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<br /> � 25th AugugC ,18 97 ,by�nd amon�
<br /> � THIS DEED OF TRUST,is mads ee of the d�y of �
<br /> the Trustor, p�=I+i+=p t"�• MARTIN, JR• and ANN 2. MARTIN, HIJB911I�11 AY�D �iIFE
<br /> whota maitinp addrsss I� 320 AMICK AVSN1fJE DONIPHAN NS 68832- (hsrein"Trustor,"whether one or mon).
<br /> ths Trustee, H� �F ��p�
<br /> whose mailinp addresa h PO HOX 8 DaNIPHAN NE 68 83Z (hsretn'Tru�te�"1.+nd
<br /> the Beneflciary. �K �F ��p� ,
<br /> wh�ae mail(np addreu h p0 BOX B AONIPHAN NR 6B 832 {herein"Lendx'l.
<br /> FbR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,including Lendere extension ot cndit identified herefn to PHILLIP M. MARTIN, JR.
<br /> 3►NN Z. MARTIN
<br /> IhereM"Borcower'.whether one or more)md ths tru�t heretn creited,the
<br /> receipt oi which is h.raby:i:k��awt:d�ed,Tru:tar h..rr.�;lsrssocs4l;�rant�;*�en.teror conveya end aaiuna to Trurtee.IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> POWER OF SAIE,for tha(oeneflt and secu�ity ot Lender,under and subJeat to the terma and condltbns hersinsfter set fonh,the�eal
<br /> propaty,dnscribed as follows:
<br /> ypT TVip (a) pND 'TFmEfi (3) AMICK ACRES SUBDIVISION, HAI,L
<br /> Topethe wlth NI buildlnae,improvements,flxture�,stradts,elleys,psapewaya,a�aements,ri9hts, privilepss and �ppurt�n�ncs�
<br /> bcated th�rwn or In�nywl�e partNninp thereto,md tNe rents,isaue�and profits,reventons md ranaindsrs thereof,�nd auch panonN
<br /> prop�rty th�t i��tt�ch�d to the improvemente eo es to wnstitute a fixture,Includtnp,but not Iknited to,heKinp�nd coolfnq�quipm�nt;
<br /> and topeths►with the homesteed or marital interests,If sny, which f�tKSSts�re h�rsby �sleued and wNved;�ti ot which, Includinp
<br /> repl�c�tnrnt�and�cldftiane the►eto,Is hereby deela�ed to be�part of the real eat�ts secured by the Ilan of this D�ad of Trust and�N of
<br /> ths forepolnp bNnp refe�rnd to heroln es the"Ptopnrty'. .
<br /> ThI�Dsed of Trust shNl escurs(a)the p�yment ot the principal tum �nd tnterKt svidencsd by� promiawry nots or credit
<br /> epnement d�ted Augue� __25, 199? r,,,hevin0 e m�tu�fty date of 9eYptember 10, 200� ,
<br /> in ths origtnal p�inclp�l�mount of 1 10,020.50 ,�nd any�nd dl rradifkrtlons, extsn�lons tmd renswNs
<br /> therwf or thento�nd any md aN future advence�and readvancu to Borrower(or any of them it more than onsl hereund�r punuant to
<br /> one o�mors promfasory notss or credk�prsements(I�sreln cNled'Note'1;(b)tln peym�M of ott�e auma advanc�d by Under to prot�ct
<br /> the�ecurity ot ths Nots;!cl the perform�nce of all covmante rnd�preements of Truator set torth hanln;Md ldl sll Q��sent�nd futun
<br /> in@�btednes��nd oblipations of Bonower lor eny of them li more thon one)to Lsnder whsther direct,indireat,�b�olute or continyent
<br /> end whether�risinp by note,gueanty,ovsrdreft or otherwias.The Note,thts Deed of Trust and any and ail othsr document�th�t ncura
<br /> the Nots or otherwlae executed In connsction therewith,tncludfnp without Ilmitntion guerantees,necutity�greementa and a�aipnmmt�
<br /> of leases�nd rents.eh�N b�referred to herein as the'Loen Inattument�".
<br /> Trustnr coven�nt��nd agrees with Lendet aa foliows:
<br /> 1.P'�ym�nt of ind�bt�dn�s�.Ail indebtedne�e secured hereby ehell be pald when due.
<br /> - 2.TIW.Trustor I�tha owner of the Rroperty,has tAe ripfit end euthority to convey ths Property,end warrenta th�t the Ilen craated
<br /> hereby ia a firet end prior Ilen on the Ptoperty,except tor Ifens and encumbrancea set forth by Trustor in writtnp end deilvered to Lender
<br /> before execution of thls Dtrwl of Truac, and che execution anU dellve+y of tt►fa Ueed of truat doer�not violete eny contrect or other
<br /> `� ublipation to which 7rustor Is aubJect.
<br />- `° 3.T�x��.As�a�m�nU.Tu psy betore delfnquency ail texes,epectal asaeasments and all other charges epeinst the Property now or _
<br />---7 herafter levied.
<br /> 4. Inwme�.To keep the Property in�ured ageinst damepe by fire, haiarde, included within the term "extended coversps', �nd
<br />--�� such othsr haurde ee Lendar mey requtre,In amounta end with compeniea eccepteblo to Lende�,naming Lender es en additional n�m�d
<br />- ��' insured.with bsa payeble to the Lender.In case of�oae under such polfcies,the Lander is euthori�ed to adJuet,collect and compromite,
<br /> ��1 di�i.��...*n�rnunder and ihall have the oation ot epplYinti all or peR of the insurance proceeda lil to any tndebtedness�acured horeby
<br /> - and In such order as Lender mey detetmine,ifll to thn Trustor to be used for the rep�Ir or rastoretion ot the Propeny or tw)tor�ny otner
<br /> � purpose or obJeat satbfactory to Lender without sftecting the Iten of thls Deed of Truet for the fu�l amount aecured hereby beforo such
<br />= aayment ever took plece.Any epplicntlon of proceada ta Indebtedness shell not extend or poatpone the due dete of any peymente under
<br />- the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 6.Earow.Upon wHtten demand by Lender,Trustor ehell pey to Lender,In euch manner ss Lender may designate,suifleient sums
<br />- to ensblo Lender to pay ea they become due one or more of the following: (U ell texea, �uaa�ments and other chetpec ayainet the
<br /> Property,(II)the premlums on the property innurence required hereunder,and(ili)the premluma on eny mortpaqe inaursnr,e required by
<br /> Lender.
<br /> 8. M�nt�n�nc�,R�pYn�nd CompNanc�with L�ws.Truntor ehell keep the Roperty In gaod conditlon end repsir;eh�li promptly
<br /> repair,ur replaco ony improvemont vvhich may be dameged or destroyed;ehell not commit or permlt eny waete or deterloratlo�of the
<br /> Property;ehall not remove, demollah or subatantlally alter eny of tho Improvements on the Property;shall not commit,euffer or permit
<br />+a eny act to be done In or upan the Praperty in vlotatlon o}eny law,nrdinance, or reyulstlon; and shall psy and ptomptly dlscharpe nt
<br />�, Truntor'a cost and expenee ell Ifen�,encumbronces end cha!pea levied,Imposad or eueased epain�t the PropeKy o�any pert thersof.
<br />�.i�
<br /> ` { NBC34G7A INa»,yltJtur4 Oe��A R�v.8/96 --
<br /> I 188e N�UOnN Bank ol Commaw iruet�nd S�vmps Atsxiolion.Unctln.NeGesk�
<br /> ---.__�__��...�.....��...�,.�,�..�_....._......�.�n..�....�-_ ___'_-_ _ ��Y�MYe�.:-.���.d�- �-.�
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