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<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST, ismsde as ot the 1St:� day oi_ S�-,p*pmb�r' ,19�,by and amo�p�
<br /> - a�eTruscor, Roaer L. Chrtstense� arud Mary E. Christensen, husband and wife (`t�
<br /> ��h:'' ' \C.
<br />�';`»`';:' whosema(tingaddressis160� CPourch Road Grand Island NE 68801 (herein'Trustor',whetheroneormore),
<br />�%;:.s,:.::
<br /> :�t�+�:°�r�� thaTn�stee Five Points Bank_�� Ne�ra��o Cornoration
<br /> ���.�
<br /> '�'r`''�: wnosemetnngsddress is P O Box 1501 Grand Ysland, NE 68802-1507 (nereU•Tn�stee7,.nd
<br /> .� t;
<br />._ •,:.:i..l
<br />;;°�;�lt.� me aeneflcta,y, Fi e Poi nts Bank
<br /> `'�-�_. u c f RR(13 heretn�Lender).
<br />..-�;_'��i. wlwSemelNngeddress Is 9ot�Broad�p�� �va rGrand icland� ---- �
<br /> '�� Roger L. C hristensen
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSiDERATION,induding Lenders extens{on oi aedit IdentHbd herein to
<br /> ,��
<br /> `w?'E' (herein'Borrower�whether one or mae)end tl�e Vust herein crsated�the rooelpt
<br /> �"'�� oi which is hereby a�icnowtedged,7rustor heroby inevocably prenfs, transtero. conveys a�d easlgna to Truatee, IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> �'"� �t(33Ki�ii t3P�f.Zc.ni�tit8 twts�-!Y as��cstii;r:.�es,�esx�g�!hjgr.�tn thp Wrtns and condiNons IfarMrlalbr Set fath.the roal
<br />. -=-=-�-�'�'� property tfesc�ibsd As 7dlows:
<br /> :�=�,se Lot 7en (10�, Slock Two (2), Farmington Second Subdivision to
<br />-�°�z� the City of Grand Isiand, Ha11 County, Nebraska.
<br /> ;,
<br /> -----— Together with all bulldirps. improvements,fcctvros�streets,alk�ya.PaasegewaYs,easementa�ri9hte,Privile�es a�d aPPu�enenoes
<br /> ��'� loc��ted thereon or In anywise pertelnkp thero�o.and fhe renta�tasues and profita.re�retaions and rert�ak�ders tlaneW,end auch per-
<br /> sonal property that b atteched tn the Improvements so aa ro aonstttuce a tixwre,indutiing,i�ui i�ui iMniiw w.iwiaWl��iS iw'13�i.'h'f'w�`F-
<br /> ment;and together wlth the lamestead or madtel Interests,if eny,whlch Interests aro hereby re{eased and waived;AN of wh{ch,k�lud-
<br /> Ing replacements end addltbns ther+eto,Is h�+reby declared to be a part oi the real estate secured by the lien of tl�s Oead M Tnist and
<br /> aN ot the faegofng beir�y retamBd to hereln as the'Propertyr.
<br /> Thls Deed ot Tn+st shaE saaure(a)the payment M'the P►��Pel sum and Interost evfdenoed bY a Prornisso�Y note a aedit a�ree'
<br /> __ _ ment dated���•• t a �oo� _ �having s moturfty date oT��m her 15� 20�
<br /> In U�e aipinsl prindpsl amount of S 15 m�_�0 , and any and aA modiHcadons,extensions and renewala
<br /> tl�eneof or theneto and any and an Sa�wre edvancea and roadvances to 8orrow�er(or any of ttiem H moro than one)���P��t
<br /> to one or maro promissoy notea or crodft agroements(heretn called'Notsh;(b)the PeYment oi other sums adva�ced by Lendsr Eo
<br /> pro4ea U�e sacutity of the Nde; (c)the perfamance oi eA oovenants end agneemenb ot Trustor set torth heroln;end (d)eN prosent�nd
<br /> tuture Indebtednesa e�nd obYpations of Bortowar(or any ot them fi more than one?to Lender whather di�ct.lr�diroct. absoluls or 000Un-
<br /> gent end whether edsinp by note,9uaranty�overdrett or otherwlse.The Note.thfs 17eed of Trust and any and a!1 otl�er doaur�ents that
<br /> aecuro the Note ot otherwlse executed In oonnedlon therewlth,Indudfng wlthout limltatlon guarnntees,secalty egroeir�ents end
<br /> essignmenb ot leases and ronts,ahall be refemed to hereln as the'loan Instrumenffi'.
<br /> Trustor covenants and agrees with Lender es tolbws:
<br /> 1. Paynknt ot IndtbMdrnss.All Indebladness secured hereby shaN be patd whee due.
<br /> --- 2. Tttl�.Tnistor fs the owner of the Property,has the right and auttwwrity to convey the Property,and weRaMS thet tl�n lien croat
<br /> �-�- ed hereby Ia e ftrst and prbr lien an the Property,except for Ilens end encumbrances set forth by Trustot In wiWng end deNver�ed Eo
<br /> Lender before execution oi tlxs Daed ot Trusf,And the execuUon and dellvery ot lhla Deed oi Trust does not vblate arry oonUact or
<br />-•=,��� other obNgaUon to which Tnistor is subJect.
<br /> =---__ - 3.Tax�s,Ass�ssm+nts-To pay before delinquen�y all texes,spedal assessments and all other cherge!agefnat the Propery
<br /> -„-v±.�j�,�--�- r'wM'or hereafter levled.
<br /> _,;�� 4.Insurana.To keepthe Property tnsured agafnst damage by flre,hazerds Included withln the tertn'ex6�nded ooverepe'.end
<br /> - ;�:;;��:�'': such olher hazards es Lender may requlre, In amounts and with compante�ecoeptable to Lender, naming Lenderes an addiNonal
<br />°=t�^t�'"' named Insurecl,wlth loss payablo to the Lender.In c�sse ot loss under such polldes,the Lender Is authaized to edjust,ooNect and
<br />::_,��.�;�;ks
<br />--•``J��': J T"„A oompromise,ell Gafms ti�reundor and shall have the opUon oi applytng all or part of the insurance proceeds m to any Inde ness
<br /> ,. � secured hereby and in such order as Lender may detertnlne,(li)to the Trustor to be used for the repafr or restonUon oi fhe Property or
<br /> �"" '',� V � (UI)tor eny other purpose a o�bject satlstactory to Lender without affect(np the Iten ot thls Daed nt Trust for the tuN emount secured
<br /> =---•�:-���:� horeby betcre such payment ever took place.My appltcaUons of proceeds to tndebtedness shall not extend o�poatpa�e the due dete
<br />-�J.r:..... S �....�c�.J•.w�.......�a....1e.n.u.M.
<br /> _ .--� pf aR�t�yfilCltl3 UINC�ti�o nvsc.v�wiv an�w�o�n...v.vu..w.................�.-.
<br /> '-_���� 6. Escrow.Upon w�llten demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Leader. In euch manner es Lender mey deslgnate,sufNclent
<br /> •..�� ��� sums to enable Lender to pay as they beoort�e due one or more of the following:(1)all taxes,assessments and other c�arges agalnst
<br /> ;'�� � the Property, (il)the premlums on the property Insurence requtred hereunder,end (lu)the premiums on any mortga�e Insurence
<br /> • _.,f. requlreJ by Lender.
<br /> �- 6. MalnUnanc�,R�ptln and Compllanc�wlth Laws. Tmstor ahall keep the Property in good oonditlon and repalr. shall
<br /> � 'F�' promptly repafr,or reptace eny Improvement whlch may be damaged or deslroyed;shal not oommit or pertnit eny waste or detetfora-
<br /> . ,,
<br /> ' ' Uon of the Properly:ahall not remove,demollsh or substantially alter any of the Improvements on the Property:shall not oornmit,auMer
<br /> "'`��`�- or permit any act to be done tn or upon the Properly In violatbn oi any law,ordinance,or regulation;end shatl pay end pr�ompth►dis-
<br /> ', � charge at Trustor's oost and expense all Ilens,encumbrances and charpes levied,Imposed or acoessed agalnst tfie Property or eny
<br />. . , , part thereoi.
<br /> 7. Emlrnnt Domaln.lender is hereby asslgned all compenseNon,ewards,damapes and other paymenb or reliet(hxelnafter
<br />� •. IM:H31(Nerr�nc�AO�K11W'YIE
<br /> ' Q1YMN�YPM16YitG�OdM1�C��M1�I�0 SM11�AMOCrYYlllllf�llMMMt� 1 ��'1 t
<br /> . � �1 �.r�
<br /> I . ._. ... .__ .._.._ _
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