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<br /> of Borrower's covenants and agreements uader thie Secudry Instn►ment and the Note. For this pu�pasa, Borrowee
<br /> , '� irrevoc.�bly grwt�ond convoys to tbe Trusta, ia tcust. with power of eale, the following doscdbod property locual
<br /> in Hal l County,Nebra�k�:
<br /> Lot Eight (8). in Block Five (5), 1n Dodd and Marshall's Addition to tiie Town �
<br />_,,���'� of Yood River, Ha11 County, Nebraska
<br /> -_ _......��
<br /> ..�a�i
<br /> _ �.�
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<br /> `�'n.�`� which has che�ctc�ress of 1315 Marshal l Avenue,Mood Ri ver [saeN,ci�yl.
<br /> - Nebraslca 68883 [z4 c�] ('PmPertY Addnu");
<br />,�\y .
<br />-°''�` .. TO(3E'fHER WIT'H all the improvemenu now or heczafter erected on the PropertY, and all essemeata,
<br /> --;•`e_-_ aPPurtemnces u�d fuctures now or hen�fter a put of tha property. All nplaameats and additions shall also be
<br /> oovared by this Secudry Instn�annt.All of the fongoing is nferrod to in this Saurity InstNment as tt►e'Prop��tY.•
<br />:_c�=-
<br />�_,� BOItROWER COVENANTS that Bonower ia lawt�lly aeizod of t�e csate 6ereby conveyed�nd has the dght to
<br />;=T�':-- grant u�d convey We Pr�operty and that the Pr�pe�ty is w�encumberod.eaapt for encumbrances of rawrd. Borrower
<br />-y a�� wamnta aad will defend generally tLe tide to the Property against all claims end deaoanda. aubject w any
<br /> _� encumbrances of rocord.
<br /> �-- THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT wmbincs uaiform wvenanta for natioaal use and non-uniform covsn�nta
<br /> ° witn Iimiiai v;�ia�i�w�y�`u�-�;Ctic�aa ia ra�sisuu s s:�!for:���rit;�n,».n.�onvering real pmQerty. ,
<br /> -�-,�.�
<br /> -� — Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as followa:
<br /> ----- 1. Paymmt ot Paioetpd� Iotaest�ad Lte Charfa Borcower a6�11 piy when due the prjncipal of. u�d
<br /> intaest on.the dcbt evideaoed by We Note uid lue charges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Moat6ty PMymmt ot Tiucrs� In�urance and Other C6�es. Bosrower sh�ll Includa in e�ch monthly
<br /> P�,yment.toaetha with tbe psincip�l and�nterest u aet forth in Wo Note�nad uuy lau charges.a auat for(e)wca aad
<br /> speci�l �ssessments levied or to be Levlod against tbo Property, (b) lensebold pay�eats or gcound reat� on tbe
<br /> pmpecty,and(c)pmniums for insur�noe T'04uired under PuagrnPh 4. In any year(a aAich tbe Lcnder mut pry a
<br /> mo�tg�ge inauraaoe p�endum w tLe SecKt�►Y of Housing md Urban Devdopmeat('Socretary').or in aay yeu in
<br /> whi�h such premium would bive been required if Lender still held the Security Imt�ment�each mor►?htY WY�
<br /> sb�ll aleo include either:(i)a aum�for tt�e aonual mortg�ge insunoce premium w be piid by L,eader w t1�ee Sect�trcy.
<br /> or(ii)a monthly chuge iinte�d of a mortgage iasur�noe premium if tbis Security Iraun�ent ia held by the Socc�esu�►.
<br /> ia a re�wmble amount to be dettrmined bY the Sect�tuY. Facapt for the monthly c�uge by tl�e Seceetuy. the�e
<br /> Items are c�lled'Fscrow Itema"and�he au�p�1d to I�eackr ac+e called"Esemw Ftcnds."
<br /> Leader mry. u my dme,cnUGCt�nd hold�mounW for F.xmw Items in an aSB�B�te amouat not w eatceed the
<br /> m�ximunn amoune th�e uuy be re9uiiod for Borrower'a escrow�ccount uader the Aal Faeue Settlemeac Pmced�res
<br /> Act of 1974, 12 U.S.C.Secdaa 2601 a seq. �od iumplementing ngulatioos. Z4 CFR Put 3500. as thry mty be
<br /> ameadod from time ta timc ('RESPA').exoept thit the cauhion or nserve pecmitud by�tESPA for nnanticipatod
<br /> disbursements or dIsburawnents befon the Borrower'�paymeuts are nvallablt ia the a000unt mry not be bued am
<br /> amiouaW due for the mortgage in�unace premium.
<br /> �48p1E1 mos�.o� rp.z a s wa.u�..�r
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