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<br /> , � '� 5. Hazard or Pruperty lnsur�nce. Borrower shall kcrp the improvementa now e�tsting or hereafter crected ou the ��.
<br /> �,, Praperry insured agalnst loss by fire, hazards include�l within the tenn "eateaded coverage'and any other hazaMs, including
<br />,_:t_�;�t��� flaoda or flooding, for which I.ender requires i►�surence.'fbls lnsurance shall be maintainecl in ihe amounts and for the pedoda �
<br /> ��- that L.ender requlres.T'he insurance carriQr providing the insurance edr�ll be chosea by Borrower subject to Leader's opprovel
<br /> which shall not be onreawnably withheld. !f 8orrower faila to naalntaia coverage descdbed above,L.ender may.at Lender'a __
<br />=�T� optloa.obtain cover�ge to pmtect l,ender's rights in the Property ia accordance with ParaBtaph �,
<br /> � All insurauce policles and ceaewals shall be acceptable to L,ender aad sball include a atandard mortgage clause. Lender
<br /> .�, shell have the rtaht to hald the pollcies aad cenewals. If Lender requlres.Borrower shnll prompdy give to L.ender all receipss of
<br /> . paid pnmiums and naew�l notices.In the event of lass.Borrower s6a11 give prompt aotice to tlu insurance carrIer end I.ender. _
<br /> ' I.endsr may make proof af loss if not made pmmptly by Borrower.
<br /> � Unless Lendcr aad Borrower otherwlse agcee iu wdting,insuranoe pmceeds eha11 Ue apQlaed to restoratioa or repair of the
<br /> u
<br /> • property dpm�ged.If the restoratton or npalr is economically feasible and L.eader's securlty Is�a lessened. If the restoration or _
<br /> rep�ir is not economicaUy feasible or Lender's swurity would be leasened. the insuracice proceeds shall be applied to the swns
<br /> �� sticured by this Secutlty Insuutneat. whether or not then due. with any exoess paid to Bomower. If Borrower abaadona the
<br /> • . . property, ar does not answer wlthla 30 diys a notice from Lendes that the insurance carrier ha�offerod to settle a claim,tben
<br /> . Leader may collect the insurance proceeds. 1.ender may use the procads to npair or restvn tUe Pmperry or to pay sums
<br /> -_ �.. I r� aecurect by this Security Instniment.whether or not then due.The 30day period wUl begin when�he notice is glven.
<br />° Unless I,endcr and aorrower otherwisc agrec in wricing, anY aPPlication of proceeda to prinaipal shall not estand or �,,
<br /> . • . . postpone the due date ot the monthly payaients referred to iu paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymenta. If R:•
<br /> under puagraph 21 the Property is acyuired by Leader,�orrower's right to any insuraace pul'scks and pmcads rault[ng from
<br /> .: dimage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pau to Lender to the extent of the sums a�cured bY this Securiry Instrument
<br />-�-:;..;,:;.., immediuely prlar to tne ocquisidoa.
<br />.�;,:<•.• ' 6.Occupnucy,Presa�vallon,Moiateaance and Protedion of the Propertyi Borrowa's I,o�n AppllcAdon;Lesselwlds.
<br /> .�'`f`'�7 •' Borrower shell occupy,atabliah.and use the Propecty as Borrower'a princip�l residence withia s6cty days after the execution of
<br />.���'r :.
<br /> °,.;.n,,,�„ this Security Instrument�nd ahall wntlnue to occupy the Property a�Borrower'e pr�ncipal reaideace for at leASt one year nfter
<br />-:_- the date of occa�pancy,unless Lcader otherwlse agrxs in wrltin8+ which consent shall aot be uarcasonably wlthheld,or unlas
<br /> �__s�.,.'"'�;=-
<br />,y--s���f•': exunueting circumstanas exist which are bcyond Borrower's conu+ol. esorrower shail nvi �siroy. �am�8� � ��' �
<br /> �'���;��� Property. allow the Property to detedorau. or commit wasu oa the Property. Borrow�r shaU be� default if aay forfeitw+e
<br /> ._:i ii..,.�
<br />—`"`�A':==;. acdoa or pmaeding. wh�ha civil or crimiaal,is begun that ia Lendar's good feith judgmeat could resulc in forfeiture a We
<br /> ::�,ay��.
<br /> r� Property or otherwise m�ttri�lly imPair the liea cnated by this Secudty Instmment or L.ender's security interest. rrower may
<br /> :TMS��'.��_ h 18.by cauding the actioa or proaodlnB to be dismissed with a n�ling
<br /> _ ,u_��� cure such a default aad rcinscate.as pmvided in P�SmP
<br /> �_�,,� t6it. in L.ender's good fdth detecminstion, precludes forfelture of the Borrower's iaterat an the PropertY or ather matorlal
<br /> _�_--` -- imsr�rment of the ticn cneaud by �hia Securlty Inauvment or L,eader's aecudty Interost. B��rrower shall also be ia dofault if
<br /> _�T�.�,;� Eomnwer,duriug the lwn applicadon process,gave materially f�lse or inaccurate iaform�doa or asatements to Lender(or failed
<br /> -���� to provide Lender with wy macerlal informatIon)in conaection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including.but not limlud
<br /> _�"._::;,;s,� to�reprasentaHons conaraing Borrower's occupaary of the Property as s principal resIdena. If this Security Insuument ia on a
<br /> --- lwehold. Borrower sh�U comply with all the pmvisions of the lease. It Boirower acquira fa tide to the Proporty� the
<br /> leasehold and the fec tltle sh�U not merge unless Lender agras to the merger ln wrlting.
<br /> � 7.Protection of I.eader'a Rtghts In the Property.If Bonnwer fails to perform the wvramt�g aad agroementa contained ia
<br /> — thia Secudty Insuument�ar then is a legal pro�eeding that may signiticaady affect Leada's dgtits in the ProPertS' (auch�a
<br /> ==--;=a� pmceeding ia baniQUptry. pmbate, for condemnadon or forfeiture or to enforoe laws or ng�alulona), thea Lender�ay do�nd
<br /> __—_= pay for wh�ver is ncassary to pmtect the value of the Property end Lender's rights in th�Pra�PertY• Leader'a actions mry
<br /> include paying any swns socurod by a lien which hu priority over this Secudty Insuuracat, appeAring in caurt, puyl�►8
<br /> ---_-°'�' reasonable utomeya' fas and enurtng on the Proparry to make repaira.Although Lender may tdce action under thi�paragreph
<br /> ?,Lender does not have w do ao.
<br /> ---�^�-- Any amounta diabursed by Lender under this paragcaph 7 shall bocotne additionel debt of Bormwer saured by tLis
<br /> - Securiry Instr�ment. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these annaints shall bear interest from the
<br /> �-=�=��=-=�•y daGe of diabursement at tha Note rate and shall be payablc, wtth lnterest,upon nodce frona Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> --=._�.�'::-:�.1 payment.
<br /> _..�::�,��`• ;; : 8.Mortgage IasurAnce.If I.ender required mortgege insurana as a condidoa of maldag the loaa axured by this Securtty
<br /> ..,� , ,,,.
<br /> :,u.�;���•�3�;. ` Instrument, Barrower ehall pay the prem{ums required to maintain the moctgage insurance ia effect. If. for any reason,the
<br /> :.".� ,���. mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender tapses or aases to be in effect�Borrower sti�l pay the pnjniums requind to
<br /> �}�;,r�r,�..,. ;►,.
<br />`��+:'�`. obtain coverage substandally equivalent to the mortgago insurance prev[ously ia effect, at a caat substantially equivaleat to the
<br />`•ti�,., . ' • � cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurana previously in effect. from an altemate mortgage insurer appmved by Lender. If
<br /> �' .,, substantially equivalent mortgage inswance coverage is not available. Borrower ahail pay to Iender each month a sum equal to
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium boin8 paid bY Borrower when the insusnuce coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> be in ef[ect.Lrender wiil accept,use and ntain these payments as a loss reserve In lieu of rnatgage insurance. L.oss reserve
<br />,;.; a+:� �` Fonn aoaa�ysc>
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