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<br /> 10.MlscNl�n�au�Prnvitbm �
<br /> !a)Oonow�►Not R�,�d.F.xtamlon of the timr for paYmenl or modiflcetion oi the euma secured bV thia Deed of Trutt pt�nted
<br /> by l.��d�r to��iy�ucc�nor In Mten�t of Borrowu�hNl not op�rat�to ntns�,In any minn�v,ths Ii�bility of th�or{qlnN Borraw�r
<br /> �nd Boorow�r'�tuca�non In Int�rnt. L�nd�r ahNl not b�nquk�d to cpmmsnc�ptoce�dinp�sfliln�t�uch succe�wr or r6tu�n to
<br /> �xtond tkn�tar payI�nt o`othKwk�+nodNy amortl�rtion of th�tum��ecurad by thli D�sd of Trutt by reason of�ny dem�nde
<br /> mrd�by th�oripinN horroW�rmd Barrowtr'��ucc�uora In intxost.
<br /> lb)IMdN'�Pow�n.Whhout�1i�ctinp th�Ilability oi�ny oth�r pe�on li�bls tor ths payment ef any oblly�tian h�rain mentbnsd,
<br /> and without�ffactlnp the IIAn or cheps of thu Ored of Trusx upoe�sny portion of the Ropsrty not then or therertofore reluad a
<br /> eacurity for tltie tuli wncwit ot all unpnld oblipatlona,I.ender mey,trom tlme to fimn and wlthout notica 111 release eny pvnon so �
<br /> B�bl�,(II)�xt�nd th�maturity�r�tte�ny of th�tem�of�ny�uch oblip�tlans,Illq Onnt oth�r indulpsnas,liv)r�leaae or nconvsy,
<br /> or c�uss to b�ni�ss�d o�reconveWd�t rny tlme at Under's option rny pKCei,porNan or dl of the P�ropsrty.(v)taks or rN�us�ny
<br /> oth�r �ddkbn�l r�curity tor ony obiipation hsrNn mentbned,or (vq mak� c�mpotittom or other arrenflementa with dabtors in
<br /> rst�tbn th�rtto. •�'�'*
<br /> (0) FabMnna b�L�ndK Not�W�iw►.Any fotMaranca Dy L�nd�r ir�e,�; � ��r11�.• jp�IMA hejeunder, or oxherwl��
<br /> �ftotd�d by appHcabl� law,sh�ll not 6e a w�Ivx of or preclude the exef�l!�� � �,ki�or re ' y�The procuremsnt of
<br /> InsurMa�or trie payme�i of tsxes or other Ilen�or cherges by landsr s�all �1.�. 4 .� ht to accslerate the
<br /> mpturity of th�Ind�btrdn�u s�cured 6y this Desd of Truat. Z M-.« ��'"''""""� �• �
<br /> Id) suecMwn�nd As�{pns lound;JoN►t�nd 8wKa1 lla6rtll:C�ptbm.The coven�nt��nd Mprsem�nt�hareln contd��d Rhdl
<br /> bind, end th� rlyhts Nsreunder sh�ll inurs to, the re�pactiv�iucc�aors snd aelyn� of L�nder and Truator. All cavsn�nts �nd
<br /> agraement� of Trustor �h�lt be joint end severd. The eeptians and hosdings of the paraynphn of this Oeed of Trust are tor
<br /> convenlenee oniy�nd us not to bo used to Interpret or detina ths provisiona hersof.
<br /> (e)RpuMt ta Nofle�s.The partles hersby requsat th�t a Wpy ot�ny notiee of dstauft hersundet�nd e copy of eny notics of
<br /> sale hsrwnd�r be melled to each party to thts D�sd of Tn�nt at the�ddre:�net forth Wovs tn th�rnanner pretc�i6�d by eppl{ca61e
<br /> tow.raccept tor any othor nottce raquired ander applicaF►le I�w to bs gtvan in another msnnet,my notice provided for In this De�d of �
<br /> Trutt shNl be piven by meiling auch notfce by csrtNied mail eddrossed tn ths othxt partias,at ths�ddrsts s�t forth aiwve. Any
<br /> notics provkied for in this Deed of Truet sh�tli be elfective upan mNlinp In ths msnnK d��ipnated hsrsin.If Trustor I�mon thsn on�
<br /> person,notice annt to the addreas aet forth abovs�hall bs natice�o NI such psnons. -
<br /> (fl Mtp�otbn.Lender mey make or cauae to bs mecr:.r.��n�ble�ntrlss upon and Impentions ot tha Prop�rty,p�ovldsd th�t
<br /> Lendsr ehall give Truetor notice prtor to any such tnspsctias�a➢ecifylny n�sonable caus�thsnfor related to L�nder's intsrest In the
<br /> Property.
<br /> Ip) R�con�►�yarta�. Upon p�ymont ot NI �ums aucured by thb De�i of Trust, Lendw ohall request Tru�tsu to rsconvey the
<br /> P►opety�nd ahall surrendar thia Daed of Trust snd all notes avidencinq indsbtedness aecured by thls O�ed of Tru�t to Truste�.
<br /> Tt�stee ahall reconv�y tho Property whhout wxranty a��x+khout charpe to ths penon or parsons IepNly sntkl�d tharsto.Trustor
<br /> shWl pay�II cost�t of recordatioq,If my.
<br /> (h)prnonai prop�tyt g�c1��i(y Apnetn«►t.As�ddhiond security for the psyment ot the Note,Trustor hsraby prant�Lender unda�
<br /> ths Nebro�k�Uniform ComrAdrelel Code e aeaurity tntsrest in N fixturer,equfpment,and oth�r person�l praperty uaed In conns�tbn
<br /> wkh ths nal est�te or improvements baoted thereon,snd not othsrwise declsred or dsemad to be�part of ths real sst�ts�ecured
<br /> hereby.This I��trument shaU.ba.const►ued as�Security Apr�ment und�r s�iA Cotls, �na th�i.enax�aii h�va.q ii�•rpi�i•.i�u'
<br /> remsdfn of a secu►ed psrry Nncier aNd Code tn addhbn to th�right�rnd ren�dia crsatsd und�r�nd�ccord�d Ms L�nd�r pursuK►t
<br /> to thi�D�sd of Trust;provided thet Lende►'s riphts�nc1*im�dies un�er thia p�npnph�haM be cumulathr�whh,�nd in no way a
<br /> Iknitattcn on,lrndsr�r(yhts and remedies under any otha+Ascurity pre�m�nt dpn�d by Bonowar or Trustor.
<br /> (�� LNn� �nd Eneurnbr�nas. Tn�stor h�rsby werant� snd �epns�nt� th�t thers is no daf�uk undsr th� prt►vlalans ot �ny
<br /> morcpp�, d�ad ot ttust,less�or purchuo contract de�cribinp all or �ny psrt of the Ropxty, o�other contra�ct,-inatrum�nt or
<br /> prNm�r►t con�tRutinp a Nm or ancumbnnce pNnn MI or any part ot th�Propsrty Icollective, 'Liene"),existinp as of the dat�ot
<br /> thl- iTe� ot Tn�+!, M+�I thwt nny rnd NI �xl�tinp Wns nmNn unmodifisd �xcspt a diacbsed to LBndsr in T►Us�tpr'� writnn
<br /> �li�elosurs of Ilms md andunlbrances provWed tor herr�ln. Trustor �hrM tttnely perfoim �11'of Tluttot'Y'otl%gatioN�'toV�ant�.
<br /> rsprr�sentatbns and wKrant(ne uitder anY�nd�II exi�tinp and futun Usm,sh�N promptly forwud to l.sndcr copies of�iN notica of
<br /> detault wnt in conneation with eny �nd atb existinp or futura Uena, �nd shWl not wfthout Lender's prlor writan consent in�ny
<br /> mmna modify ths provfsbns of or Mbw anV futur��dvsnces under�ny exiatin9 or futurs U�na.
<br /> Q) Applic�t{on of P�yrtNftl�. Unless otherwf�e rpuind Dy law, sumt p�ld to Landar hereunder, inctudinp without Iimk�tbn
<br /> p�yme�t�of principY�nd Inte�est,insurenoe QroaeedR,aondwnn�tMn procMd��r►d ranta and proik�,�h�ll b�+pnNsd by Le�dM tn .
<br /> ,the�maunt�du�tnd owing fram Truator snd borrowx:r,tuch order as Lender in lt�sole diseretion dsem�destnbFs.
<br /> ' IK) SwN'�b�tY. If �ny'providon of tht� Deed of Yrust confllot� wkh spplic�ble lew or 1� d�cland invaNd oc.athervWM
<br /> un�nfore�sbts,tVch confilct or Inv�lidky shNl not�ff�at the ccher provisbns of thi�Desd ot Trust or th�Not�wl►kh.�cnn 6�yN�n
<br /> �ft�ct withowi ahe confllctinq provitlon, �nd to this end tt�n p�oviibnt of thls Deed ot Tru�t �nd the Not�are dseiared to b�
<br /> . �w�rabie. '
<br /> (q T�nm.7h�tertns"Ttu�tar"md'Borrower"shul Inctude both sinyulnr snd plual,�nd when the Trustor md Borrowa W�th� .
<br /> �sm�pK�ontsl,thuae tentis ae used in thti�eed ot Tr�st�hatl bs inta��ch�npeabie.
<br /> _ fm1 Qov��Law.Tfits�Qoed of 7rust shal!be qoverned by the I�ws ot the St�te of Nebraake.
<br /> Tniaor hM e ut D ot Truet a�cf hs dne wrtcien above.
<br /> " I TI , Trustor Tru�tor
<br /> r ��
<br /> , ANN TIN Trustor Truator
<br /> -• Trustor Trustar -
<br />'N
<br /> J NBC 3467C lNonapricu�turel Dud1 Rw.o19G :�
<br /> � 1088 N�tionil B�nk o1 Commerce Tru�t�nd S�vinps Associ�tlon,Llncotn.N�braek� �
<br />