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201206911 <br /> desigiated a substitiute notice address by notice to Lcnder. Rorrower shall promptly notify Le��der of <br /> Borrower'�change of acldress. If Lerider epecifies a prooeduro for reporting Borrower'e ohenge of address, <br /> then Iioxxower sliall only rc.ry�ort�t change of add�ess t1u'ough that specified procedwe. <br /> There mny be oiily one des'tgnated notice address under this Secw�ity Instrun�e��t af auy ona tiine. Any no4ice <br /> Co Lender shall be given bg delivering it or Uy mai1ing it Uy tirst claes mail to Lender's ttddress stoted herein <br /> unless Lender has desigiiatied auoflier nddress by noCice Uo Borrowe��. Auy notice in connection with this <br /> Seom�ity InstriimenC shall not be deemed to have been given to Lender imtil actually received by Lender. IP <br /> any notice required by khis Secirrity Tnstriunent is aLso reqtured under Applicn6le Law, the Applicable L,aw <br /> teqnirement will sa�Cisfy the coiresponding reqiiire�iieiYt imd�r this Security Instr•nment. <br /> 18. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Constructinn. This Sccuriry I,nstiument shall be governed by <br /> feiic��al law and H�e lnw of the jLuisdicCion iu which the Property ie locnt�d. A11 rights and obligations <br /> oontained in this Secm�ity Inshumcnt are subject tio any requirements �nd linvlations of Applicable I aw. <br /> Applicable Lew might explioitly or implicitly allow the parties to agree by contxac[or it might bo silc�it, but <br /> suoli silence shall noE be constirued as a prohibiLion againsf ap�'comont by conti�wt. Li the event that asry <br /> provieion or clttusc of N'iie Security InsG-mnent ox the Note confli¢ts with Applicable I,aw, sttch conflict shell <br /> noY affect other provisions pP Chie Sccurity GiatrumenC or the Note wl�ich can be givei�effcc{w9�hout the <br /> coi�f7ictin�provision. <br /> As tised in this Security Instrim2enC; (a) words of tho�nasculine gender shell mean and inchide oorrespoi7ding <br /> neutar words or words oF the feminiue gender; (6)words in the singular shall mean and inchtde the phu al <br /> and vice rersa; and(c) the word '4nay" gives sole disoretion wi¢houC 1ny obligeifion to take any action.. <br /> 17. Borrower's Copy. Aorrower shall Ue given oue copy oF fhe Note�and of t1iis Secwity Inatrument. <br /> 1 Ei. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrawer. As L�sed iu tlus Secriari 18, °Iuterest in <br /> fhc Yroperty" meany any le�al or banefici�l Interest in the Property, including, h��t not limited to, Uiose <br /> benefioill interests Lrv�sfr,n�red in a bond for deed, contraet lor deed, inetallment sales contract or escrc�w <br /> a�greement, the inCent of wfiich is the transfer o�P title by Borrower at a futiire daCa to a pw•chAser. <br /> If all or any parC of the Properry or any Interest in che Proper�y ia sold or t��aneferred(or iP Borrower is tmt e <br /> natural person and a Ueneficia] intierest In Borrower ia sold or trauisferreci)�vithout Lender's prior t�riCten <br /> consent, Le�ider may require iimnediate payn�ei�t iii f�ill of all sums secured by tlus Security Insh�umenk <br /> I3owever, tlus option eha11 not be oxercised by Lender if suoh exercise is prohiUited by Applicable Law. <br /> If Le�idec exeroises this option, Lender shn11 give I�oirowe��noGico of acceloration. The nofice slrall provide a <br /> period of not less thzn 3Q days fi�oin the date the xiorice is given in accordnnce witl� 3ection 15 K�ithin wl�ioli <br /> S3orrower n�usk ptiy all sarns soctu•ed by this Security Inshumeiit. If Rorrower fnils to pay Lhese auins prior to <br /> the expiratioxi of this period, Lender n�ay invoke any rei2iedias pcn�mitted by Uiis Secuiity Snshvment withont <br /> fitrther notice ar demand on Bomower. <br /> 19. BorYOW er'S Right to Fteinstate AfteY ACCeleration. If Borrower ineels certain condicions, Rorrower <br /> shall have Llie riglit to havo anforc�nent of this SecuriCy InsU�tunent discontimied nC any Gme prior to the <br /> euliest af: (a) five days before sale af tlie Yroperty p�irsuant to at�,y power of sale coutained in this Seom�ily <br /> Histruinant; (b) such other peiiod as Applicable Lnw mighC speoify for the terminalion o#'Borrower'e rigl�t to <br /> reinet�t#e; or(c) entry oi'a jndgmenY esiforcing Chis Securiiy InsfrumenC. Thosc conditions are fha�ti Borrower: <br /> (a)pay�Lcudcr tdl su�i�5 whiol�then would be dua under tlris Security Inst�umel�iC and tiho�[Qotc;as iP no <br /> Aoeelerat�on had 000urred; (b) cittes any dcfault of any other oovennnfs or agreements; (c)pays all expeneeE <br /> incurred in eniorcing Elils Sectiuity Sneh•nment, inolnding, l�ut no�'limitod to, reasonable attorneys' fees, <br /> �eoperty in,pecfion and vxTuation fees, and othes�fees inottrrecl for the pnrpose oP protecting 7,ender'�s interest <br /> eaoa�oai <br /> N[[IRASK�-Singlo Family-Fannlo MaolFteddlc Mac UNIFORivi INSTRUAq ENT Form 3028 1/01 <br /> VMP� Vi41P0(NEI(71a51 <br /> Woltere Kluwer Rnanclal Sevloea Page 12 ni 17 <br />