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<br /> payments may no longer be requiral, nt the option of nder,if mortgage insurence coverage(in e amouat end tor e period ==
<br /> that l.eader requlre�)provided by au iasurer approved by Lender again becon�es avuilable and is obtalaecl. Bonower shall p�y E'
<br />`�`'� --
<br />:;� ,y the pnmium�required to maintdn mortgege insurance la effect.or ta pmvide a loss reserve,uatil the requiremcnt for mortg�ge _
<br /> *wM' insun�ace eads in accordnnce witt►auy written agreement betwap Borrower and Lender or appltcable law.
<br /> :;�
<br />— M- 9, Impectlon.Leader or Ita agent tr�ay make nzsonable eatrles upon and inspecdons of the Propeny. Lcader shall givc =
<br /> Borrower notice u tho cime of or prlor to an inspection specifying roasonable cause for tho inspectton. _
<br /> 10. Coadann�don. The praaeda of any award ur claicn for damages. dlrect or consequential. in connectton wich u►y �_.
<br /> eondemaatlon or other taking of u�y pact of the Propecty,or for conveyaac�Lr lleu of condemuation, are hereby asstgned end `
<br /> ' •`;'���-'� shall be paid to Lender. -
<br /> •�..'"� , • In the event of e tot�l taking af the Property,the proceeds shall be applied to the sw�as secured by this SecurIty Insuumeat, '-
<br /> ., , , _
<br /> whether or aot then due, with any excess paid to Bomower. In the event of a partlal takiag of the Property in which the fair
<br /> ', ��±' muket valuo of the Property Immediately before the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the suma secured by this �•
<br />,�:_���'•�r`�_;.,:. SecurIty Iastru�at immediately bofore the takiag�wiless Borrower and Lender otheiwIae agrx in writing.the sums secured by =_
<br /> , thla Security Insuument shall be reduced by the amouat of the proceods multiplied by the foAowing fractIon: (a) the total _
<br /> � awount of the aws�s aecured immodiately b�fore the taking. dividai by (b) the fair muket value of the Property immedtately __
<br />�'``''�� �� before the tering. Any balance shaU be p�id to Borrower. Ia tbe event of a parti�l t�ldag of the Propertyr in which the fiIr
<br />:.'.?;,'�c�.?
<br /> ' � ; , market value of ihe Property immaliately before the taking is less thaa the amouat of the swas securod immediately befone the __
<br /> :.�',�,
<br />_�;:s. � takfng,unleu Borrower�ad Lender otlnrwise agm ia wrlting or unless applicable law oWervviae pmvides.the pmcads shaU
<br /> �rr�_
<br />,;;�•� _ . ' be applied to the aurna secured by this Securlry Insuuinent whether or not the sums are then due. e
<br /> =���:{;' � It the Pt+opecty is abandonod by Borrower,or if,after notice by I.ender to IIornower that the condemaor offera to make an -
<br /> .-``"`` , award or satle�cl�im for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notix is p�tven. -
<br /> �_�j;;��'� Lender ls suthorfaod to collect and apply the pmcoeds,at Ita option. either to restoradoa or repair of the Propecty or to the sums _
<br /> .__�� saured by this Securiry Insnvment.whether or not thea due.
<br /> _�,�,�,� Unlea�I.aider ead Borrower oWerwIae agree ia wridng,any appUcadon of procada to prIncipal shall not exund or
<br /> --_:-_�_..� postpone the due date of tht montlily payments aeferred to in paregraphs 1 and 2 ar changa the amouat of auch paymenu.
<br /> ___-= 11. Ilorr+oeer Not Rdased;Forbearance By I.earkr Not a Wdver.Extenslon of the tlme for prymeut or raodificatioa
<br />