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<br /> _+Sra.11�",_—
<br /> prM�clpN�nwunt of ttw ktd�bt�dne�s sRCUrod by thle Deed of Tru�t,not InGuding sums advanced to protect the secu�lry of thio Deed of
<br /> Tru�t,axc�d ItH orlpinal principal emount stet�d heretn,or S. 800.d00.OQ ,wh�hever is greater.
<br /> � te. AIN�Nanrou�Provlslons.
<br /> (�)Yorrovw►Not Rd�Rt��d.Extension of the time for poyment or madiflcation of amortizeUon of the sums aecured by thle
<br /> De�ed u/1'rusl pranted by I.enderto any successor In interest ot Borrower shall not operate to i�alease,in eny manner,the Iiablli- CQ
<br /> ty ol Ih�nriglnnl 0orrower end Barrower's successors in Interest. Lender shai noi be requlred to commence pror,eedinga �
<br /> paUn�l s���t� succhwr a refuse to extend time tor peyment or otherwlse mod�fy amortization of the sums secured by this �
<br /> Qsad of 7rust by ro�wn ot uny demande mads by the odginral Borrower and BorrowerR successors fn interest.
<br /> (b)L�nd�r'�Pow�n.Without eflect(ng the Ilabtllty of any other persan Ilable for the payment ot eny obllgetbn hereln men•�
<br /> Ibrwd, wncf without�tfectlnp the Ilen or charge of thls Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or therototaro
<br /> iete�e�ed ae security(or tlie fuil amount of all unpald obligatlons,Lender may,from time to time end w(thout notice(I)releaue
<br /> any p�r:.cm::o Il��tu,(II)oxtand tho maturity or alter any of the torms of any such ohll�atlons,(III)grent other indulflencs�,(Iv) _
<br /> al��w a nconv4y,or cau4o to be reieased or reconveyed at any time at Lenders opdon any parcel, portion or aN of
<br /> Prapaty,(v)tAks or relaate any other ar eddlGanal secuMty tor Any obllpation herein mendoned,or(vi)make compositlons
<br /> olharar�anpements with debtoro In relaUon thereto.
<br /> (c)Fotb��rnnc�by L�nMr Not�Waiv�r.My forbearance by Lender In exercising any�Ight or remedy hereunder,or oth-
<br /> erwlN aflorded by apptlaeble lew, ahall not be e waiver of or preclude the exercise of eny such right or remedy.The procuro-
<br /> msnt of Inaurance or tho payment o�taxea or ather Ilans or charges by Lendar shell not be a v►raiver or Lender's dpht to ecceler-
<br /> �ts tM m�tu�ily oi lhe Indebtedness aecured by thls Deed oi Trust
<br /> (d)Succ�asorr�nd Atslpm Bound;Joint and$sveral Llabllityr;Captiont. The covenante and agreements herein con-
<br /> lalned ahell bind, and the rlghta hereu�der shail inure ta,ihe respecUve successora and assigns oi Lender and Truatot.All
<br /> coverw�tf and epreemant�ot Tmstor shall 6A Joint end several.The captions and headinga of the paregrephs of this Deed of
<br /> Trustere tor convenlence only and aro not to be used to tnterpret or deflne the proviabns hereof.
<br /> (�)R�qwst to�NoticM.The pardea hereby roquest that a copy of any notice of defauft hereunder and a copy of eny notice
<br /> oT s�N heroundsr be malled to each party to th,is Deed of Trust at the address set forth above in the manner preaalbed by
<br /> �ppllc�bN law.Except for eny other notice requlred under epplfcabte law to be gfven In another manner,any notk,e provfded br
<br /> In thb Deed ot Tru4t shall b�given by malting such notice by certifled mali addressed to the other partfes,at the addreaa set
<br /> forth�bove.My not�e provided fa In this Deed of Trust shali be etfective upon maiNng In the manner designatad hereln.If
<br /> Trusbr 1�moro than ons psnon,notice eant ta the address set fath above shali be notice to all such persons.
<br /> (n Insp�ctlon.L�nd�r may m�ke or cauae to ba mede reaeonabte entrles upon and Inepections of the Property,provided
<br /> tl►at Lender ehali pivs Trustor no�ce pHor to any ouch Inapectlon spectfying reasonable cause therefor related to Lendara Inte►-
<br /> e�t in the PropeRy.
<br /> (9)R�conwy�nc�.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed oT Trust,Lender ahatl request Trustee to roconvey the
<br /> Property end �hall aunender thl� Dsed oi Truat and ell notes evldenc(ng indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to
<br /> TrufMS.Trustee ehell recanvay tF�e Properry,without warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally enUded
<br /> thsnlo.Tnatar�haN pay�II coaU of r000rdadon,ti any.
<br /> (h)P�tsoml Prop��ty; 8�curity/►gn�nwnt As additional security for the payment o�the Note,Trustor hereb)�g►ents
<br /> Lsnd�r ur�d►e Nebrask�Unffam Commerclal Code e securily interast in aii flxtures,equlpmont,and other peroonel property
<br /> used In oonn�ctlon wilh tFw rs�l�st�ts or improvement�located thereon,and not atherwise declared or deemed to be e part of
<br /> the red e�tate�scured hereby.Thl�Instrument ahall be canstrued es a Secutiiy Agreement under seld Code.and the Lender
<br /> M�IIAaw�N ths rlphts sn0 romWIN ot�secunW party under esia C:oae in add�tion to the rights and remadias avui6u ui�
<br /> md�ocorded the Lender pursuant to thls Deed uf Trust;prov(ded that LendePs rights and remedies under thfa perapreph shall
<br /> be armuletive with,and In no w�y a Ilmlutlon on,Lender'a rtghts and remedlea under any other securlry egreement sl�ned by
<br /> Bortower or Truttor.
<br /> (I)Ll�ns ond EnaumbrancN.Trustor hereby wanants end represents that there Is no detault under the provtalona of eny
<br /> morppe,deed of trust, ba�s a pwcha�e contnct deacribing all or any pert of the Property,cr other contract,Inatrument a
<br /> p►eement constftudnp e Iisn a se�ambnrx�epalnst all or eny part oi the PropeAy(collectively,"liena'),ex►adng aa ot the
<br /> dete of this Desd of 7rutt,�nd th�t any�nd�II sxl�tln�Llens remaln unmodHied except as disclosed to Lender In Truators writ-
<br /> ten dlscloaure ot Ilens and encumbrsncet provided for hereln. Trustor shall timely pe�form ell oi Trustor'a oblipetiona,
<br /> cownanb,roprosentetb�a end wsrtentleo under eny and alt exisdng and tuture Liens,shall promptly forward to Lender coples
<br /> of aN noGces ot defeult sent in connecdcx�with eny end all exisdng or future Liens. and shail no!wktwut Lendera prbr writtert
<br /> oonsent In any mann�r modNy the provl�lons of or allow any future advartces under any exlattng or futuro Ilens.
<br /> N Appllcatlon ot Paynwnts.Unless otherwias requlred by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,indudfny wfHwut Nmitatbn
<br /> payments ot princlpal and Intsrost,insunnce proce�de, condem�atlan prooeeds end renta end proflta,ehall be applied by
<br /> ler�der to the amounta due and owlnp irom Truator end Borrower fn such order as Londer in its sole discrotion deama dssk-
<br /> eble. �
<br /> (k)aw�rabllKy.If any provi�lon of thl�O�od of Truat contllcts wlth epplicabla law ar Is declared invalid or oNervviae unen-
<br /> forc�abte,such contlbt or tnv�tldlty th�ll not�ff�ct ths ather provialons ot this Deed ot Trust or the Nota which can be ehren
<br /> effectwithout the cflntlicUnp provlslon,�nd to this snd ths provlstona of tNls Oeed of Trust and the Not�are dedared to be sav-
<br /> erabb.
<br /> (Q TiKms.The terme"Trusta'brxl"Borrowsr'ehall Include both aingular and plurel,and when the Trustor a�d Borrower ere
<br /> the�eme person(a),thoae te►mi�s u�ed in thl�DNd of Trost shall be Interchangeable.
<br /> (m)tiov�minp L�w.Thl�Dad of T�u�t�Fudl b�Qovemed by the lawa oi the Stste of Nebraska.
<br /> i �
<br /> T or s executed thl of T t�s t�writt�n�v�. �
<br /> �
<br /> Yru�iar � T�ustor
<br /> Lf � v,r�.��!/
<br /> CAREY HAMI LTON �u�tor Truetor =
<br /> ., , � �� _
<br /> , , .� . -
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