<br /> satisfaction, provided Chat such inspection sha11 ba underlalcen promptly. Lender may pay for tihe repairs
<br /> and resloxation in a single disl�ursemcnt or in a series of progress payn�ierits an thc�work is completed.
<br /> Unless au agceement is madc in wriling or Applicable I,aw requires inlerest to be paid on sueh
<br /> Miscella�ieous Pr�ccods, Lender sh<�11 not be reqcured to pay Borrower any inteiest or earnings nn euch
<br /> Miscollazieous Prooeeds. If the resf�oration or rcpair is not economieally fea�sible or Lcnidex's security would
<br /> be lesaened, the Miscellaneous Procecds shzll be npplied to tlae suins secwcd Uy thie Secuxity InatrwnenC,
<br /> whether or not then due, w'rih the excess, if auy, paid to I3orrower. Such Miscelleneous Proceeds sl�all Uc
<br /> ap�>lied in the ordc�'�3rovicied for in Seetion 2.
<br /> In the event of a total taki�xg, clestruction, or loss in valuc ciC the Pxoperty, tha IvIisoellaneous 1'rooceds shnll
<br /> Ue applicd W 4he sun�a secnred hy fhiq Security InsLnm�ent, �vhether or not then duc, wiCh the excess, if'any,
<br /> paid to Borrower.
<br /> In the event of a partial taking, ciesYruction, or loss in vnluc o£Che ProperCy in wllich the fair markct value oF
<br /> the Property iirmicdialely be£ore tha paa�tial taldng, destniotion, or loas iri value is equal to or greater tht�n the
<br /> aanount of flie sunvs aecured by tihis Security Instrttment immediataly before t1�o parCial Caking, destrucYion, or
<br /> loss in value, unlesa Borrower and Lcnder otherwise agrea in writii��, the sums securul by tl�is Security
<br /> &�s6nunent ahall be reduced by the amount of the Miscellaueous Proceeds multiplied by tlie following
<br /> fi�action: (a} Uie total arnount nf the smns secured immcdiat�ely b�foee the partiial talting,dcatr�iction, or loss
<br /> in value fliviclod by (b) the fair market valuQ of thcPropexty imniediately before the pa�ti�l taking,
<br /> dcsh ucflon, or loes in value. A+�y balance sha11 be paid to Borrower.
<br /> I'n tho evenC of�partial talcing, destruction, or lose in value of tl�e Property in which the fair maiicet valuo of
<br /> the Properfy inunediately bePore Lhe pu•tiul taking, destruciion, or loss in value is les5 thc�t�tlx;amcrunl o£the
<br /> sums secured immcdiaRely before the pax'tial talcing, deslruotion, or loss In value, m�less Borrowec and
<br /> Lencler othorwise agree in writing, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be n}�plied to Lhe sums sectu'ed Uy Chis
<br /> Sccuriiy Iiistrument whather or nnt the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned Uy Borrowor, or if, �fter notiee by l.ender to Borrower that the Of�poeing Pacly
<br /> (as deGned in the next sentencc)offers t�o malce an a�ward to scttic a olaim for dtunages, Rorrowcr fails Co
<br /> respond to Leaider within 30 days afte�•Yhe date fho notice is given, Lender is autl�orizcd to collect and npply
<br /> the 1VIiacel lancous Proceeds eithar to restoration or repair oP the Pioperty or{o tlie sums secucad by this
<br /> Security Ius4aument, whether oz�not then due. "Oppoeing Par[y" me�ns the Uiird party dral owes Borx6war
<br /> Miscellanenns Proeeeds or Yhe pu'ty agaii�Rt whoin Borrower has a xAght z�f<icLion in regmrd tio lbliscellan�rous
<br /> Pracceds.
<br /> Borrower shall be ii�dafault if any action or procaeding, whatl�er civil or criminnl, is began tl��t, in Lender's
<br /> judgmenC, could resnlf in forfeiture of the Property or otl�ec n�nleiYal im�pairment of Lcnder's interest in tha
<br /> Property or righty undcr this Security Lustrwnent. Borrower ctut cure such a defaulC�nd, if neceleration hau
<br /> ocem'red, reinstate as provided iu Section 19, Uy causing the action or proceeding to be disinissed with a
<br /> x�ding that, in Lender's judgme�it, proclucies Por£eiture of d�e Yroperty ox other niaterial impa'sment aF
<br /> Lender's interest in the Property or righta under this Secutity Inslrument. Tl�e�roceeds of any award or
<br /> claim for dau�ages thaC tu�e ettxibutable to the impaim2eut of Lendar`s inteTevt in thc Property nre hereby
<br /> assigued and sl'tnll be��id to I�ender.
<br /> � AlI Misccllaneous Proceeds Uiat arc not applied to restora�tion or repabir o�P the Property sha11 be�tpplied in Che
<br /> order provided f'or in Secrion 2.
<br /> znootets
<br /> NEtiHA5KA�51nc�le Fam ily-Fannfe M aelFretltlie M nc UNIFORM INSTRUM GNT FQrm 3tr2 b i lo'I
<br /> V M P(7 NM Pfi(NE)(1105)
<br /> Nlopolo Kluw er Flnanalel 9ervicea Page�10 of'17
<br />