<br /> in tho Yroperly and riglxts under this Scourity Instruinent; nud(cl)ti2kes sucli 2ction Eis Lu7�der may
<br /> reasonably require to assuro tlzati I,ender's ivterest in Uie Property and righis under 11vs SecuriYy Tnaf�ument,
<br /> and Borrower's obligation to pay tlie suins secured by this Security Inahvment, sbnll continue uncl�angcd.
<br /> Lender may require that Borrower pay sucl� rcinstatement sums and expeuses in one or morc of Ehe following
<br /> fo�ms, ae selected by Lender: (a) cash; (b) money oxder; (c) cestiPied checl<, banlc check, freasurer's check or
<br /> caehier's check, piovided arry such checl�is dcawn upon an iustihriion whose deposits nre instu'ed by a
<br /> � fecieral agency, insframenkalily ot entiLy; or(d) �lecEt�onio Funds Trans£er. Upon reinsta�teme�rt by B�nrower,
<br /> Yhis Seoucity Inshum��t nnd obligationa secured l�a'eby shall re�nnin fully ef'Lectiva as if no accelerafion had
<br /> oocmred However, Yhis right to reinstatc shall not apply ln tihe case of acccloration under Section 18.
<br /> 20. 5ale of Note; Change of Lnan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Notc or a parCial interest in the
<br /> Note (together�*rith til�is SecuriEy Tx�strument) c�ui bc sold one or more times wiUiout�rior notioe to
<br /> Borxower. A sale�night result in a cl�vtgc in tha enlity(kno�n as t1�e "Lorzn Servicer") thae ooTlects Poriodic
<br /> Paymonte due under tha Note and this Sectu�ily Instrument and perforrns�ll�er morCgage loau servicing
<br /> abligations under Che Notq tihiF Sect�rlty Instlumeiit, and Applirxtble Law. Thexe also might be one or more
<br /> oh�nges oF the Loan Scrvicer unrelnted to a sale of thc Noie. PP there is a change at'the Loan Sc�rviccn�,
<br /> Borrower will bo given writteu notice of the changc;whieh will stata tha name and addrese oP lhe new Lonn
<br /> Scrvicer, tUc �ddreas ta which payments sl�ould be made and any otiher information RLSPA requires in
<br /> com�ectiou with n notiee of tranyf��of servicing. If the Note is sold znd fhereaflar the Loaai is serviced by a
<br /> Lo1n 5ervicer other than tihe purchaser oP the Note, tl�c morfgage loen servicing obligations to Borrower will
<br /> remain wifl�thc Loan Servicer or be t�ansfcrrod to a sucoeseor Loan Servicer and arc not nssumed by tha
<br /> Note purchaser unless otl�erwise}n ovided by the Note�tu'chas��.
<br /> Neithor Borrower nor Lei2der may comv�cnce, join, or Ue joined to any j udioial acrion(as aither an
<br /> individual litigairt or the i2�cmber of� elass) that ari9es from Che olher�arty's actions pursuzmt to fhis
<br /> Seciuity Insh'Lunnnt or thnt elleges that the otl�er party has breached any pravision of, or az�y duty owed by
<br /> reason of, this Seourity Instrument, m�til such Boxrower or Leuder h�s not{ficd Hie ohlier party(with such
<br /> notice given in aornpliance with fhc requirements of Seotiion 15) of ati[ch alleged brenoh�tid afi'orded tl�e
<br /> oChar perty herato a re�aeonable period efter tlia giviiig of suah vollice to tnke corrective acttiorr, Tf A�licable
<br /> Lnw provides a tilnc period wluch must elapse Ucfore oerC�in ection can be taken, Ehat time period will Ue
<br /> deemed to bc reasonable f'or pwpoaes of this�axagTaph. 'The iiotice of acccicration and apportunity to care
<br /> givan to Bormwcr pursuant to Seotion 22 and tho votice of neceleration given fo I3orrowcr pursuant to
<br /> Section 1 f3 ehnll be deamed to satisfy tho notice�nd oppw•tunity to Yalce corroctive noCion provisions of this
<br /> Scclion 20.
<br /> 2'I. Hazardous Substanees. As uscd in ehis Section 21: (a) "Hazurdnus S'ufislances° �re those snbstances
<br /> defiiiecl as Yoxic or 1�azarcions aubatnnces, pollutante, or wasUes by Enviromnental Law and thc following
<br /> aubetanoas: gAsolino, kerosene, nCher fla�nm�Ule or Yoxia�+etroleum products, toxic�esticidea And herbicides,
<br /> volatil,e solvcnCa, mflterials containing asUestos or formaldehyde, and tadioactivu n�aterials; (b)
<br /> "�nvlronfnenCal Law"means fedcral laws and la�ws of 11ia jmisdiction where flie Property is locatied El�at
<br /> relate Yo health, safety or environu�iental protiection; (c) "L'nnironmenlal Cdeart�up" includes xny r�;sponsa
<br /> �[oYion, req�edial aclion, or remoyal action, as dofined in Enviinnmantal Law; c�nd(d) an "L'nvironmerital
<br /> Condit�'vn"me2ne a conditioz�that can oauee, conh�ibute Co, or ot6erwisc trigger�ui L+nwiromnental Cleanup,
<br /> Borrower sh111 not cause or pannit tli�presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Haz��dous
<br /> Substances, or ttu�eaten to release any IIazardous S�tbstanccs, on or ui the Property. Borrower sl�ll not do,
<br /> nor �llow anyonc clse Co do, nnytlui�g affecting the Property(n) that is in violation of any L7uvirotmlentel
<br /> Law, (b) which oreates an Enviromne��tal Conclitioty or(c)which, dti[e to tho prc;sci�ce, use, or releesa of a
<br /> Hazarcloirs Subst�nce, creates a condition that adversely affects tl�c v�luo o4'the Property. Tha preceding two
<br /> 240019IB
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sin�jlo Family-fannle 67ae1Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRl1M11[NT Form 3020 1/01
<br /> VMP a0 VMPB(NEI(71091
<br /> Woltara I(luw er�Inanolpl ScrNccr. Pnpe 18 nf 1 Y
<br />