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201206724 <br /> 72. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender NoY a Waiver. �xtension of the time for payinent or <br /> modificakion af acnortization of'the sums secured by Ynis SecLu'ity Inetruauenf Sranted Uy I.ender te�i3orrower <br /> ot any Snccessor in ]nterest of'13orrower sl�alt not operate Yo release the liability of Borrowei�or any <br /> Successors iu Interest of Borrower. Lender shall not be xequired to cominence proceedings agaiust auy <br /> Successor in Snterest of Borrowar or to rafuse to extend tiine for paTnnent or otl�erwise modify amorrizatio�l <br /> of flae swne secnred Uy this SecLvity lnstrumenf by reason of any demand made by Che original Barrower ar <br /> any Succcssars in Inttrepst of Borrowec. Auy forbenrauce Uy Lender in exercising Any right or reinedy <br /> innluding, wilhou[limitation, Lender's noceptanoe of payment� from tviid persons, antities or Successors in <br /> Interesf of BoiYrower or in nmounte lese than the a�notu�t Eheii due, shall not Ue a waiver oF or prcclude tl�o <br /> exercise of nny right or reinedy. <br /> 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers Successors and Assigns Bound. Borrower covenants and <br /> agrees that&�rrower's obliga6ions and liability shall be joint and saveral. However, any Borrower who <br /> co-signa this Seourity Instrumeut but does noti execute the Note (a'bo-signer"): (a) is ccrnigvit�Chi4 <br /> 3ectuity Instrtunent only to inortgage, grant ancl cottvcy the co-signer's inCerest in the Property under t1�e <br /> tenus of this 3ecurity InsLriunent; (b) is not personally obligated to pay tlie sums secm'eci by t7�is SecLuity <br /> Inst��m��ent; and(c) agrees that Lender and any other L�orrower can �ree to extefld, inodify, forbcar or lnake <br /> �ny zccotumodaYiosia witli regnrd to Ehe terms of fhis Seciu ity Instrumcnt or the Nole without tlie co-signer'a <br /> consent. <br /> Subjecl to the provisions of SecYion 18, aziy Succeseor in [nderest of Borrowa'who asatunes Boxxowei's <br /> obligattons under tiiis Secucity Instrmneirt in writing, and is approved by I,ender, sha(1 obtain�11 oP <br /> Aoxrower's rigl�ts and bcncfits uudcr tive Seourity Instrumenk Borrowe� shnll not be releasecl fi�om <br /> Borrower's abligations and liability under tl�is Security EastrmnenE iuiless I,ender agrees Yo suc17 relc�se in <br /> writing. The covenantis and agreements of tUis Secui�ity Insri�umnnL sh�ll bincl(exce�t ag provided izi Secrion. <br /> 20) and banefit thc succesSors and�esigns of Lender. <br /> 9 4. l�oan Charges. Lcndcr iilay charge Bc�rrower fees fox services performed in coimection witii Borrower's <br /> clofault, for the pL�r�ose of piroteoting Lender's inYerest in Phe Property and rights under this Sccurity <br /> Insttument, iucluding, buY not limitied to, attorneye' fees, property inspcction ai�id valu:�lion fees. In regard to <br /> uiy other fees, tlie absence of express authority in tihi� SeouriLy InsCrument Co oharge a specific fee Co <br /> f3orrower shall not Ue constrtied ae a prohibition on tkc charging of such fee. T.ender may not charge fees <br /> tha�t w'e expressly prohibited by this Secw�ity lnst��wnent or by Applicablc Law. <br /> If the Loau is subject tu a law wluch seEs inaximum loan el�arges, and U2nt law is fln�ily inferpreted so thnt <br /> the interest or otl�c��1oau uharg�oollccted or t�o be oollected in connection with the Loan exceed the <br /> perivittecl liinils, then: (n) any suoh loan efiarge s1k�11 ba reduced by the amount uec�sary to rcducc Uio <br /> chaige to the permikted linvt; and(b) any smns alraady collccted froi��Borrower which exceeded permitt�d <br /> limits will be refiu�ded to i3orrowcr. Lcnder rnny choose W m�ke this refimd by redueing Yhe priacipal owed <br /> andcr tho Note or hy making a direct p�yment to Borrower. If a refiuid reduces principal, the reducHou will <br /> be trealed as a partial pre�ayment�witliout�uy prepayinent charge(whethet or not zt prepayme��C charge is <br /> provicled for under tlia NoYe). Borrowei's acceptance of eny eucU rofund made by direcL payment to <br /> Borrower will constituta a warver of any right of aclion Borrovrer migh[haue tuising ouf of eucli overchaa•ge. <br /> �5. IJotiCos. A11 natices giveu by Borrower or Lcnder in coimection with lhis Seonrlty Instrument must be in <br /> writing. Auy notice to Borrower in coimeaLion with this Security TnsTrtunent sha11 be deemed to have been <br /> given Co Bortrower when in<vledby�irst class mail or when act�ially delivered to Borrower's noticc addresF if <br /> sent by other ineans. Notice to any one,Borrowcr shall cons[ituhe nalice fo all Borrowera unless Applicable <br /> Law ox�n�essly reqiures ollierwise. The no[ice address akall be tha Property[Yddress unless Borrower has <br /> -- —� ' — 24001791 <br /> NEBINSKA-9ingle Fsmlly�Fannle Maa/Fretldla Mac UNIPORivI INBTRUMENT Po�m 3028 YI01 <br /> VMP p VMPB(NE)(11061 <br /> Wol[ers IClmver Flnenciel Bervlaes Page 11 of 77 <br />
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