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<br /> 7.EmY��nt Dom�Mt.LMd�r Is henby nslyned W!comp�n�atbn,awardi,d�mpe��nd other payments or rNie!(h�reln�ftar"Proce�d�') •
<br /> M cannection with cond�mmtion or other t�klnp of the Prop�tiy or put th�nof,ar for conveyertce In lieu of condemnatlon.Und+r�h�ll , _
<br /> tak�n or d�wnap�i.LMdN ihdl hav�th�optbn In It�wl��td�bwlute dl�c�otbn,to�pply NI such Roce�ds,after deductinp theretrom
<br /> ��II costs�nd expensu Incurrad by It in con�ection with wch Proc�ed�,upon�ny Indebtedmts secured hereby end In such order u
<br /> L�nd�r may dstermirts,or ta apply sil�uch Proceede,�iter such daductlons,to the reatoratlon of the Property upnn euch conditlone ea
<br /> Lendu may dstermin�.Any�pplication of Rac�sds to ind�tit�dmss shNl not extend or pottpone the due date o}�ny payment�undw
<br /> the Not�,or cure�ny def+��k thenunder or heteunda.hny u��ppNed tund�shNl An paid to Truttor.
<br /> 8. Pwfarm�ne�by L�nda. Upon th�occur�enae a1 an Ev�nt of D�f�ult hareundsr, or U �ny act Is t�ken or lepal proceedUy
<br /> �commenc�d whfch mat�ri�lly�ffact�Lender's Intera�t In the Roperty,Lsnder may In it�own dlacretlon, but wlthout oblipatlon to do ao,
<br /> end without natla to or dsmand upon Trusto��nd without�sNalnp Trustor irom any oblip�tion,do iny aot which Trustor Ita�prsed
<br /> , but fsile to do and msy�Iso do any other�ct It deems necesaery to protect the eecuriry hereoi.Truator ahell,Immedietely upon��m�nd --
<br /> h therefor by Lander, p�y to Lender MI coat�and expensea Incurred wid sumc uxpnndcd by Lender L�connocttan with the exerci�e By
<br /> Q�L�ndx of th� fonpoinp ripht�,toysther with Intereat thK�on�t th�defwlt rate provlded in ths Note,wh�h shall be�ddsd to the
<br /> ind�6tednesa Recured hereby.I.ender shell not incur any N�bfl(ty because of anythinp R may do or omit to do hareunder.
<br /> 8.H�dous Iwat�IM�.T�ustor shall keep the Proparty in compliance with all�ppNcable laws,adin�nces and►epulatione relatiny to
<br /> Industris!hypiene or envfronmentN protsctbn Icollectivahr raferred to hentn�a "Envkonmentsl I.aw�').Tru�tor ehsll ke�p the Roperty
<br /> free from sll auDatancea deemed to be hau�rdoue or toxfc under any Environmental Lews fcollectively referred to herein aa"Htaardou�
<br /> Matetieis"1.Truator heraby warranta end repreaenta to Lender that there ars no Huardoua Msteri�on or under the Property.Trustor
<br /> hereby aQrean to indemnity end hold hermlaaa Lender, its directoro, officen, employeea and sgent�, �nd any auccesaon to Lender'e
<br /> Intsre�t,iram md apafnst sny and all ciaima,dameges,bsaea u►d liabtlittaa arf�inp in con�ection w:th the p�esence, use, dispoaat or
<br /> transport ot�ny Hazardoua Materials on,undar,from or�bout the Roperty.THE FORE(i01Na WARNANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS,
<br /> TRUST.
<br /> 10.Assipnm�nt of R�nts.Truator heretly�lans to Lender, and pranta Lender a aecurity interest in,all present,future�nd after
<br /> risiny rente,isaueo and profits of the Proparty;p�ovid��that Truator ihall,untii ths occurrence of�► Evant of Def�ult hereunder,have
<br /> the ripht to collect �nd ret�in euch rente,ituuea end profite es they become due�nd pay�bls. Upon th�occunence of an Event of
<br /> Qefeuh, Leretler mey,eithsr in penon or hy s�ent,wtth or wlthout 6dnging any�ction or proceeding.o�by�nc�ivsr�ppointed bY�
<br /> court end without repard to the adaquecy as its securiiy, enter upan efnd take poa=aubn of the Raperty,or W►y part theteot,Sn ha otivn
<br /> n�me or In the nams of ths Trustee,enQ da any acta which It deqma necesa►y or deslrabie ta preserve the value,mKkot�blllty nr
<br /> rent�biflty of the Property,or any part thareaf or Interust thereln,or to Increase the incoma thxefrom or proterst the aecurity he►sof snd,
<br /> with or w(thout tekinp possesalun of the Property,aue for or othervviae collect ths rent�,iasuea and profits thereof,includfng those pa�t
<br /> due�nd unpaid,by notifying tenants to maks payments to Lsndsr. Lender mey�pply rents,leauaa md profit�,leas eoat�and�xp�naua
<br /> ot opsration and coltectbn includfng�ttameya'feaa,to any fndebtednea aecured hereby,eil in such anier aa Lender may determine.The
<br /> enterinp upon md taklnp posaessbn�f t�e Property, ths coHeatbn of such rsnts, faues and protrts,�nd the epplic�tbn thareof aa
<br /> aforeteid,ah�ll not curs or wsive�ny ilefauh ar notice of def�ult hereunder or invalid�te any act da�e in responae to tuch d�f�uk or
<br /> purwant to such notica of detauR �nd, natwlthsnndinA the continuance In possessbn ot the Praperty or the collection, rscelpt snd
<br /> appN�catbn of rertts, Isauss o► profits, Trustee and Lendsr shall be entitled to �xercise every ripht provided for in any of the l.oan
<br /> Irtstrume�ts or by law upon occurrence of eny Event of Defwh, Includinp without Ilmhation the tlght to exerciau ths power oT�ate.
<br /> Further,Lender's riyhta�nd remediea under this pW�gnph eh�li be cumulstive with,end in no w�y• Iimitation on,Lender's rights and
<br /> remsdiea under eny aasiynment of leases snd rents recorded ap�inst the R�operty. Lender,Trustee and ths rscslvor�h�tl 6e Ilahle to
<br /> �ccount only for tho�e nntn�ctuNly r�colvetl.
<br /> 11.Ewnts oi ON�uit.The fol�owin4�hall constitute�n Event of Dei�ult undx this peed of Tru»:
<br /> (a)Failurs to ptly Any Inatallment of principal or Intereat of any ott�er sum aecured hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A bresch of o�dotault under eny Froviston contained in the Note,thls Oeed of Trust,any of the Lo�n Instrument�,or eny
<br /> other Iten or sncumErance upon tAe Propdrty;
<br /> (e)A wdt ot execution or ettashment or any similar praceas ah�ll be entered palnet Trunor whieh sh�ll become a Iien on the
<br /> Property or�ny portion thereof or intoreat theratn;
<br /> (��Thpr�whdl bn filsd bv or 6pUh�t 7ruslor or Sart,wet a�acUon u��tsr wiy presant o�futury feJu►�t,alrte ur uthor statue,I�w
<br /> or repulation rstatinp to bankroptcy, Ineoivency or ot�er rNief for dsbton;or there shaM be ppointed �ny tnist�e, recewK or
<br /> IIquW�tor of Tru�to�or Borrawer or of�II or sny part of the Piroperty,or the rente,fuues or profRs thereof,or T�ustor or Bo�rowN
<br /> sh�ll mak�r►y psn�►ai�ssipnment tor the benaik of crediton;
<br /> (s1 The iale,tran�fx,i�as�,awipnment,convsy+nce or turther enCUmbra�ce of all or eny pirt of or eny Int�r��t In the Proputy.
<br /> �ith�r voluniarily or Involunt�ily,without ths expreae writtsn consent of Lender;provided that Truator shall be permitted to oxocut�
<br /> a kats o!t�e Proparcy that dos�not contain an option to purchaa�nd ths term of whtch does not exc�sd on�y�er;
<br /> lfl Abat�donment of the Property:or
<br /> (qt !f Truatar ie not an indlviduai,the isswnce, s�te,tr�nsier,assipnment, eonveyance or encumbrane� of more than lH•
<br /> corporatbnf •total af� pe►cent of ks laued +nd outatandinp atock, or(ii a partrnrshfpl�totN of���p�resnt ot
<br /> pKtn�nh(p i�t�r�st�,or Of e�l�mhed Na4Nky comp�ny)a tot�l ot N�� percent ot the Umited lisbility company Mterssti or vottnp
<br /> riphta du�ing ths period thfs Desd of Tw�t romMns�ilen on tne F+�operty.
<br /> 12,pen�odlw;AepNnqon Upon d�9wk.in the ev�nt of any Evont oi Lletwk Lendar may,without notice sxcept M rsquk�d by I�w.
<br /> declue eN indebtednees eecured hersby to bs dus and payabte and ths wne�hall thereupo� Wcame due and p�Y�bb wkhout�ny
<br /> pra�ntment.danand,protsst or notke ot any kind.Thxestter Lender m�y:
<br /> (�)D�m�nd th�t Tniatas sx�rcise the POWER OF SALE pmted hereln, and TrusteA shMi th�reatter cai�ae TrustoYe k►terest
<br /> in ths PropKty to bs sold and the procaeds to bs di�t�ibuted,aN in the m�nnx provided M the N�bra�k�Trutt beeds Act;
<br /> (b1 Ex�rciae any �nd sll rtphts provlded for in any ot the Losn Imtrumsnta or by taw upan occurrencs ot ��y Evsnt of
<br /> D�feuk;and
<br /> Ic)Commencs an satbn to toracloae this Deed of Ttuat as a mortq�ge, �ppolnt a receiver.or speciticatly eniores�rty of th�
<br /> covenar►ta hereot.
<br /> No rentedy hereln tontetred upon or reaerved to T►ustee o�Lender Is(ntended to bs exclualve of my othat remedy herein.fn the Lo�n
<br /> Instruments or by law providod or pertnitted,but each ehsll be cumulntive,shell be In�dditlon to everyl other remedy piven hereundar.In
<br /> the Loen Ir��truments or now or hernahm exiattng et law or In equity or by statute,�nd may be exerefa�d coneunently,indepsndantly ot
<br /> successivniy. .
<br /> 13.7rustN.The Truatee may teslgn et uny time whhout cauee,snd Lender mey�t�ny tims�nd without eaua�sppolnt�succss�or
<br /> or tub�tftute Trusteo.Truatee ehall not be Ifable to eny party,Including without Iimftatbn lender,Bonower,Trustor or any purchs�er af
<br /> the Roparty, for eny Ioea or damege unless due to recklesa or wfllfui miscanduct, and eheli not be required to teke ony �otbn In
<br /> connection with the entorcement of thle Deed of Truat unteas Indemnified,In w�iting,tor all coat�,compensatton or sxpenses whlch rney
<br /> be assocleted therewith. In addttlon,Trustee may become a purchaser st eny eMe nf the Ropeny ((udictal or under the powe�of sate
<br /> pranted hcr�ini;postpone ths sale of ali or�ny portlon ot the Roperty,as provided by law;or nell the Roperty es a whok.or in sepante
<br /> parcels or lote et Tnistee's dlscretton.
<br /> 14.Fws�nd Exp�m�s.In the event Trustee selia the Praperty by exercise of power of saie,7ruatea sAaa be entithd to appty any aale
<br /> proaeeda firot to payment of all coats and expenees of exercieing power of wie,fncludiny all 1'rustee'�fees,rid Lender'e and Trustee's
<br /> ettomey'a feee,actuetiy incurced to extent permfttal ny appncabte taw.►n me event esorrow.r or in,acor ea.�a■es.�y��:��v��•n:�'+��
<br />- law to curo an Event of Dsfeuit,Lender ahell be entitled to rocover from Truator ail coats�n�i expenaes actu�lly Incurced �a rosult of
<br /> Truetor'e default,including without limitatlon all Truetee'e and attorney's teea,to the exte�t permitted by eppficabte law.
<br /> 16.Futun Adv�naa.Upon request of Borrower, Lender may,et ite option,meke edditional end future advencea and readvancea to
<br />- Borrower.Such sdvance��nd readvence�, wRh Interen thereon,ahall be aecured by thfs Deed ol Yruat. At na time shall the princlpal
<br />= amount of the indebtedness eecured by thls Deed ot Trust,not Inciud(ng sums edvanced to prot�ct tho secudty ot thi�Dead of Truot,
<br />- exceed the odgfnai princlpul emount etated hertr(n,or• sio.oso.so _ .whlchevx la proater.
<br />= nxca�e�s INa+W�kdtuN WWl Hw E/96
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