<br /> All ineuraiicepolicics rcqtFired l�y I,ender and ranewals of such policies shall be aubjeot to I,endei's rigl�t t�a
<br /> cGsapprove euch polioies, shall inchide a standard mortgage clause, uid shall name Lender as martgagee
<br /> ancl/or as au additional loas pdyee. Lender ehell t�ave lhe righC Co hold the�Tolicics and reh�e�va1 certificates. If
<br /> Lendc;r roquire s, Borrower�ball promptly give to Lander a11 reoeipts of paid premiums and renewa]i7oric¢s.
<br /> IP 13orrower obCains nny fonn of insurancc coverage, not ot7ierwise required by I,ender, Por d2mege to, or
<br /> desY�uctiiou of, Yhe Property, suoh policy ahall include a etarrdard i7�artgage clause and sh�l] na�na Leuder as
<br /> inortgagee snd/or 2s an additionnl loss payee.
<br /> In the event of loes, Borxower shnll give proixipt notice to khe ineurxnce carrror nnd Lc��der. Lender inay
<br /> malce prool'of loss if not inade promptly hy Barrower, Unless Lender nnd Bocxower oCheewise a�;rco in
<br /> writing, �ny insuraaice Wroceeds, whether or not the underlying insttrance wAs requirecl by Lender, shall be
<br /> a�>plied to restoration ar iepeir of the Properl�, if Cfia restoration or repair is coovomically feasible anci
<br /> I.ender's security is not lessened. During auch repAir ancl resCoxation period, Lender sliall hnve 6he zight t�7
<br /> hold suoli it�xurance procaeds until Lender Baa hasl an opportuuiCy to hispect sucli ProperCy Yo ensure the
<br /> wark has been coinpleted Co Lencier's snCiePnokion, prUvidui that suoh inspcction ehall be underCalcen
<br /> promptly. Laiidar niay disbLuse proceeds for Che rep�irs and restornfion in n single p�yme�il or ui a serio� c�f
<br /> progress payments as fhe worlc is completed. Unless an agreement is mada in wiiting or Applicable Lflw
<br /> requires interesL Co l�e paid on euch ivsurancc pr�cceds, Lcnder shall not be reqnired to pay Borrower a�iy
<br /> interest or euni�igs ari snch proceecla. Pees for public adjusiers, or oClier lhird parties, retaincd l�y Sorrower
<br /> shall not Ue paid out of tlie insur�nce proceeds and shell be the sole oUligntion of Boiro�ver. If lhe restoration
<br /> nr repair is not ecanomic211y feasible or Lendsr's seciu'ity wotild be lessened, the insw�auce proceeds shall be
<br /> applied to khe smns secured by this Seeiu�ity Tnetrument, whether or not then due, with the excess, if Emy,
<br /> paid to Borrow�r. Suoli insurance proceeds ahall be applied in the ordex pxovided Por in SeaCion 2.
<br /> If Borrower aba�idons the Property, Lender may file, negotiate uid settle any avaIlable insurance claim and
<br /> related matters. If Borrower does not respond witl�iu 30 days to a notice&om Lender that the insuranr.e
<br /> ou�rier has offerod to ecCtle a claim, thon L,e��der may negotiate and settle fl�e claim. The 30-day period will
<br /> begin when the notice is given. In eiLher even6, or if Lender aoquires the Property iuider Sectioti 22 or
<br /> otherwiae, Borrower hereby essigns to Lender(a) Borrower's rights to nny insurance proceeds in nn aniounc
<br /> not to exceed the amotiurts unpaid uuder ilie NoCe or tliis Security Listrttment, azid(b) a�iy other of
<br /> Borrower's rights (other than thc right to any reftu�d of unexrued premiums paid by f3oirower)under a11
<br /> insuranca policies covariizg the Property, insoPer as such righte ve applicable to the cov�rage of the
<br /> Properry. Lender may use the irisurance proceeds eit7�er to repair or restore the Property or to pay ainowits
<br /> unpnid under the Note or this Secm�iCy InsCrument, whelher or not Chen cine.
<br /> 8. Occupancy. Boctowet shall occupy, cs6�etblish, and use Lhe Pxoper�y as Borrowcr's principal residonce
<br /> witlun 60 daya nfter the execution oF tliie Seeurity Instrument�nd sha11 continue to occupy the Pxoper[y as
<br /> 13orrower's principal residenoe for aC least one yeac after the date of'oocttpvioy, tuiless Lendar ofherwise
<br /> agrees in wrihing, wl�ich conseiit shall nnt lx uvrcasonably wifl�hold, or tiu�loss extcn�ualing circumstances
<br /> exist which are beyond Borrower's conhnl.
<br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection nf the Property; Inspections. Borrower shall noC cic.slroy,
<br /> damage or iixipair Y1ie Propeity, allow theProperty to deYeriarAte or eommit waste on Hie Property. Whether
<br /> or not f3orrower is rasiding in the P,roperty, Borro�er shall maintain the Propert'y in order to prevent tl�e
<br /> Pxoperty&oni dekeriorlCing or deereasing in val�ie due 6o its condition. Unloss it is dctenninod pursuant to
<br /> Seotion 5 Yhat repair or rastor�kiou is not econonucally Feasible, Borrower shnll�roi�tly repair the Property
<br /> if damaged to svoid further deterioration or daanege, [f insLtrauce or condemnation proceecls are paid in
<br /> connection wilh datl2age to, or tho ftilting of, Iha Proper6y, Borrower el�all be resprn�sibla lor repairing or
<br /> restoring Yhe Property only if Lender h�s released proceeds for such purposea. Lencler may diaburse proceeds
<br /> -- — — 24001"!fli
<br /> NEBRASI<A-Single�Femity-fannie fdae/f-reddle Mac IINIGORM INST2l1M FNT Pnrm 3020 1f01
<br /> vmP o vr�Ps(ne)(�tofi�)
<br /> Walfers Kluwer PlnancielSarvJces Paga�of 1�
<br />