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<br /> . �f tho option ot Lender� if mort���o inaur�nco caver��o (in tho �mount tnd �or tho pe�iad th�t I.ender requlta+)
<br /> provided by�n ineurot ap�praved by[,onder��ain bocomoe�v�ilabie�nd ie obtainod.�orrower ehdl p�y tho premiume
<br /> required to m�inuim m�rt��;e ineurance in ettxt,a� to pmvide a loee reeerve, until tho roquiroment for mortN�e
<br /> ineurance ende in�ccordance wich�+ny written arreement heeween}3armvrer�nd Lendor or epptic�ble law. �der�+h�ll �
<br /> 9.Inspectioa.l.ender or ite a�ont m�y m�ka re�eon�ble entriee upon�nd inepectlnna o!the Yroporty.
<br /> �ivo Horrower notico�t thn ttme of or prl i����t�r claim ar d�mw�a+,dbrect or�consequo�ti�al�itn cannootion r+ith
<br /> 10. Condennnatioa.The procada t ot the Pro rt or tor conveyance in lieu af coademmtton,aro herobp V
<br /> any condemnatinn or other taking oi any pu PQ S'�
<br /> assi�nod and ehall be pRid to I.ender.
<br /> In the event of�tot�1 ukinB ot the Property.the Procoeds ehdl be applted to the sums eecurod by thte Socurity �
<br /> Inatrument,whether or not thon due,wlth�ny exceas paid to Borrower.In tha ovent of a partialuru��e�oUn�tt�e�
<br /> which the fair mukot value oi the Property immodl�tely 6otore the ukin�is equtl to or grea
<br /> suma eocura!by thie Seaurity Instrument immediakly bafore tho ukin�,unlees Borrowec and Lender otheraise��ree
<br /> in writtng,the sums secured by thie Socurity Instrument ehell be ceduced by tho amount ot the procoods multiplied by
<br /> the followin�fr�ct�on:(s)the total tmnunt of the sums secu�m�m��81�i��id��g�N�f��Q Qvem�fi
<br /> mukat value oi the Propercy immediauly boforo the ukir.�.
<br /> pertinl takin�pt thd Property in which th�i�ir market value oi the Proporty immodi�tely b�fare tho uking ie 1e�
<br /> the amouat uf the�ums axured immediataly beloro the taktaeh�nl�Ho i�e��0�m6�urod b�e���
<br /> or unlese appliable law otherwise provides. the procaods PP
<br /> Instrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> �i�property;s ibtadoned by gorro�er,or if,after noticc by I.ender to Barrower that the condemnor ofters to
<br /> meke an awud or eottte a claim ior damiBes�Borrower isile to respond to I.enda'�ithin 30 dsy8+����t0�i0
<br /> nodoe ie�iven.Lender is authorized to collxt�nd apply the procads,at ita option,eithar to restontion or repair ot sta
<br /> pcoperty or to the sum�secured by thts Security Instrumcnt,whether,�Gio�tA e�n d����n����1 aot eztend or
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherniae sgree in�ir�e��nB��Yn pP aphs 1 and 2 or chai► the aneaount ot sucA
<br /> postpoae the dne data of the monthly p�y �°� B°
<br /> P�Ymenta.
<br /> 11. Bonower Not Itolwsed; Forbearwce By Loader Not a Waiver.Ertena�on of the time or pYmen a
<br /> ���j�uQn��Q�x���tian oi the aums sxurod by this Security Insuumos►t�caated bY Lemdec t°mY g��0r in
<br /> interest ot Borrower sh�ll not operate to rolase the li�billty oi tAe ori�inai Bor�v�c��� °utr�^s:'��''�-'�°°""4 'n
<br /> interest.Lender ehall not be required to wmmence proceedings a�inst u►y aucoeesor in�ntereat or reiux to ert�nd
<br /> time for paymeat or otheraiee modify amortiution oi the sums exured by this Security Iastrument by re�son ot anY
<br /> demand m�de by the or�eiml Aorrower or Borrower's sua:e�ors ia interest.AnY torbeatance by Lendet in wcerdsara
<br /> any ri�ht or remody sh�ll not be a Naiver ot or prectude the exercisa oi any rl�t►t or remedY.
<br /> lZ. Succeuore and Assisns Bound;Joint�nd Sovenl Liability; Co-siYners.The oovenaate and t�reem�nc�
<br /> ot thia Security Insuument sball bind utd beaofit the succeseors and�si�ns of Lend�'�d BOKON�''�bject t° �
<br /> provisioas of p�rs�ph 17.Borrowa's covenaats and a�reemente stull be joint tnd sevoral.My Bormwa'�t►o co'si�u°
<br /> thia Security Insuument but doea not oxecuta tho Note: �s1 u��the te mR of�this SecurltY Imstrum°nt; ib��n�ot
<br /> �rant and convey that Borrower's in�erest in the Pmperty �at���d�y ottar
<br /> pecsondly obli�atcd to paY the Aums s�curod by ttue SecurIty Instrument�and (e1 �8�
<br /> BorroNer may egc+ee W ertend.malify.forbeat or make any ac,00mrtiod�tions Nith m�ard to tho terms of this SecuritY
<br /> Instrument or the Note without thet BorroNer's coneont•
<br /> 13. Lwn Char=es.If the lan sxured by thie Socurity Instrument is su'bject w a l�ai`�wiu�'e ps���1��in
<br /> chu�es, and thet lew is tinally intarpreted so that the interest or otha loan chu�ea
<br /> coaaxtion wTith the loan esx000d the pe�'mittod limite, then:(a) any such lou►chuge�11 be reduced by the ammune
<br /> tiece�ary to teduce tho chuge to the permitted limit; and (b) u►y suma drady colloct�ed trom BorroN��•b;ch
<br /> excooded permittad limits�rill be retundal w Borrowemen�to Borrower.I�t a refund kialuces priacipRt the roduect�'a
<br /> prTacIpRl owod under the Note or by making c diroct P�Y ment char undeir tho Note.
<br /> will bo treatod is a p�ttlal prepaYment without tny prepay Y�
<br /> 14.Notices. AaY notice w Borrower pmvided for in th�e Secunty Instrument shall bo�iven by delivecing�t ar by
<br /> msiling it by titst class mail unless epplicable law rayuires usa oi another method.The r�t�ce ehall be directed t°th�
<br /> Praperty Address or any other address Borrower desi;gnetes by notice to I.ender.Any notic�to Lender shall be�iven by
<br /> tirst clsss mail to Londer's address stnte�d herein or any other address Lender designates by notia 3�D morrowa• AnY
<br /> -. notia provi�ed for in thie Security Instrument shall be deemed to have ban pven to Borrower or Lenbsr arhen given
<br /> � is providod in thie paragraph.
<br /> — 1S. Governin�Law;Sever�bility.Ttus Security Instrument shall be governed by E��Er�11aM and the l��v oith�
<br />"— jurisdiction in which the Property is located.In the event thnt any provision or clsuse o�i tt�;s�ecc��cty Z"�s'�mentorthe
<br /> Note contlicts with applicable law,such contlict shall nnt nitect other provisions ot this Sxr^�itq fa�'s�rnent or the Note
<br /> ahich can be glven effect without the contticting provision.To this end the provisions o�t':�5ecurity Instrument�nd
<br /> ''" the Note are declared to bo severable.
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