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201206911 <br /> con'Ci�iuo to pay to Lcudcr tl�o amount of tl�c scpaYatcly dcsignatcd ptiymci�ts that werc duo when thc <br /> insuranoe coverage cenaed to be in effect. Lender will acoepC, use anci retain Che�e paymente�s n <br /> non-refundable lose reserve in lieu of Mortgage Insurance. Suoh lass reserve shall Ue non-refiindable, <br /> natwiTlistanding Uie fact tihaC the Loan is nitimately paid in Liill, and Lender shall not Ue required to pay <br /> Borrowcr zuiy intcrest or oarnings on such ]oss reseive. Lender can n�longcr require lo�roservepaymenCs <br /> if Martgnge Ineurence cover�e(in the pmount And Por#he period that Lender}•aquires7 provided by nu <br /> iustu'er selected by Lender again Uecomes availaUle, is oUtained, a�id Lender requires separately designafed <br /> payments toward thc promiun�s for Mortgage Hisurance. If Let2der r�uiecd M,ortgage Insi{ranoo as n <br /> condition of makiiig the Lo�n and Iiorrower was required to m�ke separakely designated paymente townrd the <br /> premiums for Mortgnge Instiiranco, Borrower shall pay tiie prainiums required to maintaui MorCgage <br /> Tnsuranco ir� cffoct, or to providc a non-refimdable loa�reseive, imtil Lender's reqtireineuC for MorCgege <br /> Insurance ends in accordaz�oe with eny written agreement b�tween 13arrower encl Lender providing Por such <br /> tem�ination or until terminntion is required by Applicalale L�w. Notivng in tlus Section 10 af£ects � <br /> Borrower's obligation to pay interest at Uie rate provided in fhe Nnte. <br /> Mortgage Insuranoe reimbm�scs Lencier (or any entity tliat purchases tl�e Nate) for certaii� losses it may incur <br /> if Borrower does nat repay tlie Loan as agrced. Borrower is not a parly Co lhe MorCgage Insu�anoe. <br /> Mortgage insLu'ers evaluette flieir tot�l risl<on a11 sucl�insnrttnoc in forcc from time fo 6iine, and mny enter <br /> into agreo�vente with oCl�er parCies Uiat shere or modify theu•risk, or rednce losses. These agreements axe on <br /> terix�s a�id condiCions thnt�re sa6sfectory to the mortgage insurer a�id tlia othec pacty(or parties) to tliese <br /> agreetnents. These agreements mfly require Che mortgage insurer to make payments using any�ource of frtnds <br /> that the mortigage insw�er�nay l�ave availaUle(which may includc fimds obtaincd fron�Nlortgage Insurance <br /> preiniwns). <br /> As a restitlC oi'these agreeuients, Lender, any piuchaacr oP thc Note, auoCher insurer, any reinsueer, any other <br /> c ntity, or zny affiliaCe of�ny of fhe Poregoing,tnay receive(directly or ind"n ectly) amomiCs 11iati deiive from <br /> (or nvght be chacncterized as) a porCion of Borrowei's payinents for Mortgage Inem ar�cq in exchangc Poi <br /> sharing or modifying the mortgabe ii�surer's rick, or reclucing lossee. IC sucli agreement provides that an <br /> affili�tc of Lcndcr takes a share aP Lhe insiuer's risk in exch�nge for a shzre of the�reminms paid to tl�e <br /> ineurex, the errangement is often termed "captive reinsi.uance." Pnrther: <br /> (8) Any sucli ngreenients will nut affect the amomd;c ChaC Borrower Itas �greed to pny for Mortgago <br /> Insurxnce, or nny oN�er tcr�ne of tF�e Loan. Sncli agreemente will not iucroase thc amonnt. <br /> 13nin�owerwill owe for Mort�age Insnrnnco, nud the,y will noC entitic Borrower[o any refnnd. <br /> (b) Any snch agreentertls will not affect tlie rights Borcower has-if'any- witli res��ec1 to thc <br /> Mortgage Insnranw andcr tho Hoixieowners]'rotecHon Act of JJ98 m•any nfLer law. 'Pliese rigliCs <br /> may inclade the riglit Eo reeeive certaL�dieclnsures, ho reqnest ancl�obfnin cancellakion of thc <br /> Mortgage Insiu•�uce, to liavo tlie Mortgn�e Insurance torminatcd antomntict�lly, ��nd/or tu receive <br /> a refmtd of an,y Mortgagc Inenrauue preminms that were anearned at the timc of SueL <br /> taancellsiCim� or tennin:ifiun. <br /> 17. Assignmen4 of M iscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. All Miscellnneous Proceeds nre liereby nssigned to <br /> and sltall be paid to Lcndcr. <br /> If tihe Proper6y is dainaged, suc1�Miscell�ncous Proceeds shall be�pplied to restoxe[ion or repnir of Hie <br /> Proporty, if t1�o restoration or ropair is econoinically feaeible And Lender's secuciYy is iiot leaaeneci. Ducing <br /> snoh repnu and i�estor�[ion period, Lender shallliave the right Co hold anch Proceeds anCil <br /> Lender h�s had an opporluuity to inspect such Property to cnsuro the work ha�Ueen completed Co Lender's <br /> �-- — — ----------- za o o i an i <br /> NE�R�SKA�Single Famlly-fannie h1aelFretldle h1ac 11NIFOHM MS'fRUMEN'f Fomr 3020 7l01 <br /> VM P� VM P6(NE)(11Dtlf <br /> W oltere Kluw er Flnancial Servless Page 8 of 7] <br />