<br /> in tha Property 2aid righte under flus Security Instr�unent; ai7d(d}ta7<os such action as Lender�vay
<br /> roasoi7ably requiro to a�suro Ghat Lender's inleresC in the Propexty and xights under this Security Inetrument,
<br /> end Borrower'a obligRlion to pny the sums secured by this Seourity Ilistrwvent, shall continue iuichauged.
<br /> Lender may require that Borrower pay such reii�stateme�it sums ��d expcnse� in one or inoro of tUo Followittg
<br /> foi�ins, as selected Uy Lender: (a) eash; (b)moncy oidcr; (c) certiCed clieok, bat�l<oheok, 6reasurer's oheck or
<br /> cashior's checic, providcd any Fuch oheck is clrlwn npon an instih�tron whose depoeits nre insured by a
<br /> federal agency, insLrlunenCality or entity; or(d)ElecY��onic Ftitnds Trans�Per. Upon reinstaCemeirt by I�orrower,
<br /> this Se¢urity Tnst�•un�ient and obligakions seem•ed hareby s1»II remain ful1y effective ns if no accclerafion had
<br /> occurred. However, tllis right to reinstate s1ia11 not apply i�7 tha oase aP accelc�'mGon under Seotion 18.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Srrviaer; Notiae of C�rievance, '1'he Notc:or a parG�1 infe��est in the
<br /> NoCe(fogeCher with tl�is Security Insh•tunenY) cen be sold one or more times without prior i�otice Yo
<br /> Borrower. A sale mig�hY restdt in a cheuge in the entity(lrnown as tl�o "Loan Servteer") i�hat colleots Periodic
<br /> Paymeuta dne under fhe Note and thix Scourity Instrunient �nd perFoxms other martgage loan servicing
<br /> ob7igatibias �indcr Ehc Note, fhis Seouri[y Instrument, nnd Applicable Law. There also mig�t be one or more
<br /> changes oP the Loan Servicer unreleted to n sale oF the No[e. 1f thero is a change of kl�c Loan Servicer,
<br /> Borrower will be give�i written notice of Uie cha�ige which will ekale ihe name and acidre.ss of tlie new Lo2n
<br /> Seivicer, the address ta which payments ehould ho made nn�l any other informntion RLSPA requires iii
<br /> eomieetion wifli a notice of tranefer oPservicing. If the Note is eolcl and tli�reafkar flie Loan is serviced by a
<br /> Loan Serviccr olher Chan Che purchnaer of the NoEe, die mort�;a�ge loan seivici�tg ob1igatio,ns�tio Borrower will
<br /> reixiain with the Loan Servicer or be translerred to a successor Loan Seivicer ancl zre not aseumed by the
<br /> Note pw'chaser unless otherwise providcd by thc NuCe purchnser.
<br /> Neither Borrower nor Lencier may oommoncq join, or be joined to any jiulicifll ection(as eiYher au
<br /> individtiial litigant or tho memmer of n cl�as) ChnE�rises S•om the other paa'ty's actiions pwstuint to tivs
<br /> SecuriLy Instrnment or�thet t�llegea Yhat the other party l��a breacl�ed atry provision of, or any dnty owed by
<br /> reason of, this Security Instruinent, uvtil such Rorrc�war or Lender has nneified the other pnrly(wiYh sueh
<br /> notice given hi compliance with tho requiroi��c�iCs oP Section 15) of sueh alleged brench aAid atforded the
<br /> otlier party hereto a reasonablc��eriod afCer lhe giving of such notiice Yo talie corrective zction. Jf ApplicaUle
<br /> Law providcs a lirne period wliioh must elapee bef'ore ceilain acfion can Ue talcen, that llime period will be
<br /> cieemed ta be reasoneble far purposes of Uiis pu ubn�c�ph. 'Chc nntioe of aocelerafion and opporLiuiity Yo cure
<br /> given to 13(»•rowcr purs�rarit to Section 22 and the notioe of'acceleration given to 13orrowcr pursuanC to
<br /> Section 18 sht�ll be deemed to satisf'y tihe notica and opporCunity Co Calie�correotive action provisions of this
<br /> Section 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Substanees. As uecd iti this Section 21: (a) "Haz�rdoass Subsla�icea�° are thosa substa�lces
<br /> defined as toxic or ha��rdous substaiices, pollutazits, or wastes by$nvironmental Law anci Che followivg
<br /> sLibsfances: g�soliue, k�rosene, other tla�xunaUle or toxiu potrole�nn products, toxio pesticides nnd herUicidea,
<br /> voletile solverits, inafarials conf�aining aabestos or Formaldehyde, nnd raclioactive meterials; (b)
<br /> "Err�vir•onmef:zal Law"ineans fcdcral laws anc{laws of the juiiec&ction where the Properry is]ocatecl tli�t
<br /> relate to hcalth, safcly or eriviromnental pxoCectiou; (c) "Lnvironmenf.al Clecenup"includes any response
<br /> zoGon, ren�edial aorion, or remov�l aotion, as detined in Nnvironmcntal Lnw; anct(d) ati"Ersvdronnienlal
<br /> Condatiort" means a�condition that cau cauzse, conu�i6ute w, or otherwise t�igger an Enviromnental Cleuiup.
<br /> Borrower ehall not cause or permit the prescneq i�se, clisposnl, storage, or release of any Hazax�dous
<br /> Substances, or tlircaton to rcloase flny I3azatdous Subst�nces, on or in Uia Property. Rorrowar sha11 not do,
<br /> nor allow lnyone else to do, auythnig a�tfecting Cha Ptope��ty(a) that is in vi�lation of any L+nvironixiental
<br /> Law, (U)whicA oreates an Environmental t;ondition, or(c)whioh, due to the pxesenee, nse, or release of a.
<br /> Hazna•dotis SuUstance, creates a amdition Chaf adversely affects the velua of the Piroperty. The preceding Cwo
<br /> � � � �� 24007]01
<br /> NEefNSKA-SingleFamlly-FannleMae7FretldieMacUNIFORiv11NSTRUMFNT ' Form30281101
<br /> VM P� VR7 PG(NE1(1105)
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Finenolal 9ervicea PoOe f 3 of 1%
<br />