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201207026 <br /> 12. Borrawer Not Released; k�orbearanae By 1_encier Not a Waiver. �xtension of the tizne iox payment or� <br /> modiflcatioxi of`<unorCiaaGioz� of tl�e sum.s eccured by ttris Security Instxument granted by T,�nder Yo Borrower <br /> or auy Suacessor in U�tcrcel aPBorrower shall not operatia to release tho liaUility nfk3orrower ox any <br /> SuccessoYs in Inkerest of'Borrower. Lender sliall not be requircd to oonvnenee pxoceeclings agt�inst auy <br /> Succeasox in Intexest oP Borrowar or to refiaso to oxtcnd Cime for payment or otherwise modify axnoitization <br /> of the sums secured by this Security inst��ument by reflaon of any demaud m�da Uy the original Sorrower or <br /> asty Succeasors ui Inteeest of B��n�ower. Any forbearance by Lender in exercisii7g any rigl�t or reu7edy <br /> includiug, without limit�llion, Lender's aoceptanca of paynients fr•om third�ereonx, entities or Successors ni <br /> Interest of]3on•ower or in amounts less tihan the amoiuiti thcn due, shell not be a waivar of'or preclude tho <br /> exercise of any right or reixiedy. <br /> 13. Joint and Several Liability; Ga-signers; Successors and Assigns Bound. l�orrowex covenai�ta ancl <br /> agtees that 73ori��ower's obligatione and liability shall be jxaint and severfll, IIowever, any BQrr�wer wlio <br /> co-signs this Seeurity Instrument but does not oxecufe the Note(a"co-aiguer"): {a) is co-xigning thie <br /> Seourily Instrument only to mortgage, granC and convey the casi�,mer's intarest in the Property iaider the <br /> teims of tliis Seciuity 7nsirmnent; (b} is not personally obligafed to pay Che scuns secured by this Security <br /> Iustrument; �nd (c) agrees that Leuder and ury other Borrcawcr can agree to extend, moclify, 'f'orUear or malco <br /> auy acco�nn�odatioi�a with reg[u�d to the ierms of fl�is Sccurily Insh�ument or the Nota without the co-eigner's <br /> � wnecnt. <br /> SuUjecC Co lhe pxoviaions of Se�t�ion 18, any Succesaor ln Yutexest of Borrower wl�o assuri�c.s Borrower'a � <br /> obligatSons tuider this Scourity Lvstruinent itt writing, anci is approvaci by I,eadex, shall obtain all of <br /> L�orrower's riglita and benefits under kliis Security Insh miaeut. Boxa•ower shall not Ue ralaased fi om <br /> Bprrower'd obligations and liaUility itinder'Chis Seourily Instrumeiiti uoless Lendc�°agrecs to such releasa in <br /> writing. The covauants and agreemepts of this Seourity Uistr�m��cnt shall bind(exoept ae provided in Seetion <br /> 20) and banefit thc suocessors and assigns of Leuder. <br /> 14. Loan Charges. l.endr.r m1y chnrge Borrower Fees for servicce perPonned in connection witl�Borrowee's <br /> detault, for tl�c purpose of�cotecting Lender's intc rest in llie Propetty aud rights uuder fliis Security <br /> Instr ument, including, but not Iimited to, attorneys' £ees, property inspection and valuation feea. I1i regard to <br /> u2y other fees, the absenoe of cxpress aiithority in this Security]nstrument to chnrge a epeci&c fea to <br /> Bor��owor gh2.11 nol:ba construed as a piahibition on flie chzn�ging of euch fee. 'r,endcr may not ohar�e£ees� � <br /> Chet tue expresaly proi�ibited by this Secx�xity Szishuinenti or by Applicable Law. <br /> Pf fhe S,o�xz ie subject to a law which sets mzuYiznLun loan cl�a�bes, and Chat law is linally interpxeted so that <br /> tha xnterast or oth�r loa�i chu•ges collectied or Yo Ue collecLed in wsmection with the Loan axceed kl�e <br /> permitted limiCa, [hen: (a) any suc�loan chargc�shall he redueed t�y Yhe atnount necessary to rcduce the <br /> cl�arge Io the p�rmitted limit; �i�d(l�) any sums �Iready collected from Borrower which�xoeedeci�aennitEed <br /> 1inuCa will be refundecl to Borrower. Lender may choose to malcc thie reLiwd by reclucing the pruicipal owecl <br /> under Yhe NoCe or Uy n2alcing a direot paynient to Bormwc�+. LP a refuud reduoes prineipal, tha reductioit will <br /> be tireated as a parti�l prepaymenC witihont any prc7�aymen[chatrge(wliether or not a prepu}�n�nt chzuge is � <br /> prov'rdcd for under the Notie). Borrov�+cr's accepCanoe of any such reftmd tnado Uy dircct payinenC to <br /> Borrower will oonstitute a w�iiver o£fury right of action Rorrowor mig126 haue�rising out of such overcl�arge. <br /> 15. NotiCes. All notices given by Borrower oa'Lender in com�ecrion wilh tliis Secuxity Instrtunenti inus[be ii2 <br /> wxiting. Any notice to Boia�ower in oozinectioix with Chis Security Inst�'tunenti slxall Ue deemcd Eo have been <br /> given to Borrower when mailod hy fiesC clnss ma,il or when actually dclivvrecl t� Borrower's notico address if <br /> sent l�y other meuis. Notice to eny one Borrower shall consNtuCcnotioe to �Il Borrowers unless Applioablc <br /> Law ex�ressly requires otherwisa. The notice axidress sha11 be the ProperCy Address m�less Rorrowcr has <br /> 2A001918 <br /> NEORA9KA-Sin�fe Famlly-Fannle MaelFreddle Mac UNIFORM INSTRl1MENT Form 3020 1101 <br /> VM P� VM P6(NE)(11051 <br /> Wollers Kluwar f-Innnclol6ervlcoe Pa➢e�� nf 17 <br />
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