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201206724 <br /> senteiices slu�ll not apply Yo the presence, use, or storage on the Property of amall quantities of Hazardoua <br /> Siibetancos that erc generally recognized tn l�e appr�opriatc tn nr�rmal residentia1 us� and to maintcnance of <br /> the Property(including, b[ak not limiteci to, hnznrdous subattmoes in oonstm�er products). <br /> Borrower shall promptly give Leuder written norice of(n) any itroestigation, claim, demtmd, lawsuit oc other <br /> action Uy aziy govermnentnl or regulatory agency or privata puty involving tha Property aud ury Hazeudous <br /> �ub5f�nce or F,nvironmenfal of wliich I�on�ower has achial koowledge, (b) any 1?nvironme�ital <br /> Condi4ion, including but noti]imitecl tio, any s]�illing, le�king, discharge, rclexsc or l9ireaC of releasc oP any <br /> IIazardous Su6stance, and(c)nny conditiion caused�y Lhe presence, use or rele2se of a IIazasdous Subst�nce <br /> which adversely affecta the vahie of the Property. Tf IIorrower le�rns, or is notified by eny govarmnenYtil or <br /> regulatoiy autihoriCy, or tmy private parCy, that any removal or other remediation of airy�laz�rdoLis SuUstauce <br /> aPfeoting hlie Property is neoessnry, Borrower shflll pi-on�ptfy tiake all necessary remedial acYions in <br /> accorelance with E�roiromnental Lnw. Nothing herain shall create any obligation on Lender Por an <br /> L�nviromnental Cleanup. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. Borrower aud T.ei�der covenant and agree ae follows: <br /> 22. ACCeIBYaYIOn; RerYledie3. Lender sh.dl give notice to Borrowee pitim�to acceler:�tion following <br /> Borrower's breaclt of any covenant or ngree�nent in this Secm•ity IustrwnenC(��at not prior to <br /> xcceleration nnder Secfion 18 unle,cs Applicable Law providea otherwiye). Tlie noHce shall specify: (n) <br /> Ehe defaulC; (b) Che action reqaired to cnre the clefault; (c) a dnte, noE less tLau 30 days frmn tlio datc <br /> the notice is given to Borrower, by which tho defnnit mnst bo curcd; and (d) that failare to c�n•e the <br /> defn�ilt an or beforo thc daCe specif'ied 'ui tli�noHce mxy re5nlf in accelernNon of the sum� secnred by <br /> this Security lnstroment and 9ale of the Yroperty. 'I7ie noL�iee sliall fm�tlter i�rform Bon�ower of the <br /> rigliC to reineCate after flcceleratimi and tl�e riglit to bring a court actiari to assort Uic nmi-esistencc of'a <br /> defaalt or smy ather dofenae of I3orro�ver to accelersdion and sale. If the def':�ult is not cured on or <br /> before 17�e date specified in tl�e notice, Len�ler aC il;s opfioit uiay reqnire i�mt�edinte payment in Ctdl of <br /> all sume secm•ed Uy tivs Security Insh�mnent withont furthor demand and may irivokc the powor of salc <br /> and any otlicr remetlics pciniitted by A{�lrlivable Lnw. Lender sli;�ll be eut[tled to collect all expenses <br /> incnrred in pi�rs�wig tlte remedies provided'ui this SecHon 22, including, but�wC limited Co, reasonable <br /> aCCorueys' �Fees and cosUs �rf title evidence. <br /> Tf the power of e�le is involeed, Trnetee shall record n notice of defaidt in encli county in whicli any <br /> pnrt oP tho ProperYy is loeatod nnd shall mxil co�ies of snch notice in the mavner prescribed by <br /> Applicable l,aw tu 13arrower and tu the other persons prescribed bg AppBcahle Lxw. A[ter lhe time <br /> req�ured Uy Applicable Law, Trnstee sl��ll give puUlic uo[ice of enle to the persous and in the maumer <br /> presm�bad by Applicablo Law. Trnetcq witlioat dcmnnd mi Itorrowcr, shxll sell the Property nt pablic <br /> anction to the Lighest bidder s�t the tune amd place �mti�mder the terme desiqnated in the notice pf Nsde <br /> in mie nr tnm�e parcele and in any order Tr•neCee cleteriuines. Trustee may post��one sale of all or any <br /> pnrcel of tlie PiroperEy by pnblic annonncement nt tlm time nnd pleec of nny previmisly eclmdnled snlo. <br /> Londcr or its �leslgnoo mny parchnec thc Property at any sale. <br /> Upou receipt af paymcnt of CI�e price bid, Trnstec shnll dclivor to tlio pnrcLnear Trnstcc's dced <br /> emivcyirig the Property. Tlic rccifs�ls in tlic Trustee's deed sh�ll be primn f'ncie evidence of tlie trntli of <br /> the 5tatements mado therein. 'P�v5teo shall apply tho proceeds of the cale in Che Following ordei: (a) Co <br /> all costs anci expensas of exercisiug tlie power of sflle, and Hie snle, inchiding tlie payment of tlie <br /> 'Crastec's fees ach�nlly inenrred and rensonnblc nttw�neys' fecs as permittcd by ApplicaUle Law; (b)Co <br /> all aums secured bY fhis�Secarity Inst�vment, and(c) any excess to tlie person m�perem�s legally <br /> entiCled to it. <br /> .�--- ----�- zaoo��si <br /> kEeRASKA-Sinqle Family-Fannie Idae/Freddie A4ac UNIFDf2M INSTRUWENT Form 3028 if01 <br /> VA7f'� VMPB(NE1�(11051 <br /> Wnllers Kluwe�Flnannlal5ervices Page i4 M'17 <br />
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