ot defauit hereunder and a copy
<br /> -":4`�''°� o(sale hereunder be mailed ta each party ro this Deed of Trust at the address set torth ebove in the manner presc�ibed by
<br />'���q'�4''�' applicable lew.Except tor any other noUce requtred under eppl�able iaw to be given In another manner,any notice Providcd for --
<br />-?_;�`�, In tl�is Deed ot Trust ehall be given by mailing such notice by cer8fled meil addressed to the other pa�ies,at the address set
<br /> (urth above.My noUce provtded fa in thts Deed of Trust sheil be eitecUve upon malling In the manner deslgnated herein.If
<br />:�:��;`,�'� Tnastor is mare than one person,notice sent to the eddress set torth above shaN be natks to ell such persons.
<br />,'- f (q insp�ctton.Lender mey make or cause to be mede reesonable enMes upon and inapecUona ot the Property,pra�vided
<br />;;� that Lender shell giva Trustor notice prior to any such inspectlon spectfying reesonabte cause therefo�releted to Lender's InEer-
<br />-= est in the Prc�perty.
<br /> `"`-s'"'� (g)R�conv�yanc�.Upon payment oi all sums secured by this Deed oi Trust.Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> _"�;�a� Property end shall surrender this Deed oi Trust and all notes ev(denc!ng indebtedness eecured by thia Deed ot Trust to
<br /> -- Trustee.7rustea shail rewnvey the Property, without wamanty and without char9e to the person o�persons lepally entltled
<br /> �""""'"� thereto.Trustor shall pay ail costs at reaxdatbn,If eny.
<br /> ---- (h)P�non�l Prop�rty;Saauriy►A�n�m�nt As eddltional secudty tor the payment of the Note,TrusEor hereby praMs
<br /> lender under the Nebraska Unifortn Commercial Code e security Interest In atl BxWres,equtpment,and other peraonal praperly
<br /> � used in connection with the reai estate a�mprovemenis bcaitlu ii,n��i,a�s�t na:��si%�e d-.'�'ss�c!flr�'m�to be a peR of
<br /> --- — Ihe reel estate secured hereby.This InstrumeM shall be constnied as e Setcudty I�qrt�ement under sald Cede. end the Lender
<br /> - -= ahall heve all the righta and remediea of e sxured p9Ry undor eaid Code�n eddilbn to the rlghts end remedles croated under
<br /> and eccaded the Lender pursuant to this Daed of Trusk provtded that Lenders Nyhts and remedfes under this perepraph she0
<br /> be cumulative with,and in no way a Ifmltation on,Lender's rfghts and remedies under eny other secudly egreemer►t signed by
<br /> Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> - (I)LIN►a�nd Encumb►ane�s.Trustor hereby warrants and ropreaents that thera is no detauk under the provistons of any
<br />'-- moRpage,deed ot trust,leaae o�purchase contract describirW atl or an,y part of the Property.or other contrect,Instrument or
<br /> - egreement constituUnp a Ilen or enCUmbrance against ell or any peR of the Property(coilectivsly��Lle�s") ex�sHnp as oi ths
<br /> date of thia Deed of Trust,and that any and all exlsUng Ltens remain unmodifled ezcept es disclosed to Lender in Trustor's writ-
<br /> lon disclosure ot Iiens and encumbrences provlded tor heretn.Trustor ahall limely pertorm ell of Trostor's oblipatfons,
<br /> ooveno�ta,representations and wartentles under eny and all existlng and future Lk+ns,shail promptiy forward to Lendar coplea
<br /> of all noUcea ot default sent In connectlon with eny and ell existing or future llena,end shali not without L.enders�tior written
<br /> conaent In eny manner modHy the proviabna of or ellow eny future advences under any exlaNny or future�lene•
<br /> U)�►pP���oi PaynNab.Unless othanMae requtred by law,sums paid to lender hereunder,includin�wMhout Iimitatlon
<br /> Lermider to the emounts d e�andeow�g i►am TNStor and�Borrower In such o�r 8s ender in its aob �dtscretion�dee na desk
<br /> abla.
<br /> (k1�vsnbillty.If eny provlsion ot this Deed of Tn�at caiflicts wlth appikable Isw or la dscla►ed InvaNd°r°ths�wis°w�en-
<br /> forceabk,such confl�t or tnvelidlly ehei{ not effect the other provialons ot thls Deed of Trust or tl�e Note whk�can b�piven
<br /> etfect wiUwut tha contlicting provlabn,and to tfiis end the provlslons at thi�Deeci oi Truat end tlie Note are dedared to be sev-
<br /> erabk�.
<br /> - the eame�s.Thes),those te�used in thl�Deed ot T�sha�ii be interchang�eable.and when the Trustor end Borrower ere
<br /> (m)Gov�miny Law.Thia Deed ot Trust shall be govemed by the lawa ot the State ot Nebraske.
<br /> ���
<br /> -__ =��
<br /> - __"v�� Trustor has executed this Deed ot TNSt as of the date written above.
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