<br /> Auy application of pay�nents, insLu�lnce proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds to principal due tuider the NoYe
<br /> shall not extenci or posCpone lhe due date, or chango the ainount, oP th�Pcriodic Payinc��ts,
<br /> 3. L'nnda for�sarow Ilents, Borrower shall pay to Lender on fhe day Poriodio Payincnts arc duc a��der the
<br /> Note, uutil the Note is ptud in full, a sum(the "Punds") to provide for paymenf of aznounca due for: (a) l�xes
<br /> and assessments and other items which can aCt�in prioritiy over this Security InsYrtunenC as a lien or
<br /> encumbrancc on tl�e Yroperty; (b) leasehdd payntents or grQund rents on flie Property, if airy; (c)preinituns
<br /> Por stny wd all insiu-anca i-oquireci by Lendc;r undcr Section 5; And(d)Mortg�o Innuranc�prcmiwns, if any,
<br /> or sary sums payable by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the paymeut oF MorCgnge I�isnrance premiuina in
<br /> accordnnce r�rith flie provisious of Section 10. These iteme ara called "Escrow Items." At origination ar�t
<br /> any Cune dtiiriug the term of the Loan, I�ender may require that Gonununity Associa�tion Dues, Fees, aaid
<br /> Assessments, if eny, Ue escrowed by Borrower, and such dues, fees and assessments shall be nn Escrow
<br /> Itam. Borrower ehall protnptly fiuiush tio Lender all notices of amoiuitis to be paid wider tl�is SecCion.
<br /> Borrow�7 s1�a11 pay Lcnder thc 1�'unds for L-+ecrow]tcros �mlcss Lcndor waivas Sorrowcr's obligafion Lo pay
<br /> Che Funds for nny or nll Escrow Items. Lender m�y wpive Borxowex's oblignHon to pay to S.ender Punds fox
<br /> any or all Escrow Iteins ftf airy t�una. Any such�waiver may only be in wri{(llg. In tha evenC of such waiver,
<br /> Borrower sha11 pay directly, Wl�e+� and whero payaGle, tho ama�mYs due fr�r any Fscrc�w ltdms for wl�icl�
<br /> payment of Funds hae bcen waived by Lender and, iPLender require,g, sha11 �fiirnish Co Leiider receipls
<br /> eviclencing such pnyment within such tiu�e period As Lender may require. Boirowei's oUliga6os7 Eo make
<br /> such pnyments and to provide receipYs shall Por all purposes be deemed to be a coveuant and agi�eement
<br /> contc�ined in tkis Secm'ity Insi��mneut, as the plirase "covenaut and agreement" is Lised in Sectinr� 9. ff
<br /> Borrower is obligated to pay,N�crow ltcros dirocNy, �ursuan6 to a waiver, and Borrower f2ils Co pay ihe
<br /> eunouut due for an�scrow Item, Lender may exeroise its righta uuder Section 9 and pay such a�no�urt and
<br /> Borrower ehal] then be obligated wider SecCion 9 to repay to l.ender a�iy anch a�nount. l.ender may r•evolce
<br /> the waiver as to any or a11 Rscrow Items at any time by x notico give�i in accorc1ance with Seetion 15�nd,
<br /> upon such rcvocation, Borrower shall pay fo Lender all P nnds, and in suoh amounts, Yliat�re then required
<br /> nndex this Secrion 3.
<br /> Lencier may, aC any time, collect and holcl Flmda in ui tunouirt(a)suffieient ro permit Lender to apply the
<br /> Punds at the time specified undar RESPA, and(l�)not to exceed 11ie maximmn a�nount a le��der cat�require
<br /> ui�der RT?SPA. Lender shall estimate the ainount of�unds due on thc b�eis of c�u'rcnl dafa and reasonable
<br /> estimaCes of expendilures of future Bacrow Itema or othert�ise in aecorduice witli ApplioaUle I,aw.
<br /> I'ho 1�`uncle ehall be held iu en ineHtiition wliose deposite are inewed by a federal a�gency, in5trument�ality, or
<br /> entil}�(iucluding Leuder, if Levider is an iustittittion wl�ose deposits are so insured) or in airy N'ederal Home
<br /> Loan IIank. T,adder sl�all apply tho A'unds m pay the L+.scro�v ICems no later th�n the time specifiecl under
<br /> 12�SPA. Lendec shall noC charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, ammallp analyzing the
<br /> escrow account, or veri'Fying the Escrow Items, miless l.ender payn F3orrowcr intcrest c�v the b'unds ancl
<br /> Applicable Law permite Lcnde��to inalcc euoh a cl�arge. Unless an agreem�nt is made in writing or
<br /> Applioabic Law rcquires ineere.su Co be pnid on the Punde, Lender shall not be required to�ay Borrower auy
<br /> inierest or earninge on the Pimds. Borrower �aid Landar can agree in wciting, however, that inteYcst sha]] bo
<br /> pAid oii the Funds. Leiader shall give to Botinwer, without cl�argq an attnual accounting of LLe I'rmde ne
<br /> required Uy RNSPA.
<br /> If'there is a sLuplus of.i�mlde held rn oscro�v, a� defined mider I2�SPA, Lender shell acoouvt Co Borrower for
<br /> tlw oxccss fitiude in accardanoe with RESPA. If�liere is � ahortage of Ftmds held in esorow, as defined nuder
<br /> IZLSPA, Lender sha11 notiif'y Borrower as required by RESPA, Hnd RorYnwc� sl�all pay to Lci�der lhe amoimt
<br /> necessary to m�Ica up tlie sl�ortaga in acsordanco with RLSPA, but it�no n�ore than 12 monthly paytneuts. If
<br /> tl�cre is a dcficicncy of 1 uncis helcl iu esaxow, ns defined under RESPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as
<br /> — '— 2400'1791
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fe�m Ily-Fannis M'aelRoUdlo M ao UNIFORM WSTRUM ENT Form 3028 U01
<br /> VM P OO VM P0(NE)(1106J
<br /> Wnllnre Kluwer Flnanolal5ervir.es Pagc 6 of 1]
<br />