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201206724 <br /> BORROW F,R COVF_NANT'S fl��t Borrowcx is latvfully sciscd of El�n estato hereby eonveqed and has tl�e righC to <br /> gr�nh 2nd eonveq the Property and thaC fhe Propert}�ia uuencumUeied, �cept Por e�icumbrances af'record. <br /> Borfower warrants and will defend genarally tha titla to tlie Property agaiust a11 claiins and demands, suUject tn <br /> any enccunbrauees of record. <br /> THIS�S�CURITY INSTRUMFNT coinbines iuiifonn covenants for national usc v�d non-uniform eovenanCs with <br /> limiEed vatiatiolis bg jurisdiction tb constitutc a unifor�n security�inalnunenC eovering real property. <br /> Uniforro COVenants. Borrower and]zijcier eovei�aut and a�,n'ao as follnwfi: <br /> 1. F�ayment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. I3orrower <br /> s11a11 pay when due i:he principal of, and an, tl�c dc;bC evidenced by the NoPe and any prepa}nnent <br /> eharges and laCe ch�rges due uuder the Notia. Borrower sliall al�o pay funds for Rscrow Itcros pursuant to <br /> Seclion 3. Pa}nnente due under tl�e Note and tl�is Secur�iy H�sLrutiient shall Ue made in U.S. cunancy. <br /> Howovor, if any ciienk or oCher inst�ument reoeived Uy Lender ae payment under the Note or this SecuriYy <br /> Inshvment ia returned to Lender uupaicl, Lender may require 11iat any or all suUsequent payments dLw under <br /> �tie Note astd this Sacurity Iiishuuient be iriade in one or�nore of thc fo1l�owii�g forms, at sclec4ed by Lender; <br /> (a) oash; (b)nioney order; (c) cerYifioci ehec;k, banlc oheck, treasL�-er's cheok or oashier's ohecic, pravidecl any <br /> sLxih checic is draw�� upon r�n ivstituCion whose deposits nre insured 6y a federel agency, inah•utnentelity, or <br /> cntiCy; or(d)�lectr�onio Putlds Transfex. <br /> Payt�icnts are dcemed reoeived by Lencler when received et the location desiguaf�ed in the Nota or at sucl� <br /> othex locntiou as may be desigu�teci by Lender in acaordance witl� tha notice provisions iifi Section 15. <br /> Lender may rettiun any payme�rt or pactial payment if the pa5m2ent or partial payments pxe inenfficient to <br /> Uxing tho Loan ct�rrenE. Lender may nccepf nxiy payment or partial payinent insuf&cianti to Uring the I,oan <br /> current, witYlouf waiver of any righ�s hereunder or prejudice to iks rights to rcfuse sucl�puymaiC or parPial <br /> payiuentis in t�he fuhue, but I,ender is not obligatcd to apply such pa}nnents at the kime snch paymente are <br /> accepted. If cach Ycriodic PaymenC ia applied as of its scheduled due date, then Lender need not pay inferesf <br /> on uuapplied Limde. Lender mny hold such unapplied funds m�til Boirower malces p�tymenfs to bring tUo <br /> Lo�ui current. Sf Borrower does not do so wiChui a reasanable period of tinio, Lendc� sl�all eifher apply sueh <br /> fiuids or retiun Shem to Borxower. Tf not a{�plied eadicr, such fmids will l�e applied to the outstsuiding <br /> principal b�lance w�dor tlte Noto IminediaCely prior to foreclostu�. No offset or claiin whieh Borrower mig1�} <br /> liave now or in the future z�gainst Lender shall relieve Rorrowcr from malcing pnyments due under the Note <br /> aud this$ecuri6y]nsn�ntr�ent or per£onning the covenants and flgreements secured by this Security <br /> lnsh'utbent. <br /> 2. Applicatfon oT Payments or ProcQeds. Exeept Ae otherwise descnbed In this Secfron 2, all paynicnts <br /> aocepted and applied by Lender shall be applied in tlie fo1lowing ordor of pr�t�rily: (a) interest dne under the <br /> Nota; {b)principal due Lmder tlie Note, (c) amounts due unc{er Section 3. Such paymenta shall be applisd to <br /> eech Perioclic Payntent in Nic ordor in wluol�it became due. Auy remaining amomits shall Ue applied first to <br /> late char�os, second Eo any ofAex amountis due under thfs Securify Instiruinent, aud then to�'cduco thc <br /> prn�cipal bnlance of the NoYe. <br /> If Lender receives a payment from Borrower for a delinquent Periodic Pay�nenti wliick iucludes a suifioient <br /> emount to pay any la�te eharge dne, the p�yment�nay be appliecl Co ihe clelinc�uenE payment 2ud tlie 1nYe <br /> cHarge. lf mora tl»n c�i1e Peiiodic Payment is outstan<iing, Lender may ap�ly any payment rec�ivsd fro�n <br /> B'prrower to the repayment of tlze Periodic Payments if, ¢nd to tho cxCcnt uhat, eaph pa}ni�ent can be paid in <br /> fidl. To the axtenC tl�at any excess ex'rsts after Che payment is applied Yo the full p�}nnent o't'one or mnra <br /> Periodic Paymont;s, such excess may be applied to nny late ehat'ges dtie. Voluntary prepayme�tYs shttll Uo <br /> applied�ixst fo any prep�}nnent chuges aud fhen as descriUed in thc Nofc. <br /> � 24001791 <br /> NEBRA81(ASingle Fum IIY-Fertnlo M es7Fretldie M ac UNI FORNI INSTRUM ENT Porni 3020 17a 1 <br /> YM P� VM PB(NE)(1106) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Servlces Pepe 4 of 1� <br />