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<br /> • , �iOC38THBR WITH �ll tho tmprovementa now or heroafter erocted on the praperty, and all eavtn�ente, -
<br />�'�� • appurtenu►cee,and fixtures now or hereafter a part Qf the property.All repl�cements and�ddittone shall�lsc�be covered
<br /> •s by thie Seourity Instrument.A11 of the foregoing is n�ferrad to In this Securtty Inatrumentae the"Property." �
<br />"�` aORROWBR COVENANTS thnt Bonower ie lewfully soiaed of the estate het+sby conveyod utd hes the rt�t►t w `
<br /> ��� grant and convoy the Property iutd thnt the Property ta unoncumberod,ex�ept for anaumbrancea oi record. Botrower
<br /> � wdmnts and wIll dofend generally the titte to the Propercy againet all claime snd demaxeda,subject to any encumbrancea�
<br /> , of ro,�HIS SBCURITY INGTRLJM�NT combinea unilorm covonante tur n�tioml uso and nan-unilorm cavon�nt�with;
<br /> limited vari�ttons by jurledicdc►n to aonetttuto a unitorm eecurity tnatrument covorin�ral property.
<br /> '�i UNIFORM CpVBNANT'S.&►rmwer and I.cnder covenant�nd��ree�s fallow�; --
<br /> r�.� 1.Paymeat of Principal�nd Intere�t;Prep�ymont�nd I.�te Ch�r�e�.Horrowe��h�ll arumptly p�y when d
<br /> the princi�l ot�nd interost on the debt evidenced by the Note md�ny prop�ymertt�nd I�to eh�r�ee due under the Nata.
<br />�=� Z. Puad�tor T�xa �ad In�ur�nce, fiubjxt tu�pplic�bla I�w ar ta w �vritten waive� by I.ondcr,Harrower ahd
<br /> `� ��r w I.ondor on tho da monthlyp�ymente�ro due under tho NotA,until the Nato ie�id in tult��eum("Nunda")for.
<br />-� (,)yarly axee md�aeeyesmente wh[ch m�y�ttain�rtority over thie Sacurlty Inetrumont�a�lien on the Property;(b)
<br /> "�� yarly leieehold paymente or Qrour�d ronte on the Aroperty,if�n�;(c) yearly h��rd or pmporty ineunnce premiume;
<br />.-�_� (d?ycarly tload insuranx prem�ums,ii any;(e)yeirly mort�n�e snaurance promiums.it eny;snd(f�eny eum�payable _
<br />- by Borrowor to Lender,in�ccordanco with the provietons ot pan�raph 8,in lieu nf tho p�ymont oi mort�a�e inaur�nce
<br />_�.� premlume.Theee iteme�re called"Eeerow Iume."Lender may,at any time�collxt and hold Funda in an�mount not
<br /> ---� to oxceed the maximum amount a londer for a federally rel�ted mprtgago lan may roquiro for aorrower's e�acrow
<br /> account under the federal Roal Eetato Settlecnont Proceduccs Act of 1974 aa saeandod irom time to tlme, 12 U.5.C.
<br />,:,� Soctton?b01 et asq.("RESPA"),unleas anothor law thet applies w tho Funds sets a lesser amouat.If e�,,Limder may, -
<br /> at any tlme�colloct end hold Funds in sn amount not to exceed the l�aecr amount.Lender m�y eatimate the amount oi
<br /> + Funds du�on the b�sis of cumnt data and reasonible eatimates of expendttures of futuro F.ecrow Iteme or otherwIse in
<br /> • accordanoo wIth applicablo ltw.
<br /> = Tho Funds ehall bo held in an institutlon whoee depoeits are insurod by s federal agency,instrumentality�or entity
<br /> (including Lander.if Lender is such an inatItution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender ehall apply the Funds to
<br /> pay tho Escrow Items.Lander may not cherge Borrower tor holdIng aad applying the Fuads,annually en�lyzlnY the
<br /> ��cra::account,os verityis�tha E,...B-::ro:�Item�,uuleas L�nd�gs;s BQ�'!'oR'�'ii!!t�it�!oII th�Fii�dg�nd��l�cahle l�tv
<br /> -= permita Lander to make soch a oharge. However, Lendar may requiro Borrower to p�y a ono-time chu�e for an
<br /> �--� iadependant real estata tax reporting service used by I.�nder in connxtion w�th this loan,unlese applicable IsW provides
<br /> -- otherwise.tlnleae an agroement is made or applicabla law requIres interest to be paid�I.ender eh�ll not be requIred to
<br /> p�y Bonowor any intonst or earnings oa the Funda.Borcower end Lender msy agrx in writing,hoHaver�ttut intereat
<br />--� ehall be psid on the Funds.Lender ehall give to Borrower�without charger,sn ennual accounting of the Funda,showing
<br /> � credits and dobIte to tho Fuads and the purpose tor which each debit to tho Funds aes mede.The Funds are plod�od as
<br /> . additional eecurity for all suma secured by thie Security Instrumont.
<br /> • It the Funds held by Londer exceod tho amounta permitted to be held by applicabte law�Leader shell eccount to
<br /> — Borrowor for the eYCess Funds in accordance with the roquiromonts of applicable l�w, Ci the amount oi the Fuads hald
<br /> by Lender at any time is not suiticient to psy the Eacrow Items when duo,Leader inay ao notlfy BorroMer in writinQ,
<br /> • �nd�in such caso B�rrower sha11 pay to Lender the amount nec�sary to meke up tho deficiency.Bormwa ehall make
<br /> , up the deticIenay in no mon than twelve montbly paymente,at Lender's sole dtscretion.
<br /> Upon p�ymont in full oi all sums secured by thie Security Inatrument,Lender shall pmmptly rofund to BorroMer
<br /> any Funds held by 1.eadar.Ii� uader peragraph 21, Lender shell aoquire or sell the Property. Lende,r, prtor w the
<br /> acquieition or oale ot the Proporty,ah�ll epply any Funda held by I.ender at the tlm�of acqulsttion or sale�s a credit
<br /> a�ainst the suma secured by this Seourlty Ir�strument.
<br /> 3. Application ot Pay�neats. Unlesa applicable Inw provides othorniso,all peyments ra;eIved by Leadet undat
<br /> pengcaphs 1 And 2 shall be epplied:first,to eay prepnyment charges duo undor the Note;sxoud,w amounts payablo
<br /> � under peragrsph 2;third,to interest due;iourth,w principal due;and last,to any late chuges due under the Noto.
<br /> 4. Chu=ea; Lieaa. Borrower ehall pay ell texes,s.ssrssmente,charges. tinca and impoeitiona attributable to the
<br /> ' Properry which may attain priority over this Socurity Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rente. if any.
<br /> Borrower shall pay these obligations in ttie manner provided in paregraph 2,or it nat paid in thet manner,Borrower
<br /> sha11 pay them an time directly to the person owed payment.Bonower ahall promptly furnish w Lender a11 notices of
<br /> - amounta to be paid under this parngraph.If Borrower makes these peyments directly, Bortower shell promptly fumish
<br /> to Lendor receipta evidencing tha pnyments.
<br /> Bortower ahall promptly diecharge any licn which has priority over thia Security Instrument unleas Sorrower: (a)
<br />______ agras in wrItang to the payment of the obligatian secured by the lien in a menner acceptable to L.ender;(b)contests in
<br /> _ good fnith the lien by�or defends against eniorcement of the lien in, lagal procealings which in th�Lender's opinion
<br />-- -_ operata to prevent the enforcement of the lien;or (c)secures from the holder of the lien an agcament satisfactory to
<br /> R�� Lender subordinating tho lion to this Security Ynatroment.If Lender determines thnt any part of the Propetty is subject
<br /> to a lion which mny at priority over thie Security Inetrumcnt,Lendor mey give Borrower a notice identifging the
<br />.-;;�:.'.,'� 13m.Borrower shal the lien or take one or more of tha actions set forth above aithin 10 dsya of the giving of
<br />-��-' natice.
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