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201206911 <br /> satisfaction, provided th�t eixch inspection sh�ll be undertnlcen promptly. L���dcr i��ay pay for tlie repairs <br /> znd restoi ation in a n'tngle disbm•sement or in a series oi'progress pa}nnente ns khe work is compleled. <br /> Uttless en€��eement is made in wrifing or Applicnble Law rcquires interest to be paid on such <br /> Miacellaneous Proceeds, I,ender shall not be required to pay Borcower any intorast or earnin�s mi suoh <br /> Mi�ccllznc,-bus Pr�ceeds. lf t1ie restoration or repair is not economically FeasiUle or Lender's seciui�y worild <br /> be lessened, lhe Misoellaneous Piroceede sh211 hc appHed tci the sums secm�ed by tl�is SecuriGy Instrnment, <br /> whether or not then due, wdth the excess, if nny, paid to Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be <br /> applied in fhe order provided lor in Section 2. <br /> Tiz the event of�total taking, destruction, or loss in value oP the Property, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall <br /> be a�pplied to ths swns secured by tlils Security InsY��ument, whether or not�hen due, w'rth thc cxcess, if any, <br /> paid to Borrawer. <br /> In khc evcnL o�f a partial talcing, dcs[ructioit, or loss in va7ue of the Proper[y in which Yhe fair mnrket value of <br /> tihe Property imtnedi¢tely before the pvLial ti�ldng, destrnoCioii, oc loss in value iu equal to or greater than Ehe <br /> ainount of t�xe sums sectu'ed by this Security Listrmnent umnediately before the parti2l C�lting, destrtictiion, or <br /> loss in valuc, unless B�rrower and 1.e��de� othe�v✓ise agree in writ�ing, the awns secured by this Secucity � <br /> Snstruinenf shall be rednced by Ctie�mounh oP the Miecell�neous Pr<�cccds multip7iad by the following <br /> fl�action: (a) the tot�il amount of the sums sectiired innnedintely be£ore Che partial falcing, destruction, m� l�ass <br /> ni value divided by(b) the fair mnrlceC value o�P the Property immediately before tl�e partial u�lc�ng, <br /> deat�•uct�ion, or loss iu valne, Avy Ualanoe sha11 Ue paid t�o Borrower. <br /> In 1he event oP a p�u Cia1 takiug, desSiuction, ox lose in value of the Property in which the fair market value o£ <br /> fhc Pro�erty�immecliately befone the partinl taking, desf���iction, or lo.9s in value is less Yl�an tihe amouuC of the <br /> sums seeured immediately before ihe par6inl t�king, desCruotion, or lose in valuq uuless I3arrower and <br /> Lendar otiherwise agree in writing, tiha Miecellaneous Prooaede shall be�pplied to the sums seoured by iliis <br /> Sa;urity In�trumcnt whcH�or or not the�sums arc thcn due. <br /> ]f{hc'Proporty is abandoned by Borrower, or it, afrcr notice by �znder to$orrower that tihe Opposing ParCy <br /> (as deflned in the next senLenoe) offera fo mtilce nu nwlyd to setCle a clai�n For damages, Bo�roWer Pails to <br /> respond Co Lender within 30 days after the dete the notice is given, Lender ia aufhorizeci to collecf and�pply <br /> tha Miscellaneous Proceeda either to rastoralion or repair o£the Property or Yo the snms secured by this <br /> Seouril'y Iivgtniment�, wheCher or noC lhen due. "Opposing ParL}�" met�ne thc thied party fl�af c�wes liorrower <br /> Mieoell�meous Proceeds or the party against whom Barrower has a right of acfion iu regard to Miscellaue;ous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrower shall Ue in default if auy action or proceeding, wheflier civil or criannal, ie Uegtitt that, in Lender'e <br /> j uci�ment, could reeult 'vz fin�fcihtro of tl�e Property or otihor maCeriad irnUairmeut of T.ender's interest in tha <br /> Property ox rights under ttus Security H3strument. Borrower ean cure suoh a dePault and, if�ccalcration hae <br /> oceurred, reinstate as providad in SecCion 19, Uy c�using ihe action or proceecling to be dismissed with a <br /> r�iling that, in Lcnder's j�id�nenf, precludes f�rfoiCure of the Property or other inaterial impairiuent oi' <br /> Lender's interosC iri Lhe Piroperty ot righls iu�ider Chis Securily Inslrtm�ent. 'fhc proce�ds of any.xward or <br /> olaim for dam�ges tlint are athibuk�ble to the ii�airment of Lender's interest in Che ProperCy pre hereby <br /> assigned and sh�11 be paid to Lender. <br /> All Miscell.�neous Procoeds Ehat are nof apl�lied Co restoraCion or repair of the Property shall be appiied in Hie <br /> order provided for in SccNon 2. <br /> ' --- --- --"'— 24001b4'I <br /> NFAR4SKASInflle Fem Ily-Fennio M ao/Freddlo M oc UMFORM INSTRUM ENT Farm 3020 1 f01 <br /> VM P O VA7 P6(NEI(71051 <br /> Wollers I<luwa�f-Inanr,lal SaYvlces Page 10 of 17 <br />