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201207026 <br /> designated a substitute notice addi ess Uy notico to Lender. Borrower shnll prnmptly notify Lender o£ <br /> Bon ower's changc o£adclress. If Lender apecifiea a procedure Por reporUng I3orrower's changc of address, <br /> then Borrower skrall only report a cl�n�ige of addrees through thaf epecifiul procedure. <br /> 19�cre�nay be only one designated notice Address under this Seeurity[nsh'�m��cnt aC any one Cin�e. Anq notice <br /> fo Lender slit�ll be given by delivering it or Uy mailing it by firee class mail Co Lender's address stated herein <br /> uuless Lender has desigiutited aaiother addre�ss hy notice lo Borrower. Any notice in connection with this <br /> Security Instnunent ehall ixof Uc dcc���cd to have been given to Lender mitil actually received Uy Lcndcr. If <br /> any nolice requiied by this Sccurit'y Ina��nment is also required tmder Applical�le, tho Applicnhle L,a�u <br /> requirement will saticly lhe corresponding requireinent wide�'this Sccurity HisCrument. <br /> 1�. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. Thia Seonrity Instrumant shall Ue governed Uy <br /> federal law vid the law of tl�e jur?9diction in wfdch the Property is locaCed. tlll rigl�ts and oh7igations <br /> contained in this SccuriLy Inatxmnent ere subject to arty reqnirv�»ontn aud Iimihauona of Applieable Law. <br /> Applioable Law might explicitly or implicitiy a11ow the parCies to agree by contract or it inight be ailent, but <br /> such eilence shall not be consti ucd tts a prohi6ition against egreement by contract. Ln tl�e evont thal any <br /> provision or clause of this Security Instcutnent or tha Note couflicts with A}�plical�le L�w, such conflict shall <br /> not affeat otl�c+�T�rovisions of this 9ecurity Inst�mnent or t1�e NoW which oan Ue given effect without the <br /> crn�flicring provision. <br /> As used in this Seamily Insh•umenY: (�)words of Uie masculinc gender shall mean aud include corresponding <br /> neufer�vorda or words uf the�feininine ge��der; (h) words in ihe singulaz shtill meaii uid inolnde the�1ural <br /> fu�d vlce versa; and(c)tIie word "n�ay" gives sole dlsoretion without airy oUligation to Yal<e any aotion. <br /> 17. BorY4W 9Y's Gopy. Borrowcr ehzill b�given one copy oFtheNote and of this Security Ivst�-im�ent. <br /> 18, Transfer of the Property or a Beneficl'al Interest in Borrower. �1s L�sed inthis Scctioll 'i8, "It�teresein <br /> tlie Property" mcans �ny legaT or beneficial intarest in the Proparry, including, but noE limited to, Ehose <br /> 1�enc�icial intcresCs trnnsferred iu a bond for deed, conh�act for deed, iristAllme�it seles contract or escrow <br /> agreeinent, the intetrt of which is the tra�isfer of title by Borrower at a futw�e date to a pa�chaser. <br /> Tf a71 or a��y p�uC oP llie Property or any Interest in the Prnperty is sold or trnnsfeired (or if Bomower is not a <br /> natural pereon nnd a beneficial interest in Borrowcr is sold or haneferred) withouti Leuder's prior Written <br /> cousent, l.ender may require immediate payinenti in full of all stunF secured Uy this Security InsU'mnent <br /> However, this optiou sha11 noti Ue exercised by Lciider if suoh exercise is prohibi[ecl Uy Appllcable Law. <br /> If Lender execoises this option, Leuder sha11 givc'Borrower not'toe o£eccelar�ttion. The notice sl�all providc a <br /> petiod of not less than 3� daye froui Iho date the noCica is given in acoordancc with Secfion 15 within whiclz <br /> BorroWer mu�t��ay nll sim�s secuxed by tiiis Security [nstrumenl. IP Borrower fails to pay tliese aums prior to <br /> thc expirntion of this period, Leaider may involm any remedies permitEed by this Security Iustrnmcnt without <br /> further notice or demand on h3orrower. <br /> 7 9. Borrower's Right to ReinstaCe After Acceleration. If Borrower meets oertain conditions, Borrower <br /> shflll h�tve the right to havo enfrpement of this Securitiy InsU'tuiaent discontimied at any �in�e piior to the <br /> eaaliest o£ (aj five d�ys before sale of the Pro�erty pursuant to airy powar oP sele oontnined in thie Sectu•iYy <br /> Tnstr�iunenC; (b) such othor pariod as [lpplicablc Law migkl specify£or the termiu�tion of Borrower's �ight t�� <br /> reinskate; or (o) ant'�y of ajudgmcnzt eiiPoxcing this Secusity Instiument. Thoee conditions aro tl�al I3orrower: <br /> (a)paye LeA�der all smns whio�then wotdd be due nuder this Sa;nrity In�l�unxent and tho Note as iL na <br /> acccicrn6ion had occurred; (b) cures uiy defnu1t of any otiher covennnts or �gceements; (c)pays all expe�ises <br /> incurred in enforcing Uiis Secm'ity Tn�trutnent, including, but voti lunited to, reasonablc attorncqs' fees, <br /> propercy inspection and vah�alion Fees, and other feas incurred for thc purpose of proCeoCing Lender's interest <br /> saoo�9�s <br /> � N[oRA51<ASIngleFamlly-FannleMnalFreddieMacUNIFORMINSTRUHIMT Porm302II1f01 ' <br /> VfviP� VPA P6(NE)(1105) <br /> Wolfere Kluwer Flnenolal OervlcAs Page 12 of 19 <br />
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