<br /> satisfaction, provided that such inspection e1u�11 l�e undertakan proinptly. Leiader niey p�y for the repnire
<br /> �nd resCor�tion in a s'v�gle clisY�ursemont or in a scries of progress payments as tl�e worlc is eompleted.
<br /> Unlass an agreement is mnde in writing or Ap�licable L�w requirea interest to be�aid�ii such
<br /> Misnellaneous Proceeds, Lender ehall not Ua required to pay Borrower any ii�kerest or earnings on auch
<br /> Misccllaucoue 1'rUcccds. If tl�o restoration or re}3afir is not econotnically feasible or Lencier's security would
<br /> be lessened, tl�e Misoellaneous Proceeds �hall be a��plied Cc� lhe stiui7s secured by this Sacui�ify 7natrurnerrt,
<br /> whether or not then tlue, with the excess, if nny, �aid to Borrower. Such Miacellaueonn Proceeds ehall be
<br /> applied in tha order provided for in SecYion 2.
<br /> In tihe event of a total taking, destruction, or loss in vahie of tl�e Property, the Misoellaneous Proceeds shall
<br /> Ue a�plied to the sums secured by this Security Inst�•Lunent, whether or not then due, with the excess, iP any,
<br /> paid Co Borrower.
<br /> In fhe evenf of a parti2l laldng, deafriiction, oz�loss in valiae of the Proper[y in whieh Lhe fair u�arket value of
<br /> the Property immediately Uefore the partizl takiug, dest�Liction, or loss in value Is equal Yo or grenter Yl�an Uie
<br /> aanaunt of flie sums secnred by tl�is Security Insh�mnent immediately beforc tlie pnrtia1 fAldng, deshuction, or
<br /> lpss in valt�e, uuless Borro�ver and Lender oCherwise ngcee in wriLing, the sume secu�ed by thi� Securitq
<br /> Tns[ranient shn11 be Teduced by the amount of the Miscellaneous Proceeels mnitiplied by the following
<br /> fi�acCion: (a)tHe totnl nmount of the sums aecured inmieCiia�tely before Che partial telcing, destruction, or loss
<br /> in valae divided by(b) the fair market value of'tha Property immediacely befora the Partinl taking,
<br /> destruction, or loes in value. Any balance shall be 77aid to Bnrro�vice.
<br /> , Li the avent o1 e.partial takiug, destruction, or loss in value of the Ytoporty in which thc fair mttr]<ct value of
<br /> fho Ptroperty i�mincdiafcly bcfore lhe pacCial talting, destrnction, or loss in vnhie is less than the flinount of the
<br /> sums seoiared imtnedintely Uefore the pertiAl teldng, destruction, or loss in velue, wiless Borrower aud
<br /> Lender otherwise agree in writing, the Miscellaneous Prooeeds shall be applied to the sume soc�u'cci l�y this
<br /> Security Inst��umont wl�cCher or not fhe sutns ere fhen due. �
<br /> If the Property ie abundonetl by Borrowcr, or if, ttfter notioe by Lender to Borrower fhau Lhe Opposing Pt�rty
<br /> (as do6ncd in fl�o next sentence) offers�to in�lce nn award to setfle a claim for damnges, Borrower £nila to
<br /> respond to Lender wiLlun 30 dnys aftea•the date the notice is given, Lender is authorized to collect and ap�ly
<br /> the Miscellnneoue Proceede aither to restoration or repaix of tha ProperCy or to flie smns secured Uy tl�is
<br /> Security�nshumcmt, wheLhcr or noC Chen ciue, "Opposing Pfu�ty" means the third party thak owea Borrower
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds or the paz•ty ag�ainst whom Borrowe��has a riglrt of acCion in rega��d to Misoella��eous
<br /> Proceeds,
<br /> Borrower ehall�e in default if nny aetion or peococciing, wheCher civil or criminal, is begui(haC, in Lender's
<br /> judgmeimc, could result in forPeiture o£the Property or otlier znaterial impairinent of Lender's inYerest in the
<br /> Property or riglrts tuider tliis Security Ineti�tunellti. Borrower cau cnre sAch t�defanit aud, if acceletatic�n hay
<br /> occmred, reinstate as provided in Sec6on 19, by cati�sing the ac6ion or proceeding to bc diamisseci�with a
<br /> rtiti1ing that, in Lcndor's judgnent, precludes forfeifiu�e of the Property ar other n7aterial itttpnirment of
<br /> Lcnder's inCeresu in the Properly or ri�hta under this Security Instrument. The proce�ds of any award or
<br /> claim Por c1emages that ere attributable to the impairinanti oi'Lender's interesC in the Property nxe liereUy
<br /> assigned and sh�11 Ue paid to Lender.
<br /> [�11 Miscellaneous Proceeds khat are not applied to restorati�r� or rcpair of U�ie Yroperty shall be ap�lied in Che
<br /> ordcr pr�vidcd for in 5cclion 2.
<br /> -- — — ----- saoav��
<br /> NEBRA9KA-Single Famlly�Fannle MaelFredAle Meo UNIfORM INSTRUMf_NT Form 3028 1701
<br /> V M P� VM Pfi(N FI(1106)
<br /> Wol(ors ICluwa�Financisl 9ervlaes Papa 10 of 79
<br />