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201206724 <br /> for the repairs anc1 restor�tion iu a single p�ytnent or ui a series of pro6r�ss paymenCs as tha work ie <br /> complcCed. If the insnranoe or condemi�tion proceedy aro npt si�fficient to xepair or restore the Property, <br /> Barrower is uoY relievecl of BorroWet's oUligauc�ii for Lhe completiari of such repair or restoratic�n. <br /> Lendex or its agent inay mal<e reasonaUlc cntrics upon ond inepections of the Prol�erty. If it T�as rcasona6le <br /> cause, Lender may inspcot tihe inCerioc af tha improvement's on tha Property. Lcttder sh�ll give Borrower <br /> notice xt tho kin3e of or prior to such an iuterior inspection spccifying such reaaonable eause. <br /> 8, Qorrower's LOan AppliaaCip�h. Borrower ehall be in default i'f, cl�n7ng the Lt�an applionrion procesa, <br /> Borrower or ai7y peraone or entiGes aoting at 13ie dicection of Boreower or witl�i Borrower's laiowledge or <br /> consrn�C gave materially f�lae, misleadiug, ar inaccuratc information or sYetemeuts Co Lendee (or failcd tio <br /> provi<le Lender with n�at�;rial inPora�tionj in connection with the Loan. Material representations include, bLit <br /> are riot limited Lo, represeut�tions eonoerning Borrower's oocupnncy of ihe Property as Borrower's principal <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Protection of Lencler's Interest in the Property and Rlghts Under this SecuriEy Instrument. [P(n) <br /> Borrower fails to yerfonn the covenants �nd agreements confained in this Swurity Instriuven�, (b) there is�a <br /> legfil proceeding thaC nught si�iificanEly efFect Lend�r's intcrest in Ehe Property and/or rights mider thrs <br /> Security InsCrument (such as a proceedin�in Uanla�upEcy, probake, for concleumation ar forfciturc, i'or <br /> onforcement of a lien which m�y attain priority over this Security Iush�anent or t� enfor4 c]aws or <br /> regulations}, or(c) Rorrower l�as abandoned the Property, then Lender mery do and pay Por wkekever is <br /> reasonable or ayptopriate;to profeot Lender's interest in tha Propor�6y a��d eighCs iuider this Security <br /> IrLstrumcnt, ii�chiding proteoting and/or zssessing the valuo oP the Property, and securiug andlor ropairing <br /> Lhe Property. Lender's actiovs can includc, Uut ttrc not liiruted to: (A)paying any awny secar�cci by a lien <br /> which has priority over this Securilq Ivslrnment, (b) appeaciug in court ana(c)p�ying r�sonable Attornays' <br /> fees to}n•otect ite interesC in the Property wcUor rights undor this Securily Instrume�it, inclttding its sectiired <br /> �osiCion in a benkruptcy proceeding. Securing t1�e Yropexty includes, but is not limited to, e�itcring Che <br /> Property to malce repairs, changc locks, replace or board up doors and windowa, dr�in water from pipes, <br /> elinunake Unilding or other code violations or da�igerous cou�lition�, �nd haue utilitiee hinied on or off. <br /> Altl�ough I.ender may tnlce acfion under tihis Section 9, Lcnder does not hnve to do so aud is not undar any <br /> d'ut}�or ohligafion Yo do so. IC is a�greed tl�at Lcndcr incurs no li�t6ility f'or not taking any or all acCions <br /> authorized under this Section 9. <br /> Any amounks disbursecl by Lender under tbis Section 9 sl�all become�dditionnl debC of Bon�Qwer scciuccl by <br /> this Security I�istrtunent. These amo�mts ehall bear inteiesY At the Nota ra�te froru the data�f disl�ursetnent <br /> and sliall be payablc, �viCh such intierest, upon notica fcom Lendcr k�Borrower requesting pa}nnenC. <br /> If tl�is Security Instrmneiit is on a leaseliold, Borrower shall ootnply with all the provisions of the lease. If <br /> Borrower�ocpiires fee title to tl�eProperty, tho loaschold uid lhe fee title shall noti merge timloss Lcnder <br /> agrees Yo thamerger in�itin6. <br /> 10. M ol�gage Insuranee. [f Laider required Mortgage Insurauce as a condition of intilcing the Loau, Borrowar <br /> shall pay thc prcmiums requireci to mvntain tiie Mortguge Ins�reance in eLCeeC If, £or nny reflson, tihe <br /> MorCgage Ivsurflnoe coverage required by Lender ccasas Lo be aveileble fiom tho morfgage ineurer t6at <br /> previously provided such insurTi�oc and Borrower was required to make septu�ately designatcd paymenCs <br /> towazd the pxemiLuns for MorCg2ge Insitrance, Borrower sha.11 pay the prcmiuuvs recluired to obtain coverage <br /> subsYanlially equiv2lenE to the Mortgaga Insw�ance pravionsly in efPect, nti a coet subst�ntially equivalent to <br /> the cost to Borrowei oP Uie Mortgage Indiu�Fmce previously in efFect, froin au alternate mortgagc insuree <br /> selectied by Leuder. If subet�anti111y ec�uivnlent Mortgage Il�sur�nce coverabc is noC auailable, IIoerower shall <br /> znoonot <br /> NG6fN5KA-SlnBlsfamlly-FannleMaelFretldleMacUNIFORMIN6TRUMF.NT FoftnH0201l01 - <br /> yp�p u� VMP6(NE)(11051 <br /> WOItar9 fUuwer Flnanclal Servlcas Pa9B e of�7 <br />