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<br /> , ,, 17.'l�uuter ot the Property or w Benetictal Interest tn Borrower.If all or aay part of the Property or any Inter.est in It
<br /> ' ia sold or transferred(or if abeneiicial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is aot a natur�l parson) wlthout ��`
<br /> ' l.tndcr's pri�e wrltten conscnt,i,ender ii�ay, at its option, rcquire immediate payment in full of all sums secuced by tbia
<br /> � •`�'`'� Securtty Itutrument.Howevet, thla optton ahall Aot be exercised by Lender if exerciae ia pmhibited by foderal law as of tbc da�e �,i..
<br /> ��p� of this Securiry Instr�meat. �-
<br /> ;,�,,�,� If Leader exercises this option.Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice ahall provlde a pedod of mt �`-
<br /> '_. less thaa 30 days from the dato�he aotice is deliverod or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sucns secured by tbls �
<br /> • Security Instnimant. If Borrower fails to pay Wese sums prior to the expiratIon of this period,I,ender may invoke any remedl�s --
<br /> ;, percnitted by ttus 5ecuriry Instrument without fiuther notice or demand on Borrower. �
<br /> 4 18. Aorrowex's Rtp�t to Itelasta4e. If Bomower IIlCGIB CCII�A COII�{IIOJi$, Borrower ahall have the rtgbt to ha��e °
<br />; . • ,�� enforceaxnt of this Secur�ty Inatniment diac;ontinued at aay time prior ro the eaclier of: (a)5 daya (or auch other perlod u
<br /> � applicable law may spectfy for minstatement) bcfon sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sal� contained la tl�s -
<br />'' Securiry Insuu.manr or(b) entry of a judgment onforcing this Securlty Iastrua�ent.Those conditIons are that Rorrower:(a)pa a --
<br /> �,, L.ender all sums whiah then would be due under thia Securiry Instrument and the Note as if no ecceleratioa had occuiaed; (�)
<br /> - cuns any dcfault of any other coveneuts or agrcements; (c)pays all expenses lncwnd in eaforcing thia Secudty Inatrument, �'
<br /> � includIng, but not linaited to,reasonable attorneys' fas;and(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to usun
<br /> that ihc lien of thia Securlty Insnunnent, Lender'a rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums sxund 6y --°
<br /> , diis Sxurity Insuument sbiJl continue unchanged. U� ninstatement by Borrower, tbia Security Insaument and the j��:
<br />, , obligations secund henby s1u11 nmela tLUy effective as if no acceleratioa had occurred.However, tl�ia right to ninatate eh�ll -
<br /> •• not apply In the case of acceleradoa under paragraph 17.
<br /> • • 19. Ssdle ot Note; Clwnge oi Loan Servlcer. Tbe Note or a�-utial interest in the Note (together with this Security ��
<br /> ��-; Instcument)p�ay be aold oae or aare tlmag without prior notice to Borro���er.A sale may�esult in a change in the entIty(lmown
<br /> �� as the "I.oan Servicer")that collects monthly paymenta due uader the Nan and Wis SecurIty Instr�ment. Then also may be one �•=�
<br />.; • or mon changes of the Loan Sesvicer wu+elatod to e sele of the Note.If there is a change ot`the Loan Servicer,Borrower wW be �-_..
<br />? . givea writtcn notice of the change ln accordance wItb puagraph 14 above and appHcable law.The notice wUl state tha name and �`"
<br />��, addrGSS of ths�naw Lo�a Servlcer and the addnss to which payments should bo made. 1'he notice will alao contafa aay other
<br />�.:. infornoadon required by applicablelaw. -
<br />_- � '�Y 20. Hau�rdous Substapcea,Borrower shall not cause or permit the pnsence, ase, dIsposal. storage. or nleaie of aay
<br /> ��;,;. .� Hazardous Substances on or ia the Pnc�perty. Borrower sh�ll not do, aor allow anyone else to do. anything affectin t1x
<br /> s' : Pm1xrt5'that ts in violattoa of aay Eavl�nmental Law. T�1L Plettdin¢ two sentettoe.t shall not agg�y�.►t�gt+�ta�,u g. oc -
<br />.�;;,,;�.. �: . ° swrage on�he e�operry oi smtl!quantities of Hazardous Substances that are enerall nco to be u
<br /> th g y gn[zod apprnprIate to not�vl
<br />:.�:=. . residendal uses aad to maintenanca of the Property.
<br />��'��f-'; " Borrower sha11 Pmmpltly give Lender wrttten notice of any Investigauion,claim, demaad laweuit or other actioa D
<br /> "='��•:��'±'-A governmeatal or regulatory agency or pdvate party involviag the I�roperty and any Hazu+dous Substence or Bnvironmental L w
<br />;Q�� �- of which Borrower h�a actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or is aotified by any governmentel or ngulatory authority,tbat
<br />��,��: � , any removel or other nmediadon of an Hazardoua Substeace affecting the Proper[y Is necessary,Borrower ahall promptly ta]ce
<br />