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201206911 <br /> sentences ehall not apply to$ie presence, use, or storage on the Property oP smal] c�uantikies o,f IIazardous <br /> Substancea thflU t�re gener�7ly recognized to be appropriate to norinal reaidential uses and Co inaintcnance of <br /> the Pcoperty(including, but not linvted to, hazardou�substances in consiuner piroduots). <br /> Bomower sliall promptly giv�Lender wrilten noticc of(a)�airy investigation, claim, demand, lawsuih or otil�cr <br /> actiou by uiy goveriunenCal or regulatary ageney or private parly involving tl�e ProperCy and any fIazardous <br /> SubsCancc;or Lnvtroiimontal Law of wl�ich Rorrower hns achxal laiowledge, (b) any L+nvironn�ontal <br /> Condition, inchiding btiit not limiCed to, any spillii�g, lealcing, discharga, ralease or thxeak of rel�se of ttny <br /> I-Iaaardotts Substance, and(c) any eondition c�used by Che presencq usc or release ot a Hazardous Snbstanoe <br /> wl�ich adv�rsely nffects the value of tihe Property. If Borrower lenrns, or ie notifiu}by any govermnent�l or <br /> re�ul�,Cory auChority, c�r m�y private party, that any remnval or othe,��renaediation oF any Hazardous S�.ihst�nce <br /> affeoting the Property is neeessalg, Bortower shall prompCly Calce all nccessary remedial actions in <br /> accordance with$nviromnental Law. Nothiug herein ehall create euy obligati�n on Londcr for eui <br /> �nvironmontal <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants, liorrower and Lender covena�rt and agree as follows: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. l,rnder shnll givc noticc to Bm�rower prim� to aicceleration Pollo�viug <br /> Borirower'&brexch of auy covenant or agreement in this Secarify Instrtnnent (I�ttt not prior Co <br /> trceclerntion nuder Sectim� 18 miless Applioflple L�w proviclea oClierwise). 'I'he notice shall specify: (a) <br /> the dc�itmlt; (b) Hie aotimi roqidred to cm•a Yl�e defanit; (c)�a dflte, nof less Chan 30 days lYorn tlie dnte <br /> the nuHce is given to f3orcower, by wliioli Che defanit mnst be enred; and (d) fhat fsilnre to cm•e Che <br /> clefaidC mi nr beFore lhe date specified in the notice mny resnit in sicceleration of Yl�o enme ecciu�ed by <br /> Yhis Secm�ity�ish•mnent and ��le of tl�e Prnperly. The notice�shall furH�er i�ifurin'Borruwer of thc <br /> right to rci�utato af'tcr acccloration aud El�e rig1�C Yo 6rL�g n com�t ncNmi Co assert Uhe non-existence uf x <br /> default or :my utlier def'ense oi Borrower to siccelcr�tion nnd salo. Lf tlie defanit is not cnred mi or <br /> before Clie date specitied in flie noClce, Lender at ifs nptlon may reqnire immedintc paymenC in$tll of <br /> all snma secm•ed by �lde Security vieh�nment wiChont furtlier decnan�l avd may involce the power of sule <br /> and anv uther reuiedies permitted Uy Applicablc Law. Lcndor ehall be entitled to collect 111 expenaep <br /> iiicnrred in pnrauing Che remedies prov�ded in fhis Section 22, including, bnt not limited to, rensonablc <br /> aCtm�neys' fees and costs�of tiCle evidence. <br /> If t6e power of flnle is involced, Trnstcc aliall rccord a naticc of defaidt in each connty in wLich niry <br /> Part of tl�r, ProperCy ia located xnd shxll n�ail wpies o1'Such noGoc v� tlic manuor prcecribed by <br /> Applicable Law to Borrower and to ttte oGher pereonS pre8c�9hed by Applicxble Law. Af'ter tlic timC <br /> reqaired by Applicaulo Law, Trnetee shall�ive pnblle nodlce of sale Co ll�e pereoua ancl in fhe m;mner� <br /> prescribed by Applicxble Lxw. Trnstee, wlYliout demand on Borrower, shall sell the Property nt Pablic <br /> nnction to 61ie liigLesk bidcler aC Che 4ime flnd place anci xmder t6e tea•ms designs�tccl 'ui tl�e notico of aale <br /> in onc or moro parcels and lu an,y m�der Truatee detertuines. Trnslee mny postponu sale of all ur xiry <br /> parcel nf t6e]'�roperty Uy puUlic ,�nnoancemen{, ,�t the timc nnd pinco oP nn,y previously ecltedaled sale. <br /> Lender or its designee mfly pnrcht�Ne Ulie Property at an3�sale. <br /> Upon receipC of pa�uient oF Che p�ice bid, 't'rastee shall deliver tu tl�e Nnrclinser'CrnsCce's deed <br /> conveyi�ig the Property. TLe reeitals in Clie Trnstee's deed aLall be���rimx facie evidence �rf tlie tratli oY' <br /> thc sCatoments mndc thorcin. TrnsCce el�nll apply tho procoeds of 17ie sale in [he followh�g m•der: (a) to <br /> nII custs u�id rxpeuses uf exercisv�g tlze pow�er o1'sale, Fu�d �l�c salq inclnding the paymenf oY fLe <br /> Tt•usi�ee'8 1'ees acCnally iuciu�•ed aud e�ason�hle atCoi��eys' fees :is permitted by Applicable Law; (b) to <br /> all snms secnred by t7�ie Secarily vistrimient; and(c) airy excess En Cl�e pereon m•persons Iegally <br /> entitled to it. <br /> zaoo�aa� <br /> NEBRA51<A-Single Famlly-P=nnle h1 ae/Fredtlle M ac UNIFORM INSTRU M ENT Form 3U1 tl 9101 <br /> VM P� VM Pfl(NE)(1105J <br /> WoHers Kluwer Flnanclal5ervlaes Pago 14 0(7] <br />