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<br /> �� � ,:' abandoned Properry• Borrowee shall also be in default if Borrower, durlag the loaa applicac[on procea.�, gave
<br /> .�,;.•� �� m�teri�lly f�lso or iaaccurate iaformatioa or atatements to Lender(or falled tA pmvlde Lendar with any material
<br /> ••� informacion) in connnection wIW the loan evtdencai by the Note, includIng, but not l�mited to, repreuautfons
<br /> _��� conceming Borcower's occupancy of the Propeny ns a �rlucipal residence. If this Sc�cudty Instrument ia on n �
<br /> _= - leasehold, Borrower shall comply with the provislons of che tea.a. If Borrower acquira fee dde to tbe Prc�porty, the
<br /> �_,`��� leasebold and fx tide shall noc be merged ualesa Lender agras to the n�e�Ber ia wciting.
<br /> _.��� 6.Coodannatbn.The p�ocoeds of any iward or cldm for demages.dlrect or coauciueatial, in connectioa wlth
<br /> -�- - any condomnatlon or other taking of any part of the Propecty. or for waveyance in place of wndemmtion, ue
<br /> =�'^�. . hereby assigned and she11 be Paid to Leader to the exteat of the fWl amount of the indebtedaess that nm�ins unpaid
<br /> �� r= under the Note and this Securlry Insavment. Lender shall apply such proceeds to thc rednction of the i.adebtedness _
<br />-t T�-''r • under the Note aad this Secudry Iasuument, firat to eny delinqueat anwuata spplled in the order provided ia
<br /> �x`{�?��� P�B�Ph 3. aad then to prepayment of princlpal.AnY aPP���on o+�the graceeds to the principal ahaU ncx oatend or
<br />_�;"'=S� postpone the due due of the awathly payments.which are nfeiTOd to in puagraph 2,or chwge the amount of such
<br />;:t�� pay¢xnts, Any��ccess procoeds over an emount required to Pry�Il outatsnding indebtedness uader the Note and this
<br /> --- Securiry Instrumene shall be paid to the entity legally andtled t6ento.
<br /> ,:.�.�:� 7. Clwa�es m Borrnwa �ad ProtecNon of La�der'a Rlghta in the Prope�ty- Borrower sh�ll pty all -
<br /> .�,�i� 8ovemmental or municip�l charges. fines aad 3mposittons thu are not iactuded ia par�gr�h 2. Borcuwer sh�ll pay
<br /> ;,� , these obliguioos oa time directly to the enttty whtch is owai tLe payment.If f�tlure to pAy would adversely affect
<br />:T���� Lender's iatenst ia the Properry. upon I.ender's nquest Borcnwer shaU pmmptly fum�sh to lmder receipts
<br /> �_�,�
<br /> evidencing these p�ymenca• h 2,or fdla to rform�n other
<br />•�=T;�.�;:, If BocrQwer f�tls to analce th�se payments or che payments required bY P�StiP �t� si ticand
<br /> - wvenpnta�nd�gmments contained ia this Secudty Insaument.or there is A legal pmoxding Y 8� Y
<br /> ----- affect Leader'a rights ln th�F•ropeny(such as a proc,adin8 ia b�a�uP�CY�for wademnadon or to enforce laws or
<br /> _= regulations). t6en I.ander may do aad pay whatever is aecessary to pmtect the value of thc Property and L�epder's
<br /> _-s��,� rlghta in t�e Property.includimg paynaeat of taxes�haznrd iruucance wd other ivau mendonod in paragraph 2.
<br /> —_ - ,�ny amounts disbursod by I.ender under this paragraph sha11 become+� ��o� d�bt of Bomower and be
<br /> n
<br /> socured bY ttils Saurtry Insavment. These amounts shall bear interest fcom the dau of disbursement. u the Note
<br /> __= rate.end u the opdon of L�ender.ahaU be immediately due and psyaoiC.
<br /> = Bormwer shall pmmptly disc6arge any lien which has pdortty over thia Securiry Insmtnnent unless Bprtower:
<br /> (a) agras ia wrida8 to the paymcnt of the obligatioa socu�ed bY the liea i�n a aw�er ac�p�able to Lead�r: (b)
<br /> conteata ia good faith the Uen by. or defends against enforcoment of the lien tn. legal procadinga which in the
<br /> Leader's opialon opemte to pnvent the enforceme�►c of the liea: or (c)aeeures from the 1�older of the lien an
<br /> �greemeat sadsfactory to Lwder eubordInatin8 the lien to thts Security Inaaument•If l�rndu determines��°Y P+�
<br /> of the Pmpe�ry i�subject to a lka which may att�in pdorlty ovtr this 5aurity imxn�ment. I,endsr rn�Y 8�ve
<br /> Bo:rower�naicx idenafyIng tl�e lien. Borrower ahall satiaPy tho lien or tetie o�or awn of the actions set forth
<br /> above withia 10 d�ys of the givina of notia.
<br /> 8.Faa.Lender m�y eolleet foes und chuges authorized by tha Secreacy.
<br /> 9.C�t+ouMM[oe Aoceleratlon ot Debt.
<br /> (�) Defauk. Leader m�y.eaapt�s limited by regulations iasued by the SecretaiY�in tbe ca�e of pryment
<br /> defaulta,reciuire immodiate payment in ti�ll of all sums saural bY t6is Sxudry Insuumeat if:
<br /> (i)Bocrower def�ulta by failing to pay in fWl�ay monthlY PsYmeat n9uind by this Sxurlty L�suument
<br /> pcbr to�or on the due date of the n:ext montl�lly pryymeat,or
<br /> (U)Bomower default�by fiiiling,for a periad of tbirty days.to per[orm uy other obligattona coatained
<br /> in this Secudty Insuumeat. Ucable law(including Secdoa 341(d)
<br /> (b) S�le Without Credit Apprord. Lender shall,i[permitted bY APP
<br /> of tbe Gun-St. Germain Dep�sitory Institudons Aae of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 17@9j-3(d)) wd with the pcior
<br /> �ppmval of tte Secretazi'.recluire imIIiediate payment in fiill of�ll aums secund by this Sa;urity Insmument
<br /> — �f:
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