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201207026 <br /> sentences shnll ttot apply to tha presettcz, use, or storage on the Property of small qunntities of I3aznxdorts <br /> Substauces t1��t are generally reeognized to be nppiropriata to uorinal rasiden}ial uses and Yo mninYan�ixice of <br /> tl�c Yroperfy(inoluding, buY not]itnitcd to, hnxardoun substanccs 'rn o�neuttror prodncts). <br /> Borrower sha11 prrnnpfly give Lo��der written notice Uf(a) any investigatirn�, claim, demaud, law�it or other <br /> aclion bq any g�vernmcntal or rcgula6ary agency or private par6q invdving Lho Properly aud any H�zardo�is <br /> Stibst�nee or Enviromnental Law of which IIorrower has t�ctual Imowledge, (6) any�nviromnental <br /> Conditioix, includiug bnt not limited to, any spilling, laalcing, discharg�, release or ThreaY of release of any <br /> Haza�•doets 8ubsfanca, and(c) airy eon8ition ca�uaed by Yhe presence, use or release of a I-Iazardona Substuice <br /> which aduerscly affccts tho valuc of thc Yroperty. If Borrower lcarne, or is npfificd by any governmontal or <br /> xegulltory authority, ar any private paxty, thnt any removal or ofher remediation of nny II2zardous Subetauoo <br /> affecting tl�e Property is neeessary, Borrowor shall l��ron��ptly Wko all ilacessary ren�uiial acfions in <br /> aceor&�tnce witli L+trviro�iinenl�l Law. NoChiug hexein ehall exeate any obligation on Lender Por an <br /> Envi1•onmental Cleanup. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. Barrower and Lender covena�rt end�gree as f'ollows: <br /> 22. Acaeleration; �temedies. Lender sliall give uotice to Borrower prior to ncceleration following <br /> Borirowcr's brcacl� of an,y eovonnnt or agrccmcnt in this Secarity IustrumonE (bnt nnt prior to <br /> acceleryitiun mider Section 13 miless Applicaible],aw provides otherrvise). The uotice sl�;ill epecify: (a) , <br /> the defaalt; (b) the action required tn enre L�lie defaulC; (c)n dafe, not less Ol�au 30 daye from tlie dflte <br /> tlie notice is given to Borrow�r, by wlitcl�tlie defanit mnet bc carcd; and(d) tixnt failnre to cnro Uic <br /> defntilt on or boforo tho date spccified in tlie uotice may��esnit i�1 accelex•afiion uf the sams secu�•ed by <br /> this Sec�u•ity�Instrument artc�sale of tLe Yroperty. `The nni�ice shall fi�rther i�rforrn Borrower of tlte <br /> iigliC to reivataCe nf[er accelerntima nnd the right to bx���cg a Conrk ae4on Yo aescrt tlic non-exietox�ce oP a <br /> clefnnit or auv othar dofense of Bortrowcr to ncaolernkion nnd s:do. It the dei:udt is nut cured u�i oe <br /> bcforo tho daCe spccifiad iu tlie notice, i,ender ;rt iYs opfion may rEqaire imrnedinte paymenC n�Pnll of <br /> .dl smns secm•ed by t#�is Security InstramenC wiCl�oat fm�tlier clemand and inay involte fl�e power of sale <br /> z�nd any oCher remedies permitUecl by Appltcable Lnw. Lendcr shall uc cutitlod to collcet nll expcnses <br /> uiciu�red iu pnrsuing the remedics pi•ovidod i�i tlue�Sectian 22, uiclading, bnt nut limited tu, rexson;�ble <br /> nttarncys' focs nnd oosts o1'title evidence. <br /> Tf tlie}�ower of sale 1s involzed, Trastee sl�all record a notice of tle£nnit in ench cou�ity i�e wl�icli nny <br /> part of the Property ie located m�d alaall nxatl copios of snch nofice Yn tlie maun�r prescr�bed by <br /> Applicablo Law to Borirower and to the nther persons prescribed by AK�plicable Law. AFfer tlie fune <br /> reqnu•cd b�Applicnble Law, 'CrosCee atinll give pnblic�rotice of sale to Y.he pea�sons nnd ixt tlae mannc�- <br /> prescriried by Applicnble Law. Trnstee, wiClionC demand on Barrowcr, shall ecll tl�e Property nt pnblic <br /> � luction to the liiglicet bidda• xt tl�c tune nnd pince and mider tlie terms designate�l in the notico of sale <br /> in o�te or more pnrcels nnd 'ui any urde.r'Crnstee del�ermines. 'l'rnsCee may poKtpone sale of�Il or any <br /> �urcel of t�he 1'roperky by pnblic axu�oiumeiuenf at [lie Nme nnd pince of a�ty previonsly schodaled sale. <br /> Leuder or its designee may piu�chase thc Property nt nny salc. <br /> Upnn receipl of payment of tlie price bicl, Trnstce sl�all dclivcr to tlic pm•cl�ascr Trustec's deed <br /> conveying tlm Property. Tl�o recftals in the Trnstee'�s deed shnll be pri�na facie ovicleuce of Che Crnth of <br /> the stutenients ixiade the�•eiir. 1'rnstee al�all applv�1ie proceeds of tlxe sa}e[n tlie iFollowing ordex: (a} to <br /> all cosfe and ez�enses of exercising tlie powor of salc, and thc snlo, iuchiding the pay�nenYof'the <br /> TrneCee`s fees acknally incm•red and reasonxble.�kturneys° fees ais permitted by Applicable Law; (b) to <br /> all smns se¢nred by this Secarity JnstrmnenC; and(c) nny exces� l'o the person or persmis legally <br /> entitled to it. <br /> z�oois�s <br /> N�oRASKn-SingleFamlly-FannieMee/FredtlleblecUNIFORM INSTRUMENT Porm30201701 <br /> VM P @ VM PB(NEl(11051 <br /> Wolta�e Kluwe�Flnannfel3srvioes Paqe 14 �f 17 <br />