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<br /> 'Proceeds')In connedton wilh cundamnatlon or other takiny o/the Property or paA theroaf,w for con97nce In Ilau alcondemnaQon.
<br /> lender shall be entllled at ite optlon to commence,eppeer In end pro�ecute{n its own name any ectlon or proceedin9a,e�d shall elso
<br /> be entftted to meka any compromise or settlement In conner,tlon with such taking a demage.In thep'i`uch p�s�efte PdeducUnp
<br /> so taken or damaged, Lender shell have the optlaa In It�sole erd ebiolutA diRCrelbn, to appiy
<br /> therefrom ell costs and expenses incurred by It In connsctbn wlth such ProcsWs,upon any Indebtedne��secur�d hereby and In such
<br /> order es Lender may determine,or to apply all auch Proc�ed�,eftar�uch daductlone,ta lha resturntlon of Ihe Property upon such c+on-
<br /> ditions as Lender rney determine.Any appllcation o1 Proceeds to Indebtednrt��h�ll not�xtsnd or po�tpon�lhe due date nf any pay-
<br /> ments under the Noto,or cure any defeult thereunder or hereunder.llny unapplfsd tundu eheli be pald la Truetor.
<br /> 8.P�rtonnanu by Lmd�r. Upon Ihe occuRence of en Event M Detaull hsnunder, or If xny act la takon or lepal proceading
<br /> commenced whlch materlally aifects Lender'a Intereat in the Proparly,Lsnder m�y In It�own dircrotbn,twt without oblpation to do so,
<br /> and without nodce to o�demand up�n 5'ruslor and without releaclr�U Tru:tar trom eny obllpadon,dn nny nr.i whlch T�ustor has�reed !
<br /> but tailed to do and may also do any other ect it deeme nece�eary to prot�ct tha��cw�ry h�raol, Tru�la�h�N, immadlately upon
<br /> demand therefor by lender,pay to Lender all coata and expsnse�Incurred snd sum�Rxpendsd by l.andar In connectlon with the exer-
<br /> Gse by Lar�de�of the f�a9QI�►g dghts,together with intere�t theraon et the ddeull r�t�provW�d In►h�Not��wh�h �ha�1 be added�o
<br /> the IndeDt�dness sewred hafeby.Lender ehall not Incur any IlaWilty bmcauss of�nythlnfl It m�y do or omit to do Mroundsr.
<br /> 9. Hasardout IlAahri�is.Trustor shall keep ths PropaAy tn compllance with�!1�ppllcafaM I�, adln�nces�nd regulations
<br /> rolatlng to industrial hyglane or enviromm�ntel protectlan(collactively referred to herein e�'�nvlronmontd L�w�'). Trustor shel!keep
<br /> the Property free from ail substances deemed to be hazerdous or toxic undsr eny Envfrattiie�it�l Laww(cW{ectivaly rolorrad to herein
<br /> as"Hezardous Matedals').Trustor hereby warranta and represente to Lsnde�thd Ihen�re na H�zardou�M�t�rl�l�a�or�nder the
<br /> Properiy.Tn�stor hereby egrees to tndemnify and hold harmlesa Lender,its directore,ofNc�n,employee�md�nts,md any succes-
<br /> sors to Lender's interest,from and against eny and all clalms,demages,losses and Ilabllltle�odrinq In connectfon wllh the preeence,
<br /> use,disposal or 4raneport oi any Hezerdous Materlals on,under,from or ebout lhs Property.THE FOREOOINQ W/1RR/1NTIE8 AND
<br /> 10.Aasignm�nt u4 R�nU.TrusWr hsraby assfpns to Lender,and prent�LenAet e McuNty intenat In, dl pnwnl,Iuturs and
<br /> after arising rents,isaues and proflts of the Property;provided that Trustor shall,untll the occurrence of sn Ev�nt ol DN�ult,hNnund�r.
<br /> have the right to coNect and retein such rents,Issues and proflts as they become due and payable.Upon the occurrence ol pn Evsnt of
<br /> qefault,Lender may,elther In person or by agcnt,with or without bringlnp eny actlon or proceedinp,or by a re►celver appointed by a
<br /> court end wlthout regard to the adequecy oi ita secudry,enter upon and teke posseatbn ot the Propsrty,or any p�A lhereol,In lu own
<br /> name or in the name of the Trustee,and do any acts which il deems neceaaary or deslrable to pressrvs ths v�iue,markNabNity or
<br /> renisbfilty ot the Property,a eny part thereot or Intereat•thereln,or to Increaae the income therofrom or protect tM s�curity hanaf Ar►d,
<br /> with ar without teking possessfon oi the PropeAy,sue for or otherwiae colbct ths renh,lan�e�and profit�tharwl,induQ��9�Wrt
<br /> due and unpaW,by notlfying tenanta to make payments to Lender.Lsnder may apply rents,law��nd proAb,lets cat��nd�xpsnt-
<br /> es oi operation a�d coliectlon InGuding ettomey's fees,to eny Indebtednsss eecurod hero�y,ell In such order��LeKi�rr may deter-
<br /> mine.The entering upon and teking possessfon oi the Property, the collectbn of euch rent�,Is�w�and profla,s�d tha�ppNcatbn
<br /> thereof as etoresald shall not cure or watve any default or notice of default hersunder or Invall�ate any act done in ntpons�b such
<br /> d�fetslf er�ttrs�!?nt t� ai��h notice of detault and, notwlthstanding the condnuance In posse�slon of►he property a the coii�ctlon,
<br /> receipt and applicatbn of renta,Issues or proflte,Truatee and Lander ehall be entitkd to sxercJee svsry Hpht provid�a for M�ny oi iiie
<br /> Loan Instruments a by law upon occurrence of any Event of Default,inclu�iny without Ilmftetlon the rl�ht to sx�rGw tM pow�r of saN.
<br /> FuRher,Lenders �ghts and remedies under thia pnragreph ahall be cumulaEive with,and In no way e Ilmiutlon on,L.�r�riphts�nd
<br /> remed(es under any asaignment ot leases and renta recorded against the Property.Lander,Trustee and the mceiver dtall b�W�ble ta
<br /> account only for tfwse rents actually received.
<br /> 11.Ewnts of D�hul�The fdlowing shall conadtute en Event of Default under thlt Deed ot Truat:
<br /> (a)Feiture to pay eny installment of pr(ncipel or Intareat or eny other sum�ecurod hsreby wMn dw;
<br /> (b)A breach ot or defiult under any provialan contelned in the Note,thls Deed ol T�ust,�ny ot fM Lwn InWun�nb,w anY
<br /> other Ilen or encumbrence upon the Property;
<br /> (c)A wru oi execution or ettechment or any almller proceas chall be entered aflalnat Tru�tor whlch�h�ll���N�n o�
<br /> the Proporly or eny portlon thereof or Interest thereln;
<br /> (d)There shail be filed by or egafnst Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any pressnt 4r tuture federsl,ttau or oth�r�tatuf�,
<br /> tew or rs�uation relatinp to bankruptcy,insolvency or athsr relkf fcr debton;or th�n�hall b��ppolnt�d any hu�b�,roodv�a
<br /> Iiquldator o(Trustor or Borrower or ot ell or any paR of the Proparty,a ths rents,I�tues or protit�tMroof,a Trutta or BarowK
<br /> shall make any general assignment for the beneflt oi creditora;
<br /> (e}The sale, transfer, lease,assignment, conveyanoa or turther encumbrance oi ell a�ny p�A ot or �ny In1�nH M Ih�
<br /> PropeAy, ei�er voluntarily w. Involunterily,without the sxpresa writton conaent of Lender,providsd thet 1'tustor sh�N br prrmk-
<br /> ted to execute a lease of the Property that does not contAln en opUon to purchase�nd the tertn of whkh dw�not�xoNd ons
<br /> year,
<br /> (�Abandomment of Me Properry;or
<br /> (g)It 1'mstor is not an tndividual,tha Issuance,selo,tronsfer,esslgnment,convsyance or encumbrance d mors th�n (H�
<br /> corporeUon)a total of percent of its Issued and outstendtng atock,or(ff a partnerohip)e total ol per-
<br /> cent oi padnership Interests,or(ii e Ilmited Ilablllty company)a total of percant of the Nmil�d II�b11i►y camps•
<br /> ny interosts or voUng�tghts during the period this Deod of Trust remalns e�len on the propeRy.
<br />_ 12.R�msdNs;AccNsradon Upon D�fault.ln the event of any Event of Oefault Lender may,without notics except a�rpuk�d
<br /> by law,declere all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable end the same shall thereupon become due�nd p�y�bN wNh•
<br /> out any presentment,demend,protest or nottce of any kind.Thereaftar Lender may:
<br /> (a)Demend thet Trustee exerclse the POWER OF SALE grented herein,a�d Truetee ahell thers�fter caua T�ustor'�Int�r•
<br /> est in tha Property to be eold and the proceeds to ba dlatNbuted,all In the manner provided in the Nebratka Trust Da�d�Act;
<br /> (b)Exercise eny and ail rights provided for In any of the Loan �nstrumente or by law upon occurcenca of�ny Even10l
<br /> Oefaulh and
<br /> (c)Commence an ection to forectose thls Deod ot Trus4 as a mortgape,oppolnt a receiver,or epeclticeliy enfacs�ny ol th�
<br />- covenants he�eof.
<br /> � No remedy herein conierred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is Intended to be exciuslve oi any othor remedy hereln,In lhe Loan
<br />° Instruments or by law provlded or permltted,but each shall be cumulaUve,shall be In addldon to every other remedy piven hernunder,
<br />= in the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter exisUng et Iaw or In equlty or by atetute,and may be exerclaed concurrenlly.Indepandonl�y
<br /> — or succesively.
<br /> = 13.Trustk.The Trustee may resign at any dme without cause,end Lender may at any tima and wlthout cauee appolnt e�uc•
<br /> �..r��.a.-r...��..� r».�ti..e�.e11....��ne��.,a.,v�r�v inr�udina wlthout IIm►tetlon Lender.Botrower. Tn�slor w mY DuF
<br /> woovi vi wu �..u.v .�vww. . vvw.n..........�_..�._�_..��_..�, - .
<br /> — chaaer of the Property,for eny losa or demage unlosa due to reckless or willful misconduct,and shall not t�e requirsd to lake any octbn
<br /> � in connection with the eniorcement of thls Deed of Tnist unless indemnified,in wrlHng,for all costa,compenaetlon a expenaes wh{di
<br /> may be associated therew(th.In eddition,Trustee may become a purchaser at eny sele oi the Property Qud�lal o�under tho power o}
<br /> � sala granted hereln); postpone the sele of all or any porNon of the Property,as provided by law;or seil the Property aa a whob,or In
<br /> � separate parcels or lota at Trustee's discretlon.
<br /> ;,� 14.Fees md Exp�nsos.In the event Trustee selis the Property by exerctee oi power of sele,Trustee sh�li be enlitiod lo npply
<br /> i eny saie proceeds tirst to payment of ail costa and expenses of exercising power of sele.Including all Trustee'n foea,and Lender'n en�
<br /> Trustee's atromey�s fees, actuaily Incurred to extent permitted by appllcable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exercleee nny rlpht
<br /> t, provtded by lew to cure an Event of Default,Lender shalt be ontitled to recover irom Trustor all costs and expensoa actualiy Incurred ae
<br /> a resuit of Trustots default,including without Iimltatlon all Trustee's end attomey's fees,to the extent permitted by appllcable law.
<br />,_;;� 15, Futuro Advances.Upon request of Borrower,Londer may,at Its optlon, meke additlonel and tuture advances encf read-
<br />:=;y vances to Borrower. Such advances and readvances,with Interest thereon,shall be secured by thls Deed of Truat. Al no Umo shell the
<br /> .=
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