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<br />.'t�r�`� ' '� S. H�r.ard or Proporty Ineuraace. Borrowcr eh�ll koop the improvemente now exlsting or herutter erocted an
<br />-� .�.� . • th�Yroporty insured a�ainat loss by tiro,haurds included within tho term "oxtended cover��e" 4nd iny othet hazuds,
<br />`�'''`"�" � includinQ tloode or ilaodinR,tor which I.ender requirea ineurance.Thts insuranco ehall bo m�intained tn the nnounta
<br /> es�tor the perincls thet I.ender requires. Tho inaurance cerrier provtdinq the insurance eh�ll be chosen b3►Rortower �
<br /> =:••��� eubject to[.ender'e approvai which eh�ll not bo unrea�onably wIthheld.lt tiormwer t�ils to m�intain cavon�edescribed
<br /> ���"�'°"" �bove, Londer may,at l.ender's uptton,obuin cove»Qe to proto:;t Lender's riQhte in the Property in accord�nco�ith �
<br /> pu��nph 7.
<br /> -_ �— All inaunnce policiea �nd renowale�h�ll be�ccept�ble to 1.ender�nd ehall i�clude •ntandard mortat�e cl�uee. !
<br /> ` � I.endor ehall hrve tha ri�ht t� hold tha policia+tnd ronow�le. It I.endor requ�ira�, Aorro�vor shdl promptly�ive to
<br /> l.onder�II receipt�ot qtd promiums�nd renew�l rts,ticee,In the ovent ot lase,Borrower shall�ivo prompt notico to tho
<br /> inaurance c�rrier and I.onder.i..ender m�y m�ko pnx�P ut loee if not made promptly by Iiorrowcr. M
<br /> � �� �� Unla+e l.ender and Borrowor otherNiee�Qree in writin�{,insur�nco procoode shall be applied to roetondon or npaiir
<br />``�"•-�•�� ot the Pro rty dams
<br /> ., pe �ed,tt the cestoratton or rep�ir ie economtc�lly te�siblo tnd I.ender'e secur�ty ie not leearnod. the
<br /> . �: ,��.�{� restontion or repair ie not oconomic�lly feasiblo or I.ander'e eecurity would be lessened,tho insurance proceede sh�ll be
<br /> ���.;:��,��; applied W the sums securod by thie Socurtty Inatrument,whe'ther or not then due,wlth any excese pid w Horrowa.I[
<br />-u:;;.ynr BarroNer ab�tidons the Property.or does aot tnswer wtthin 30 daye�notico from Lender th�t the insur�nx can'ia has
<br /> ��-=-" oitered W settlo a claim,then Lender msy collect the insurance procooda. Lender msy uso th�proceeda to rcpdr or
<br /> �'~�"»� reatora the Praperty ar to pay svms secure3 by this Sccurity I�trumant,whether ot not then due.The 3O'd�y peric�d will
<br />-�:�; � ' be�in when thenottce ia gIven.
<br />;til�' � Untess Lender and Bvrrower othenvIse��roe ia writing,any applicetion of to principal sh,all notextend or
<br /> ::_::s�1:'�.; poetpone the due date of the monthly p�ymente referrod to in peragrsphs 1 and ot chnnge the amount c�i thep�ymente.
<br /> ` ° _-- Ii under par��raph 21 the Property is�cquired by Lender, Borrower e right w any insurance policiee tnd proceeda
<br /> "R�., reaulting irom da�mage to tho Property prior to the acquisition shall pase to L�ender to the extent of the sums eecured by
<br />=A:`� � this Security Instrument immediauly prIor w the�cqulsitton.
<br /> --"'���'� 6.Occup�acy, Preservation. Mainten�ace and Protection of the Property; Borrower'a Loan Applicatlon;
<br />-.-''�� I.eaaehotda.Borrower ehall cecupy,establtah,and uso the Property as Borrower's prtncipal rtsidence withindYty days
<br /> ��'�-� after the executioa of thts Secudty Instrument�nd shsll continue to occupy tho Proparty as Horro�ror e princlpal
<br /> �-::•��:� resid�nco for tt le�st one yur siter the dtw of occupancy,unlesR Lender otherwiee agras ia writin�,�hich coneent shal�
<br /> -�--�,._�_� not be unr�asoasbly withheld,ur unless oxtenusting circumstances exiet which are beyond Borrower s control.Borrower
<br /> at�:ll n:,t dwtra�.daz:g:,ar imp�ir tha Pra�rt,�:1laa�Lha Pm�rs;tu dcicsiQrai�.L+r!'�mt41i*�y�atr,�n the Pr�n,oetty.
<br /> "'RS''�' Borrowa shill be icn default it any forteiture�ction or proceeding,whother civil or crimin�l,is be�un ttut ia Lender's
<br /> _.��� good faith judgment could reault in torteituro of the Property or othorwise materially impalr the li�n crested by this
<br /> � Security Instcument or I.ender's security interest. Bornower may cura such a deiault end reineUte. u provided in
<br /> -- p�ragta�h 18, by causing the action or proceedin� to be dismiseed wlth a ruling ihst, in Lendet's pood taith
<br /> - =_= doterminetioa,procludes 1�odeiture of the Borrower's intereat in the Property or other mstetid impirmentot tt►e lien
<br /> c,reated by thie Security Instrument or Lender's security inur�st.Bonower ehell also be in defwlt if Borra�rer. durin�
<br /> tbe lout�pplication process, gave maurially false or inaccuate iaformation or atauments to Lettdet(a failed to
<br /> °� provide Lendet with my material informatlon)in coruiection wlth the loan ovidencod by the Noto,includin�, but not
<br /> limited w. representationa wncerning Borrowet's occupancy of the�+operty as a principal cesidenoe.If tioie Security
<br /> Instrumens is oa a leasehold,Barrower shall comply with all the provisians of the lease.Ii BorroMer�cqutres tea title W
<br /> the Property,the lasehold and the fee t�tlo shdl not merges unleas Lender s�to the merger in writing.
<br /> y.Protection oi Leader'a Ri�bts i�a t6e Praperty.l!Borrower fails to perPorm the covemnts md ��teements
<br /> conteined in this Security Inexrument.or thcre is a legal procoedin$that msy signitic�ntly atfect Lertdet's righta in the
<br /> = Property {such u s proceeding in benkruptcy, probate, for condemreation or torfeityre or to entoroo laNS or
<br /> regulatior�s),then Lender may do and pay for whatever i6 aeceseary to protect the value of the Property Rnd Lender's
<br /> righte in t3ie Property.Lender's actiona may tnclude paying any suma exured by a lIen which hea prtority over this
<br /> _ Security Instrument��ppearing in court,pe�yiag re�sonable sttorneys'fees and entering on the Property w natke repaire.
<br /> -- Althou�h I.ender may take ection undar this p�ragraph 7,Lender das not hava to do so.
<br /> Aay amounts diaburced by Lender under this paragcaph 7 shall become ndditiond debL of Bonoever eecurod by tlus
<br /> Security Instrumeat.Unla�Borrower end Lender a�ree to other terms of peyment.these amounta stWl bar inter�st
<br /> irom tha date of disbureemenL et the Note rate and sh�ll be paynble,with interest,upon notice trum Lender to Borrawer
<br /> ------ requestinB PaYment.
<br /> 8.Mort�ase Iaeur�nco. If Lender required mortgage insuranoe es a condition of making the loan exured by thie
<br /> = Security Instrument.Borroaer shall pay the premiuma required to maintain the mortgage it�surence in etfect,It.for any
<br /> �, reason,the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lnpses or ceases to bo in effect, Borrower slull pny the
<br /> --___= premiums required to obtain coverage substentielly equivelent to the mortgage inswxnce previously in etfect,at a cost
<br /> ,�- --= substantisily equivalent to the cost w Borrower oi the mortgage insurance proviously in �ifect,from m alternato
<br /> =--= mortgage insurer approved by Lender. Ii aubstantially cquivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not►vailable,
<br /> -�,�-�::. Bornower shdl pay to Lender each month a aum equal to one-twelfth of the yaarly mortgage insurence premiurn being
<br /> -w;_�:� paid by Borrowor whon the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effxt.Lendcr will eccept,use and rotsin theso
<br /> =a'�•�� "� payments ss a loss r e in lieu oi mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longet be required,
<br /> _ ':x�� ;
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