<br /> in the Properly and rights under this Sccurity Jtistrument; and(d} takes such action as Lcndm�rnay
<br /> reasonably requu'e Co assure thflt Lender's i�nlerest in tl�c Yroperty aud rights under t}iia Security Inslruinciit,
<br /> aud Bm���ower's obligatiou to pa�y the swna secmed by this Seom•ity Instrume�rt�, shall conhinue wichan�ecl.
<br /> Lender may require fhat Borrower pay such reinstateinent sutns and e�eiisee in onc or more oE the following
<br /> f'onns, as selected by I.ender: (a) cash; (b) n�oney orde�; (c) certifed check, berilc chwk, treasurer's chech ar
<br /> casl�ier's checic, provided any such check is drawn upon cm inetitutior�wl�ose deposiCs tue insured by�
<br /> federal agcncy, i4istrwme��tality or enCity; or(d) Eleotronic Punds Trans�Per. Upon reinstatement by Borrower,
<br /> this Se�nirity InstxumenC and obligati�ns secured hereby shall remain firlly effeclive as if no aocolcralion had
<br /> occurred. Tiowever, this right fo reinseato shall not ap�ly in the case of acceler�9on under Section 18.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Nole or a partial intcrest in the
<br /> Note(together with this Security Inst��ument) cnn l�e sold oi�ia or n�ore{{n�cs withnnt prior notice to
<br /> Borrowcr, A sale might result in a chEuiga in the entify(lmown es the "I oan Servtces�") that co1lecte Periodic
<br /> Payinents due under tha Note and this Sccurity]nsh�tune�it tuid perforina other mortgage lonn servieir�g
<br /> obligations undei the Note, this SeciuiLy Isislruinenh, nnd Applioablc Law, There also might be one or more
<br /> chEutges of the I,oan Seivicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a cl�angc of thc LoEu� Servicer,
<br /> Borxower will be given wriYtcni noticc of the ch�nge wl�ich wi11 stata Yhe�uvne nnd �dciress oP the new Lovi
<br /> Sarvicer, Che nddress to which pnyrnents should be inade and any othee information 1t�SPA requires in
<br /> comiection wiUi a notice of Y�tmsfer of servicing. I£the Notie ie sold and thereaffcr the Loau is serviced by a.
<br /> Lottn Servrcer otl�cr than the purchpser a�F the Note, the mortgttge lonti servioing obligadons to Borrower�✓ill
<br /> remani wilh L�ie Loan Serviccr or bc t�<An9ferred to a successor L oan Servicer and flre not assnmul by fl�o
<br /> Note purchasar nnless otherwise provided by t�he Nofe purchascr.
<br /> Neither Bonower nor Lencler may co�wiienoo,join, or bcjoined to aziyjudicial action(ae ei�kier an
<br /> individtital litigaut or tlie member of n clnse) that fu•ises fi�oiu t�he ofher party'n aotioxis puxsuairt to this
<br /> Security]nstt�ame��f or that alleges that the othe�•perty lk3s breached any provisioiY of, or any duty�wcd by
<br /> refison of; this Securidy IneCrument, uritil sucl� Borrowe��or Lender has notified khe otlter party(with such
<br /> notiee given in compliance wiYh the reqnirements oP Seouion 15) oP euch allcged breach aud aFforded Yha
<br /> other party hereto a relsonaUle period a�fl:or the giving of such notice to tnke correctivc notion. If Applicable
<br /> Law providcs a Cimc period which musk ela�pse before cert[tin action c�i be taken, th�C time period wi11�bc
<br /> deemed to Ue reasovable for purposes of this paragraph. 'I'l�e nofice of aocelerakion and opporttarity to cure
<br /> giveii to Rorrower pm�suant to Section 22 and the notiee oP accele�ation given Co Borr�awcr pureuant to
<br /> SecCinn 18 shall be deemcd to satisfy khe notice vid opportunity Co take corrective nction proviaions o�f ll�is
<br /> Section 20.
<br /> 21. Haaardous Substances. As used in fl�is�ectron 2;1: (a) "Hazardou,s Substances" eue those sulasYances
<br /> de�fii�ed as Coxic or haaardotiis substances, pollutnnta, or wnetes by EYivironmental Law and t1�e fo1Touring
<br /> eubatanecn: gxsoline, lcerosene, other Ylam�iable or toxio pet�'olettin products, t'oxie peslicicies nnd herbicidos,
<br /> volaYile solvents, tnflterials containing as6esCos or fonnaldoliyciq end radioa�ctive materials; (b)
<br /> "Brkvironrnental LaN�"menns federAl la�ws �nd lews o£the jn�isdiotion where thc Property is loc�ted fliat
<br /> re7�te to hea1th, safoty or envirouinental protecUon; (o) "Envr�rota�rrieNtal Cleavs�up"includes any response
<br /> aoCion, ren�edial aoCion, or reunoval action, as dcfincd in Rmiroinnental Law; anel(d)fln "Evevironrraeretal
<br /> CondPtlorr." metu�s A condiGon that oan cnuse, conk�ibu[�e lo, or otheiwisc d�igger an EuviromnenEal Cle��ap.
<br /> Barxower shtill not oause or pennit the presei�oe, i4ge, disposal, storabc, or release of any H�zardous
<br /> Substauoes, or tlireaten to release ariy Hezerdous Substances, on or in fl�ie Properry. Bvrrower shall nof do,
<br /> nr�r a11ow anyono clee to do, anything affeoting the Froperty(a�) tl�at is in viol�tion oF any L�nviromnen6�1
<br /> Law, (b)wlucli creates an�nvirovn�eiiCdl Condition, ur (c)whrch, due to tlie presenca, use, or release ofx
<br /> Hazardous Substazice, creates a condition that adversely eff.ects the vnlue of Che Yroperty. "Cl�e preoeding two
<br /> zaooioa�
<br /> NEBRASItA-Single Famlly-Fannle Mne/Frentlle b1ac UNIFOFM INSTRUM ENT form 3028 1101
<br /> VMP(� VA7PE4(NE (1106
<br /> Wnitare Kluwer Flnonnlal 4arvioas Pega 3 of t
<br />