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<br /> lt the uaounts held by Leader for Eccrow Items eacad the amounts �x►mittaf to be held by RF.�PA. Lender
<br /> sball �xount to Borrower for the exass ftu�ds a+required by RESPA. U the unaunts of funds held by Lender at any
<br /> time �re not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items whca due, Lender may t�otify the Borrower aad ra�uire Horrower to r
<br /> m�lce up tl�e�hortage as pecmittod by RESPA.
<br /> '!be Escrow Fw�ds ue pledged as addltioasl security for aA anms exured by thia Securlry Instnune°t. If
<br /> Bomower tendera to L.emder the full payroent of all such sums,Borrower'a aorount ahall be credited with the balance
<br /> nmaWng for all instaUment items(a).(b).�ad(c)and ury mortgage insuraxe pnmium iastallment that Lender ha�
<br /> aot bxome obligated to pay to the Secretary, and L�ender shall promptly refund anY �x� � to Borrower.
<br /> Immediately prior to a foreclosure sale of the Property or its acquisidon by I.ender. Borrower's acconnt sha11 be
<br /> crodit�d wlth aay balance nmaining for all installmeats for iums<a),(b),and(c)• ��by��Qr as foUows:
<br /> 3.Application ot P�Ymwta.A1I payments wtder paragnphs 1 and 2 s6il1 be apP
<br /> �,to tlu mortgage insurance premium w be paid by Leader to the Sxc+etuy or to the monthly cLarge by the
<br /> Secreury 3nstead of the montt►ly mortgago insurauce premium;
<br /> ��,to any ta�ces.sPxial assessmeats.leasehold paymenu or ground c+enta. and fire,flood and other hazud
<br /> insut�ac�e pnmiucas.u required;
<br />_ �,to 9nnterat due undar the Note;
<br />- �Qy�,to tmortl�aaton of the princip�l of tha NoYe;and
<br /> p�$h,to lue chuga due under the Nou.
<br /> �.Flre.Flood snd Other Ha:ard Insuraace.Borrower ahall insure aU improvements on the Propeity.whether
<br /> aow in ex�stec�ce or subsequendy erected.a8sinst aay hazud�.caswitia�and condagencies.Including firc�for which
<br />. Lender requires insuraace. This insurance shall be maintained ia the amounta and far the per�oda that Lender
<br /> requires. Bomnwer ah�ll also iasure all fmpmvemeats on the ProperiY, wheth�r aow in exiatenoe or subsequcndy
<br /> enecud. aS�inst los�by floods to thz extent requircd by tbe Secret�Y.AU iasusmx s6all be carrted with companles
<br /> opprovod by L,eader.l7►e insurance policles and any renea*ala shill be held by Lmder°°d s�aU include lou payable
<br /> clawa in favor of.and In a fom►ecceptable to,Lender.
<br /> In the evrnt of loss.Borrower sb�il give Leoder immediAU nodce by mil. Lender nnry make Pr�f of losa if nnt
<br /> �a�k�mn�m;ly My Bomowu.Fach insuranct comP�nY cancernod ia haeby tuthotizod�nd directed t�o��uu-u.+�c�t
<br /> for such loss direcdy to l�ender. instead of to Bormwer end to Leader Joiatly Ai1 or any puc
<br /> prooeeda msy be�pplied by i.ender.u its option,either(a)to tbe reductioa of the indebt 3.aad thm to p Nrepiyment
<br /> this Socuriry Inurumeat.first to�ny delinquenc uaounts appUed in the arda in p�ca,griph
<br /> of pclncipsil, Qr(b) to tha restoruion or re�ir of the dun�ed P��perty A*U'APPlication of the prooeals to the
<br /> principal sball not�xtead or postpone the due date of the monthly parymeau wtiich are c�efemed W in partgraph 2.or
<br /> cha�e the amoant of auch paymeats.Any e�caess inaurana proceeds over n anaunt requirod to pry all ouwtmdiag
<br /> tadebtodoeu undet the Note and this Sa.vriry Inauumast ah�U be ptid W tLewtity leg�lly enHtled the�eta.
<br /> In che event of fomlosure of Wis Secudty Inaaument or other umsfa of 6de to tbe Propacy that extin8uishes
<br /> the IndeMalnas. W rigbt. tide u�d interest of Bo�rnwer in aod w in•yn,••�'policia in fome rLaill pau to tLe
<br /> �pC11�11Cy�PCl�ll7a�s M110�l�OE fY��EC��OI Ot 1�! �y���01Rl�b T.ORR l+�C�OO's
<br /> ]�0{I�. BO[I+OWC[Sbill OOCU�i.CiI�111lb�iLd 11EC ttlC�S►i! BOR�OWtl�S jll'�OC��l�ES�EIIOE 1Vll�II i�1Cty►
<br /> dayi�ter the e�ecutinn of thls Savrity Instmmeat(or vrrhLin sixry drys ot a luer sile or ayasfer of tLe Pmperty)
<br /> md�lull oontinue to oocupy tUee Pmpe:ty �Bonewer's pria�tpul res[deaoe fa at lwt Qnc Yar aRer the date of
<br /> oacvp�,�r,unless Loader deteemi�a tha�t t+equtt�emmt will ca�se uactue hard�hiP for Bomnwer.or unleu exunuating
<br /> � eaLt whicb ase beyond Bonower's control. Bomower �hall ootifY L+ea�e�' of wy e�ctwuatinb
<br /> ciramst�ooes.Borrower shall not oommit w�te or destroy.dam�8e ot�ubp�tiillY�8���Y or�Ilow tbe
<br /> prnpCrty w daertorue.ra.wmble war�od te�r esaptai.I.eoder aary inspxt the Prapeccy if tLe Propaty Is vacaot
<br /> or�bmdonod or the loan�ls ta default. Lender may take reuwuble�ecioa to ps�otoct amd praern such �a�c or
<br /> ��+rou.o� ha�a• wu.r:��LQ
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