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<br />��`,'` S. E3�uard or Proptrty lrueu►se. Bormwer ah�ll kecp the improvements aow existin� or here�tter erccted oa t!�
<br /> � Prcperty insured�gainst losa by flre.huards included witAin the tertn "tatended covenge" and �n=•other hu�M�, includins
<br /> :- floods or flvodin�, [or whieh Laber rcqutns lasurance.Thts fnsuru�ce etull be maiautinoc!tn the�mou�nt�usd for the pedoda
<br /> � • �hnt l.cnder rcquires. The insusance carrier provlding the insurutice ahaDl be chosen by Banower subjrct to Lender'a approvd
<br /> � -� which ahtlA not be emreiuonably witNield. It Borrower fiils to m�intiin covera�e descdbed �bovo. I.ender auy. �t Lender'�
<br />`''�� uption.obtain cover�e to protcet Lender's right�in the Propecty�n�ccordance wtth pu�gnyh 7.
<br /> -- All[nsurance policlea aud reoew�l� chall be acceptable to Lrendcr end ahall include a sandard a�rt=age clause. Lender
<br /> - ah�ll have the ri$ht to hold the policia�nd renawals.If Lender roquires.Borrowcr eholl promptly give to I.ender xll ceceipts of
<br /> ..:�,� p�id premtume and renewd notica. In tLe event oi toes.Borrower ehnll give prompt nocfce to the inauruice carrier aad L,eader.
<br />_ �� Lender mry m�lcs proof of loss if aot made gmmpdy by Borrower.
<br /> "•.' Unleu I.a�der rad Borrower othecwl�e aarec fn wddng.inauru�ce prooeed�skall be applied to r�toruioa or repair oi the
<br />:-�,,y Pcoperty dam�ed,if the mtorstioa or tnp�[r is a;onomicaUy fasible wd L,eader'a aecuriry is aot l�srned.If tl�e nstoruion or
<br />;-��_.� repair is aot cconomic�lly fwlble or Leader's eecuriry would be lesseaed.the insurance pmc¢eds ehall be�ppGed to the sums
<br /> s� sxurod by tdis Securtry Wstniment.whcther or not t�en due,wlth uiy aacess paid to Borrower. If Bomawer�►b�adont thc
<br /> --== Properry,or does not uuwer within 30 daye a aottcc from l�nder ih�t the Insuriaoe c�rrkr haa offered to kttle a claim,thcn
<br />-�_� Leader may ooAxt tha ineuran�ce preceeds. l.eadax msy use the pmcoode to npair or reaWc+e tLe Propaty or to pay eume
<br /> -_-„�- aecurex!by tbL Securjry Giet�-uuient.whether ar not ttsen due.1'he 3Q-dry pertca!will begia altca thc notkx is givea. -
<br /> -'`�� Unless I.eadcr�ad Ba3s�owcr ocheiwtae �Qcee la wrttinQ, anY AppUc�don of proceeda to principal�daU na eatead or
<br />-�� pcutpone tl�e due date of the ma►thIy paymrnta neferred to in par�graphe 1 and 2 or change tha ut�ount of the p�yanenb. It
<br /> under p�ragr�ph 21 the Property is acquircd by Lender.Bornower'a�ig�t to�ny insur�noe polictes�nd pmoeeds raultIng&vm
<br /> d�ge ro tbe Property pdor to the acquiiiNon eh�ll pw to I.eader to the eateAt of tde a�ms eecurod by thia Secudey lnstru�neat
<br /> -��� immodIuely pdor to the�cqulsidon.
<br /> - 6. Ooeup�ncy.Praervadon,Matnte�nce and Pwtation ot the Pe+opatyi Bonowa's Lou AppHcaHoo:I.e�efiold�.
<br /> Bomown sYuJl oocupy�esnbllsh��nd uoe the Pro�ferty a�Borrower'a piincipil�+aldeaoe withia�ixty dtya�fter the execudon of
<br /> =� this Sa:udty Insaument�nd ahall ooatinuc to occupy t6e Propecty u Borrower'a princ!pal residesjoe for�t least one yar aRer
<br /> __ the dau of oxup�ocy.naless L.ender otb.envlse�gc+ees in wxitin�. which con:cnt ehW aot be unre�wa�bly aithheld,or unl�u
<br /> exteauuing clr�msnnas exiat whirh are bcyond Borrower'a contml. Borrower sh�ll not deauoy. damt�ge or in�ptir tbe
<br /> "� . �r.,�.`:tY�s2tars s�fr�ge:t�,;ta des,.-zla:7te� �r aaa:mis�a:ts ass shs P�ger!y. Es�mwrr�!!t�3�M�*_ ��Y���!'lh.��
<br />°----- acxioa or pt+ocooding.wlmf►er civil or crtmtnal,is begun that in Lwdar'a good fiith judgme�st oould rtsult in forfdtune oi tLe
<br /> = Property or ot6etwlee muerially imP�r the liea created by this Security Iasaumeat or Leader'a eocurity intaest.Bamarar mxy
<br /> — cun such R default�nd�etnatate,s prov[ded in puaaraph 18.by c,�using tLe�ction or procoeeding to be dismtsud�vitti a iulin�
<br /> thu, in I�rnder'a good fiith dete�mio�don, prcclud�+ forfeiturc of the Bomnwer'a intaeat in the Pmpeity or other mucrLl
<br /> � Im�irment of the liea crated by this Secudty Inmumaat or Leader'a ae�uricy interest. Bomower a�h�ll�1ro be ia defiult if
<br /> =�� Borrower,during the loan�pplic�tlon pnocas.Bive mntarlally fatee or inaccurate tnformulon or rtatcmoau w I.wder(ar f�ii�xl
<br /> W provlde L�nder wtth any muerW inform�tion)in oomnection with the lwn evidevood by the Note. iacludtag,but not limi0ed
<br /> , to�npraeat�tions eaneemfn�g�3omowa'a oocupmc.y of tLe Propeny as a prineipil c�esideaee.U thL Saur�ty In:u�ument is a►�
<br /> le�selwld, Bormwer sh�U comply with all the provIrions of tho lwe. If Bom�wer scqui�a fa tide to tLe PmQerty, the
<br /> leax�wld aM the fx title atWl mt merse ualess L�eader�rees to tha merger in wrlting.
<br /> i 7.Pnote�tlon ot Lwder's RI�,tW Ia tLe Pt+operiy.If Borrower f�ila tn perfomt tho covea�nts md�ts oontainod ia
<br /> -- thia Seturity InsKUment.or t6ere is a lagd pmceoding th�t miy significandy iifxt L�eader's t4aha in tt�e Propaty(suct►�u�
<br /> � pmooeding in bankniptcy,prnbate, for condemn�tion or forfeiture or to enforce Itwa or negWuions). then I.eader may do and
<br /> pry for whatever is nooes�ary to protect tho vtlue oi the P�operty�nd I.ender'a cig�te fn the Property. Lmder'a�ctiont m�y
<br /> include piying aay s�nu saurod by a liea wh[ch has pdodty over tLia Secudty �t. �pparh�g it►court. WY�3
<br /> — :easonable anorneys'fea a�d entering on the Property to malce repitra. Although Lender msy t�ke+�cxiun wder thi:p�unigcaph
<br /> � 7.L,ender dvp not have w do ao.
<br /> Any amaunts d�slwreed by L�+ndor uadcr thia pahgrapL 7 ah�il ba:ome�Witional dcbt of Borrower iecucod hy this
<br /> Secudty Inamui�ent. Unleas Bonvwer fmd L�ender agee to oWer tetms of paymeat. thae amounta shill beu intereu fmm tbo
<br /> due af dlsbursemeat at�he Note rate and stull be pryable. w[tL interest.upon noda trom I,rader to Bormwa requestina
<br /> prymeat.
<br /> = S.Mort�e I...�.�.�.,if Lender rcquired mortgage insarance a�a condition of mikLig tbe loaa securod by this Secudty
<br /> s Insaumeat. Borrower sball psy tisee premiu�requirat to maincein the mortgage inaurmce ln et�ect.If.(or my re�son. tln
<br /> -- mortgage jn.iurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceues to be in effect,Borrower ah�ll p�y the pnmiums rcquired to
<br />==-- obt�ia coverige eubstaniially oquivalont to the mortgage insurwce pmvloualy in ef�'ea,�t a cost aubstaatially equivtlent to tLo
<br />_. -- � caet to Borrower of the mortgage uuurancx pnvlously in effe�t. from en�ltcrnuc mortg�gc insvner�ppmval by I.eader. If
<br />_�r,,;;u s�bstanp�lly equivalent mortgage inaurance coverage ia not availA6le.Borrower ehnll pay to Lendor each month a n�e,M:al to
<br /> one•twelfW of itne yeuly mortgage inaurauoe premium being piid by Bormwer w6ea the insutance cover�ge lapxd or�ce�sed to
<br />�:-�:��.• be in effoct.Lender will accept.uae and ntaia these payments az a lou reserve{n lieu of mortgage iosuc�ua. Loss nserve
<br /> � rn:a
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