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201206724 <br /> (C) "Lender" is EQUITAI3LE BANK <br /> Lencieris � Savinc�s E3ank <br /> organizedandexistin�;nt�dertholaiosofTh�IC STf1TE OF NE13RliSKA <br /> Lender'saddressis 113-115 N LOCUST ST PO BOX 160 GRAND ISLAND NE 68802-D160 <br /> Lender is the beneticiary under tlus SecmiCy Instrtunent. <br /> (b) "TrusYee" is EQUITABLF BANK <br /> (�) "NOtB�� meana Uie pronussory note signed Uy Rorrower and dated Au g u s t 10, 2012 Thc Note <br /> statesthatBon�owcrowcsLcndcr ONE fiUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN THOUS�AND AND 00/100 <br /> Dollars(U.S. $127 ,000.00 )pltts interest. Tion�ower hes promised to pay this debt in rcF;nlar <br /> Periodic Pa}n'uents and to�ay the dobt in full not InCer than SeptembeY' 1 , 2Q27 . <br /> (F) "PropeYty" meai�s the property that'rs dascriln;d bclow undsr lhe heading '°I'rznsfer of Righfs�in Che <br /> Properfy." <br /> (G) "Loalt" ineans the debt evidenced by fhc Notc, plue inLeresC, any prepay�nenf charges uid late ohaxges due <br /> under tl�c Notq and all sunLs due timcier lhis Securitq Ins�liment, pins interest. <br /> (H) "Riders" incans all Riciers to tihis Secndty Instrument thnt nre executed 6y IIorrower. The Pollowing Riders <br /> u e Co be executed by Borrower [oheck box ns applicabla�: <br /> �Adjustn6le Rate Rider 0 Condominitiun Rider � Second Home Rider <br /> �Balloon Rifter ��Planned Unit Development 1Zicicr 0 1-a N'auiily Riciei- <br /> �VA Ricier �Biweckly Payi�z�ent Rider 0 Other(s) [specify] <br /> (I) "Applicable Law" menns all oontrolling epplicable f'ederal, state aaid local st'atutes, regulations, ord�nances <br /> and adtninistr•afive rules and orders(that liave U�e ef£ect of law) ns well as a11�pplicable final, tion-aypealable <br /> jtiulicial o�inions. <br /> (J) "Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments" nieei�s All<lues, fees, assessments and othex <br /> oharges thati are imposed on Borrower or tha Property Uy�condmniuium associatiou, homcowners <br /> association�or simtlar oi�gani7¢tion, <br /> (K) "EleCtl'on1C FUnds Transfer" means airy t�'ansfcr of fimde, olher Lliau a trnnsac[iou originated Uy chenk, <br /> draft, or siinilar paper insh uii�enC, which is iu'ttiated througli n�i elech'onic terminel, telephoiuc ivst�-uanent, <br /> compute�', or magnelio tape so as to orcler, instruct, or authocize a financial instiiution to debit or crcdit an <br /> account. Suoh term ineludes, but is not Gmited tio, po'vit-o�F aale trana$rs, automatcd tcller m�chine <br /> tt•visacCions, transfers initiated Uy te1ephone, wir'o transfers, and ai[fon�lted olearinghouse Genefere. <br /> (L) "ESCYOW Items" meavs those iteins tUat aro descriUcd in Section 3. <br /> (M) '"M isCellaneous ProCeeds" means any comp�naatioii, sctt]emenC, award oP d�n��nges, or proceeds pnid by <br /> any tturd�;�rty(other than insurance�roceede p�tid w�der the coverages dcscribcd in Seclion 5) for: (i) <br /> dampge Eo, or destrucfion of, the Property; (ii) condemnution or nfhcr txldng of�11 or tuiy perl of the <br /> Property; (iii) conveyance in lieu of condeinnaUon; or (iv)inisrepresentafions of, or on�issions as tq thc <br /> valtiic and/or conditioi�i of Lbe Propexry. _ _ _ � <br /> znoot�si <br /> NFFSkASKA-Singlo Famlly-Fannle Mae/FredAle Mao UNIFOrzM INSTRl1MENT Fo�m 3028 1101 <br /> VMP� VNIP6�NE)(11os1 <br /> Wollers Kluwer flnanclal SeiVloes Paga2 of 17 <br />