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201206724 <br /> (N) "M ortgage Insurance" mexns insur�uice protecting l,auder against the nonpaymen} of, or defaulY on, the <br /> Loan. <br /> (0) "PeYiodfc Payment" means tlie regularly schedided amouizt due for (i)priitui�ai1 and intere5t tiindar the <br /> Note, plus(il) any aanoLmts under Section 3 of this Security Instrumene. <br /> (P) "R@5PA" ineans tha Rea1 SsYate Settlement Paoceduxes Act (12 i3.S.C_ Seotiou 2601 et seq.) and itF <br /> implement�ing re�ulation, RegulaCion X(24 C.F.R. Paz�C 3500), as they might be Tmended from tin�e to time, <br /> ��r aiiy additianal or n��ceGssor lebislxtion or regulation fliat goveme the sazne subject inatter. As used in this <br /> Security Inah�umpnf, "RLSPA° reCers to al] rcquirornctlts and resh'ictione that are iiliposed in regv�d to a <br /> "feder�lly related mortgnge loan" even if the Lonn does not quzlify ns a"federally related mortgago loan" <br /> uncler RF,SPA. <br /> (Q) "SuccessOr in Interest of Borrower" means any party that hns taken title to the Property, whetl�er or not <br /> fhaL p�rty has as�tiu�ied Borrower's obligations iwdcr the Note and/or this Security Instrumcnt. <br /> Transfer of Rights in the Property <br /> This Seciu ity Tnstruuso��f ecouros to Lcflder: (i) the rcp�ymcnt of tho L,aan, and all r�iowals, oxtonsions <br /> t�nd inoclifioaiior�s of the Note; �ud(ii} the performanee of Borrower'a wv�nants anc�agreements under <br /> this Seourity Tnse�•ument nnd the Note. 1�a this purpase, Borra��er irrevoa�bly grants �nd conveys <br /> to Trustee, in trust, wiY1i power of sale, Che lollowing described property located iu the <br /> Co Unty ('Ij�pe�f Recording Jurisdictdori) <br /> of HALL (NamcofReco�°dtngTuria'clictton): <br /> THE S�UTH HALF OF THE SOU`fHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTFIWEST QUARTER (S1/2 SWl/4 <br /> NW1/4) OF SECTION SIX (6) , TOWNSHIP TWELVE (12) NORTFI, RANGE TWELUE (12) WEST <br /> DF TFIE 6TFI P.M. , IIALL CDUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> PaYCeI ID NumbeY: 40041$495 t�hicl�curreirtly has tlie adclress oF <br /> 19937 LOUP RIVFR RD (Stpeet) <br /> BOELUS (City), Nebtaska 6f3820 (ZipCode) <br /> ("Properly Addr�se"): <br /> "COCL+'1'H�?R VJI'I'H all U�e impxovement,�now or hereafter erected on the properCy, and all easementa, <br /> appurtenances, and 6xtures naw or]iereai�er a part of tha property. All replacemevts aaid�dditions s1�a11 also be <br /> covered by tliis Seem'ity Jnstrnment. All of Yhe foregoing is roforrcd to in this Sccurily Insh�un�cvti ae tho <br /> "Proporty," <br /> -- — ----------------- <br /> znoo��si <br /> NEBRASKA-Single f-amlly-fannle M aelFretldle M ac UNIFORfeI INSTNWA ENl" Form 3028 7/01 <br /> Vfrt P� VM Po(NE��(1106) <br /> Woltera Kluwer Flnenolal8arvlaes Pnqo 3 of 17 <br />