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<br />'-��,�:�.� � ccaT�MAFR _,18��.byandamong�
<br /> '�`�' TMIS DEED AF TRU3T,is mede ea of the 15THday of -
<br />----_ :�� �\
<br />:•.�;�".. � �
<br /> n3--•�
<br />_�.�1t•ii1 the Trustor,
<br /> �._�,� 313�1 BRENTW000 B LYD GRAND I S lANO NE 6880�hereln'Truator,whether one or more), \=
<br />;-;:�--,,,� whose mailing address is
<br />-��.
<br />`yh� the Trustee
<br /> �=.� p.0. BOX 1507, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 iharetn"Trustee').end
<br />--- whase maliing eddress is
<br />'�Y"'� the Banef�clary,
<br /> L`°� whosemailingaddressls 2015 N. BROAOWELL� GRANO ISLAND, NE b8802-1507 (herein•Lende�').
<br /> v `� FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,including Lendera extensbn ol credt identifled herein to
<br />�'-�-� ,_(hereln'9orrower;whelher one or more)ond tF+e trust herein created�the roceip�
<br /> of wh�h is hereby aoknowled9ed,Trustor hereby irrevocably grente,transiare,conveys end �ssigns to Truatee.IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> POWER OF SALE,tor the beneflt and aecurity oi Lender,under and subJat to the terms and cond�Uona herefnaRer sat totth,the res�
<br /> piuNbiiyt�bCd�8 f�lbWB:
<br /> Together with all buildlnps,Improvementa,flxtures,atreets,alleya,paasegewaYa,easema�te�riqhts�priv��°O°°8��PW��ancee
<br /> located thereon or In anywlae pertutninp thereto,and the rents,Issues and proflts,reve�sions ond remaindera thereot.and such per-
<br /> �on�prcperty thet is atteched to the improvementa so es to conaGtute a tixluro,Includfny,but not IlmNed to,heatinp and 000lin{i ecN�P�
<br /> menl;and together w(th the homestead or madte��ntereats,if any,which lntereats are hereby released and waived;ali ot whkh��ndud•
<br /> �ng replacarnente and addltbns thereW,is hereby dectered to be e pad of the real estete secured bY the Iien of thfs Deed oi 7rust and
<br /> all oilhe toreg�in0 be�iW referred to herein ea the'Properhl'•
<br /> Thla Deed oi Teust shell secure(a)tha peyment of the principa�,�e���date of_�by p p����«��t aproe�
<br /> menldated
<br /> in the orlDinal principel amount of S 700 020.5U , and eny end aU modiflcstbns.extsr►sbns a�d►er�ewels
<br /> thereot cr thereto and eny enotes ortcrreditepre menb(hereln called'Nde"j(b)the y�PaYme^ot othe�r aums advanced bY ande�to
<br /> to one or more prom(seaY
<br /> ��t���ity Qt the Note;(c)the parfom�ance of all cavenants end apreaements ot Tn�stor set tath here�n;and(d)all pressnt a
<br /> future indebtedness a�d obllgallons ot Bomower(or eny of them K more then one)to Lender whather diroct,k�dkect.absolute a�°^tln-
<br /> --�-----�- gentand whether e�ising by note.guarenty,overdreft or otherwise.The Nontae.thls Deed ot TrustB nd eny end all other����t
<br /> seare the Note or otherwlse executed in connection therewith, Includl without Iimitatlon uarantees,
<br /> eeCUriry a9
<br /> asalpnmenta oi leases and rents,shall be reterred to herein as thA'Loa��nstrumenta'.
<br /> Tniator covenanta end agrees with Lender es tdtows:
<br /> �, payrtNnt of Ind�btedn�sr.All indebtedne ha c�l�eurrl�ht and euhUarity to convey the Proper►Y.and warcanb that the Ilen croat-
<br /> - 2, Tiqe.Trustor is the owner ot the PropeAy� 9
<br /> ed hereby ia a fl►st end p�lor Iien on the Properly�except tor Ilens end encumbrenoes set forth by Truator�n writinp end deiivered to
<br /> Lender before executbn af this Deed of Trust,and the exocutlon end deNvery oi this Deed oi Tn�st does not vblats any contrect or
<br /> -- other obllgation to which Trustor is subJect.
<br /> -_ —= 3,T�uc�s,Ass�ssm�nts.To pay before delinquency all taxes,speclat assessments and all other charges egeinst the Properly
<br />. now or hereafter levfed.
<br />-'��� 4.Insunnc�.To keep the Property Insured egeinst damage by firo,hazards included within the term'extended coverape',end
<br />-`�'�`r_--i�
<br /> ,;:��,;� such other hazards as Lendeable t rthe1Lendere.nin caseeof losshundersuch polMJes,bhetLende�r s euthotized tno edJust ncollect and
<br /> �;�=�;�� named Insured,with loss paY
<br /> `��`•�:y compromise,all Galms tt►ereunder and shall have the option oi applying eil or part oi the insurance proceeds(i)to eny Indebt neaa
<br /> �y�==���� sewred hereby and In such order as Lender may determine,(il)to the 7rustor to be used fur the repair or restoraUon oi the Property or
<br /> (iil)far eny other purpose or object setisfecWry to Lender without effectine tho Ilen of thls Oeed of Trust tor the tull amount secured
<br /> `��"�'� hereby be{ore such paymenl ever took place•Any applications ot proceeds to indebtedness ahall not extond or postpone the due date
<br /> --;-��� otany payments under the Note,or cure any defeult thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> � �__._... ��.v,.�Wanen demand bv Lender,Trustor shali pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may designate, suffider►t
<br />� -. ... ... -----------e.,w..e,o.�hama�aaalnst
<br /> J.i.wr�v�.�r-•• .. .
<br /> --=;,;;c-�� sums to enable Lender to pay As they become dua ono or more ot the touo�x�ng:�q a��u+�ces�,aaaoavn�••..+....»--.-- ---..__ -„
<br /> . , .s:K� insurance required hereunder,and (iil) the pramiums on any mortgage Insurance
<br /> ,_�=.;:;; : r the Property, pq the promb�ms on the property
<br />;,;"� ; ...:;j requfred by lersder.
<br /> B.Matnt�na�c�, R�pa{n and Compli�nc�with Laws. 7rustor shall keep the P�operty�n good condition and repair; sha
<br /> ,:.§�; prompdy repalr,ar replaco any Improvement which may be damaged or deslroyed;ahall not wmmit or pc►rmit eny waste or deterbre-
<br /> ' �'� tion of the Property;sheil not remove,demolish or substantVally alter any of lhe improvements on the Property;shall not commit,suHer
<br /> '.,�<� •�
<br /> , �,,. : or pertnit any ect t�o�g d�nd expenseali Ilensr�encumbrances and chargea levled,�imposed orlatxessed agalnstethe ProPperty ory eny
<br /> . ,�.,•' . charge at Trustor'
<br /> . � part thereot.
<br /> . 7.Em�nent Oomain.Lender Is hereby assigned all compensatlon, awards,damages and other payments or relief(herelnaRer
<br /> . ..�. � rxHSiiwn.u�cuuro..a�w.aAe • ' r • '
<br /> . . • �iMEf1.YnYN�'�dLarmNattu�lYMfin+hHMlarlmlfKaltWEtMY wI 0
<br /> __.��.....� .
<br /> ..-- ....,._.��_+.�W -- � --.�'�a'��G:-
<br />