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201206911 <br /> ?.3. Reconveyance. Upon p�yment o£nl1 siims secured by this Seolu'iUy Inslruinenl�, Lcnder ehall requcst <br /> Trustee to reconvey tho Property nnd shell surrendor this Security Instrument And all notes evic(encing deUt <br /> secw�ed by this Sec�ariry Histrwnent f�o Tiustee. Trtiustee shall reconvey tlie Properf�y witliout waz�ranty to Yhe <br /> pers�n or persons�lcgally cntiflcd to it. Suc1t person or persrnis shall pay�ny recordation oo�ts. Lender may <br /> eharge auch person or peraons n fee�Por reconveying the ProperCy, bu4 only if thc fcc is paid to a fhird party <br /> (such as Uie Trustee}Por serviees rendered and the cherging of tha fee is permittecl under Applioable Law. <br /> 2�1. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at its option, may from tisne to time remove Tinstee and appoine a a�iocessoc <br /> trustee to any Trustee appo'vited l�erenuder by an instrwnent recorded in the county in which this Security <br /> Insh•umei�t is recorded. Without convoyanco of the Property, fl�o s�iccese�r U ustee aliall.s�xcceed to a11 the <br /> LiCle, power�nd ciuties ooi�r£erred upon Trnstee herein nnd I�y Applioable Law. <br /> 25. Request for` Notices. Borrower requests tih�t co�ies of the no[ice oP defnult�nd sale be seut to Borrower's <br /> nddress which is thc�Property Address. <br /> --- ------- -- zn o o�an i <br /> NFBRA81<A-Single Femlly-Fannle MaolFfo�dlo Mac UNIFORM INSTRUM fNT Furm 3020 1/07 <br /> VWP� VMP6(NEl(110A) <br /> W oltere KIUW 2r Glnanclal Servloes Pepe 15 0(7'! <br />