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201206724 <br /> reqiurod by RI;SVA, and Boreowor el�all pay to i..¢nder khe amount necessary to make up fhe deflciency in <br /> aocordnnoe with R�+SPA, but in no more than 12 montlilg paymenCs. <br /> U�on payinen[iir full of all smns seoured 6y Lhis Seeutity InsL��uinenC, Le�ader sh�ll pronipCly refimd to <br /> Borro�t�er any Punds held Uy Lendar. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessinents, charges, fines, aud impositions attribut�ble to <br /> the I'roperty�whiol� can attssin pricrrity over tl�is Security Tnstr�wnent, laasehold payinents or growid rants on <br /> the Property, if any, and ConvmuvCy AssociaCion Dues, Feee, anc1 A�sessmenCe, if any, '1'o Chc extciit that <br /> these iCems nr�L+sarow IYems, Borxower shnll pay Hiem in the mannex pxovided in Seotion 3. <br /> � Borrowc�-sh�ll proinptly clisohuge any lien whioh Las priority over LMs Seeurihy InsLnimenC unlese <br /> Borrower: (a) agrees in writing Co Y1ie payinent of Yhe obligation sectu'ed Uy fhe lien in a maimer acceptaUle <br /> to I�e��der, but only so long as 13orrowcr is perforn�ivg euch agroeinnnt; (b) contcstn thc lien in good faikh by, <br /> or dePi,mds against enPoxceinenC af the lien in, legal proceedings wtuch in Lender'� o�inion operate to prevettt <br /> the enforoement of the lien while those proceediugs are panding, but only witil such�roceadings az�e <br /> eoncludad; or (C) secures fron�i the holde��of tlie lien an abre:emoitt satisfactoay to Lender sul�ordinatin�;the <br /> 1ien to this Seourity Instrwnent. If I,ender dePennine.g hhaC any part of Che Properly ie subjecC to a lien whicl�t <br /> can atCain prioriCy ovei thia Security Instrumant, Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. <br /> Within 10 cl�ys of the date on�vhicli tih�ti noUce is given, Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more <br /> oF the actions sat Focth above in tl�is Section 4. <br /> Lender may reqtuie Borrower to pay a one-tima charge for �t ieal esta#e ta�verification 3nd/c>r reporting <br /> seivice used l�y Lender in com�ection wifh Yhis Loan. <br /> 5. Property InsurBnee. I3orrower shall lceep the improvcrnc��ts now cxiefitig or l�crc2ftcr crecfed on tho <br /> Property i��sm'cd again��loss by fire, hazards inolnded within lhe[erm"extended coverage," nnd atty other <br /> hezarcla including, but not Iimited to, �arfhqualces and floods, f'a•wl�ioh Leudex xequires ins�trauce. This <br /> insm•uioe sl�all be maintained in flie anionr�ts (inchuling dcductiblc lcvcis) and for thc periode tliat L,ender <br /> requires. What l�cndor reqiures purs�i�nC to Che preceding senteiices cai�ohznge during tlie te�m of the Loan. <br /> The insurance can•ier providing Yhe insLumnae ahall be ahosen by Borrower suUject to Lender's right to <br /> dieapprove Borrower's choice, whicli i�iglit sha11 not Ue exercised nnreasonaUly. [,ender may r�;quirc <br /> Borrower to pay, in nomzecfion with tlus Loem, either: (nj � one-tiine chzrge Por flood zono deticr�nination, <br /> eextific�tion nnd tracking seivices; or (b) a on�tiine charge for 11ood zone detennination and certification <br /> services and subseqnent char�es eacPt time remappings or similar changes crcour whioh roasonably mighf <br /> affect such d�termluation or certificaCion. Borrower ahall also be responaible for the pnyment of any fees <br /> imposul by the Fede�al Eniergency Nfanagement Agency in comiection with Ctie review of aa�y flood wna <br /> deYerinination resulting£roin an objection by Rorrowcr. <br /> Tf Borrower fails to inainCaln any of the coverages describcd above, Leudcr may obtain insurazicc urvcragq <br /> at Lender's optioii and�Boi'rowcr'�cx�3enso. Lender ie uncier no oblignlion Co purch�ae any particul�r type or <br /> amom7t of cavcrage. Therefore, such covera�e shnll cover Lender, but inight or might not�rotect Borrower, <br /> Borrower's equity in Yhe�Property, or the contenEs a�P the Property, agaiuet any rislc, ]�n�ard or liabiltty anci <br /> �nighti Provide greater or lesser coverage than was previously in effcet. Borrowcr acic�iowleciges thaC tUe eost <br /> of the insurance covor•agc so oUtained nught significantly exceed lhe cost oP insurnnce that Borrowex conld <br /> havc obtained. Any a�nounte disbursed by Leuder under tl�ie Seotion 5 sha11 become additional debt of' <br /> Bon•ower securecl by khis Seom'itiy InstirmnenY. These amounts shall bear urterest 1t the NoCe rate from fhe <br /> date of disbm'sement and shall be payablc, with such inCeresC, npon nolroe from Lender [o Borrowex <br /> requcsting pxyincnt. <br /> — ---------------- — zaooi�s� <br /> NF111'eASK�-Single famlly�fannle MaelFredtlle Mac UNIFOkM M51'kUM EN'f Form 3028 1101 <br /> VMP� 4Mps(Ne)(11o51 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnanclal eervloes Paqe A nf 17 <br />