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201206724 <br /> designated a substitutie noCice address by noUca tio Lendee. Borrower shall�romptly noti£y l,ender of <br /> � Borrower's cliauge of address. ]f Lendcr spcoifies a procetlure for ropc�rting 13orrowcv-'s cl��nge of addrees, <br /> then B'orrower shall only report n chnnge oF adelress through that epeoified proc�dure. <br /> Tl�ere inay be c�nly one clesignated notice acidress nnder this Security Inetrument at any one time. Asiy�1oti�e <br /> to Lender shnll be given bp deliveiing iti or bq nkvling it by firsE cl�ss inail to Lender's address stated herein <br /> unless Lender has designated anotl�e�� address by noticc to Borrowcr. Auy notiac in comloctioii wit1T�tl�is <br /> Security Instruil�ent s1�a11 nnt be dcc�neci Cp hava been given Lo Lender until aetually reeeivecl by Leuder. If <br /> any notioe rc:quired by fhis SecuTity Instxumeut is also raquired uncler Applicable Law, the Applicable Law <br /> rec��urement will satisfy the corresponcling requirement wider this Secueity Instr�tiunent. <br /> 1 B. Governing Law; Severablllty; Rules of ConsYruetion. Tliie Security InehLiment sl,all Ue governed Uy <br /> federal law and Uie law of tlae jw i5diction in which tho ProperLy ie]oca6ed. All righSs anci obligafions <br /> contained in th'rs Sco�u�iiy HislruinenC ara subject fo any rec�uirements and limitAtions of ApplicaUle Law. <br /> ApplicaUle Law inigkt explicitly or implicitly a11ow the parCies to agree Uy conU�act or it might be silent, but <br /> such silence shall not be covshued as a prohibition against agree�nent 1ry contraot. In tho cvent that any <br /> provision or clause of this S�curity I�istrnnienf or the Note eonRic[s with Applicable Law, such conflict ehall <br /> not affect otl�cr provisions oP this Secnrity Instrument ar the Note which oan ba given eff'ect without the <br /> conflictv�g pirovision. <br /> Ay used in this Sccurity fl�aLrulnent: (a)wards oF fhe masculine g�ender shall mean aud include corresponding <br /> neutcr words or woxds of tlte feminine gender; (l�)words in 11ie siugul�r sliall n,ean and include Cl�e plur�tl <br /> and viee versa; and(c) tihe word"inay" gives sole discrction without aziy obligaCion to tnke any action. <br /> 17. BoYrow e1''8 Copy. Borrower shall be given ono chpy of thc Nat�c 2ncl of this Secw�ity Insirnment. <br /> 18. Transfer of Yha Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As iised in Lhis Seetion 18, "Interest in <br /> the Propexty'"meai7s any leg�il or baixefioial infecest in the Property, including, but not liinited to, fliose <br /> bene'Picial inizresta trnnsferred in a bond for deed, cont��act for deed, instai1ment sales contr'aot or escrow <br /> agreement, the inteitt oF which is tl�e transfer of titlo by Borrower at a fuCure ilaCe Co a pnrohaser. <br /> IC a11 or any paxt oP tlie Properry or any Interest in tha Property is sold or traiisferrcd(or if Borrowa�'ie nnt a <br /> naYural person and a Ueneficial interest in Borrowcr is eold or hansferred)wilhouk Lender's prior written <br /> c�nsont, Lencier u�ay require immedi�te pfl}nnont in f'ull of'a11 sruns secm ed Uy fliis Security)nehument. <br /> SIowever, thie option shall noti be exerclsed by I,e�ide��if such exercisc is pruhibitcd by Applioable Law. <br /> IC Lender aserciaes thie optioi�, Lendes shall give I3orrower notice of accel�ratron. '1'l�c��oGice sTiall provitio tt <br /> period of iioC less than 30 days from$zc date tlie notioe is given in a000rd�noe with Section 15 within which <br /> BorrowuK•muet pay all sums secured by this SecuF�ity Inahument. If Borrower iails to pay these sums prior to <br /> the expiration of this pariod, Lendei inay invoke any remedies pertnitted by this Sec�nity�b�sh�m��cnt�vithout <br /> fiu'thcr noti'sce or dema��d on Borrower. <br /> 19. f3orrower's Righf to Reinstate After Acceleration. Ifl3orrowcr meete coriain oonditione, I3orrower <br /> sha11 have the right to l�ave�nforcanenC�P Cl�is Securify I�ialnm�enf discon[iniied et any time prior to the <br /> earliest of: (a) fivc days before sale of the ProperLy purauant to any power of'sale contaiued in tlris Secw-ity <br /> I��E(xnmenL,• (b) such other period �s Applicable Law mighC specify for fhe termivation of Rorrowet's right to <br /> reinstate; or (c) enY�'y of ajud�nent e�iforcing tl�is Sccurity Insdr�micnt 'Ihose condiuoil� �re lhaC Borrowor; <br /> (a) pays l.ender till suil�s which d�en would be due under this Securily Instrument�nd tl�e Note as if'no <br /> accelerntion had occwred; (b) cures aaiy defnult aP any otlier coveuants ox agreeinents; (c)pays n71 ax�e�ises <br /> incurred in anforcing U�is Security [nstrumcnt, inePuditig, bt�t noC linvCed to, reasonaLale attorneys' fees, <br /> property ir�hpcctiori and valua[ion Pees, and othex fees incurred for the purposo of pirotacting Lencler's incerest <br /> — -- —`--- — zaoot7�� <br /> NEBRASICA-Single Family-Fannie A7ac7Fre�ItlieMar,UNIPORbI INSTRUM ENT Form 3-028 1101 <br /> VMP r(� VMP6(NE�(it05) <br /> Walfere Kluwn�Flnannlal5ervices Page 72 of 17 <br />