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<br /> � y •, r.� ftL'•CQIiCtU p 97" 1Q'�''7�f P � y t��i t�'�d��� �'
<br /> • TOCIETH�R WITH all the im mvemeats aow or henafter erected oa the ro rt , xnd al e men ,a s,�nd
<br /> "�; fkwns now on c�reafter a put of the property. All rcplaccmcats and additions ah�ll als� be covcrod by this Sectuity
<br /> Instrument.All of the foregoiag ia referred to in Ihia SecurIry iastrumcnt u the"Propeny." ���
<br /> � BORROWfiR COVBNANTS thet Borrower is Itwfully selsed of the eatata henby conveyecl and�as the right to graut and —
<br /> �•� ��� coavey the Property and that the Progrrty is uneacumber�d, except for encuwbraaces of r:.cord. Borrowcr waerm�ts a��d wlll �
<br /> ;,,. ,. �
<br /> ' defend generatly the title to tbo Property ag�tast�ll clai��ad demonds,aubject to any eacumbranca of record.
<br /> s_ THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT combiaes un(form covenauta for nattoual use and non-uniform covananta wiW limttod =
<br />-''�� variadons by j�uisdic�ioa to consdtute�uniform aecurtry instnun�nt oover[a$real properry. �
<br /> r. ONIFORM COVENANTS.Borrawer and Lcadcr covenun and agne as follows: --
<br /> � 1. P�yaunt of Princtpel and Inta�est; Pr+ep�yment and I.�te Char�ca. Borrower ehall pmmptly pay when duo the =_
<br /> ptlnc(pal of and taterat on tlie debt evidenad by tha Note aad any prtpayment and late charges due undcr tho Nota. -
<br /> . 2. I�Lndr tor T�xea and I�urance.S�bjxt to applicable lsw or to a wrltten waiver by Leader, Borrower ahell p�y to
<br />_, Lender on the day moathly payments ate duo under the Note.uatil tha Note is paid in fuU,a sum('Fw�da")for:(e)yearly taxea -
<br /> ,' .,..``
<br /> �od au�ssmenta wh9cti uuy attain prlority�ver thia Sa:urity Instcument as a lien on the Property:(b)Yearly leasehold paymenta
<br />-z.; { : or ground renta on the AropertY�If any�(a)Yearly hazaM or prnperty insurance prcmiums;(d)Yearly flood iasurance premiutas� -
<br />:.,,.,::�„� if any;(e)Yearly mortgage insunaoe premiums,if any; and(� xay aumv payable by Borrower to Lendor�in�coord�n�x aith
<br />�:�'W?;:f�i: tLe pmviaions of paragnph B,in lleu of thc payment of mortgage inauru�ce pnmiuma.These items are called'Escrnw Items."
<br /> , : Lender may. at any time, ooUect and hold Funds in an �mount tat to exca:d t4e m�ucimum amount a lender for�foderally �
<br /> . , �' telated mortgage loan may require for Borrowet'a escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settltment Proceduras Act of
<br /> ,,�r��„��. 1974 u amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et scq. ("RESPA"),unl�s another law that applies to the Funds —
<br />__��`� sets e lesser amount. If so, I.ender may. u any time,ooAect aad hold Funds in aa amouat noc to excoed che lester xmouat.
<br /> �'n'��� Lender miy estimate the amount of Funds due on tbe basis of curnat dAta and reagonable estimates of expendltures of future
<br /> Escmw Items or othenvise la accordance wtth applicabte law.
<br />+�"�''.>. The Fuads shall be held in aa iastltution whose d sita are insured b a federal
<br />-- epo Y a8ency. insaumentality� or eatity
<br /> _�r��`�9 (lncluding Leader,if Lender is auch an insfltution)or in any Federal Homs Loan Bank.Lender ahill apply the Fund�to pry the
<br />� '-:':;�t:s�Ti Eacrow Items.L,eader ma not cdar c 8orrowor for hol
<br />._���:x,� Y 8 din8 aad applying the Funda,aanuaUy�lyz3ng the escrow aocouat,or
<br /> �� verifying the Exrow Items,unless L,ender pAys Bomower intsrest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to malce auch
<br />�P�?;�,•'� �chuge. However.Lender may roqu9re Bomower to pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate tax repordng servioe
<br /> ,'_;_t�,_,�. . t�:8y LcuBcc ;n wnnccGon witu inis Ioan. uniess applieable law provides otiienvise. untess an agroemcnt t� maGe or
<br /> -_,_i^� �ppliable liw nquires Interest to be paid,Lender ah�ll not ba requlred to pay Bornower any inurest or oaminga on the F�nda.
<br /> =5��;._ Borrower aad Lender may agree ta wrlting,however,thut interest ahall be patd on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower.
<br /> -_=—...��r,,�� wlthout chuge. aa aanual accounting of the Funds,ahowing crodlts and debita to the Funds and the purpose for whieh each
<br /> ---- debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged a�addiHonal aecudry for all sum�socurod by thia Socurity Ia�nv�acut.
<br /> __'�°"'_°' IPttie Funds held by Leader excxed the amounta permitted to be held by applicable lew,Lender ah�ll account ta Bon+ower
<br />